All set for Born Survivor! - East Cheshire Hospice

All set for Born Survivor!

Getting wet and muddy is not usually Carley Macey’s idea of a fun day out.

But the daring community fundraiser is tackling a Born Survivor at Capesthorne Hall on Saturday, May 7, in aid of East Cheshire Hospice where she works.

Boyfriend Sean Taylor and fellow members at Silk Fitness Therapy are also ready to face the obstacle course, designed by Royal Marine commandos.

Sean Taylor and Carley Macey who are tackling a Born Survivor challenge.

Carley said: “I hate getting wet and dirty, it’s not me at all. I didn’t realise what I was signing up for initially and thought it might be a good laugh.

“I met Sean at the gym Christmas party in 2019 and he encouraged me to sign up. We’ve waited a long time to do this because the event was delayed after the pandemic hit.

“Our gym is part of the Hospice’s 500 Club and members are treating the event as a fundraising and bonding exercise with coach Mike Mason, who runs our PT sessions, also taking part.

“We’ve all agreed to stick together,  but if Sean leaves me behind I’m not sure we’ll be together after the event!” joked Carley.

The charity’s other corporate supporters, financial planners Equilibrium and recruiters Leap29, have also entered teams as part of their on-going fundraising.

The adventure involves slides, cold water obstacles, climbing nets and walls and underground tunnels.

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The deadline to register to take part is 5 pm on Friday, April 29. Visit

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