Steve Axon complete inflatable 5K - East Cheshire Hospice

Steve Axon complete inflatable 5K

Bouncing around on an inflatable obstacle course gave Steve Axon good reason to raise more than £400 for East Cheshire Hospice.

Steve was remembering his late father Barry, a firefighter and security guard at AstraZeneca, who died of cancer aged 64.

Joining Steve for his fun challenge in Knutsford was a friend who benefits from his work.

Steve Axon after his inflatable challenge.

Steve, from Macclesfield, delivers training for staff who provide supportive living for adults with learning difficulties and mental health problems.

Steve said: “My friend wanted to do a sponsored challenge and raising funds for the Hospice seemed the obvious thing to do.

“When my dad was in there many years ago the Hospice was fabulous with him.

“They don’t just look after the patient they look after the family as well and my mum virtually moved in there.

Steve completing his obstacle course.

“The Hospice is such a worthwhile and vital resource for the community and much needed for people towards the end of life.”

Steve also undertakes support work himself. He said: “We have supported people who have gone into the Hospice for end-of-life care.

“I did work there for a while as an auxiliary nurse. It’s a great place to work and the ethos is beautiful.”

Steve has also completed a tandem parachute jump for the Hospice.

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