Juliette was the company’s UK lead during the pandemic - East Cheshire Hospice

Juliette was the company’s UK lead during the pandemic

Juliette White CBE describes AstraZeneca’s swift and effective response to Covid as one of the proudest moments of her career.

Juliette was the company’s UK lead during the pandemic.

She said: “We had to keep staff safe as we had people working in labs and factories all the way through, as well as remotely.

“We also had to adapt our safety measures as the virus and science evolved.

Will Spinks who will step down after nine years as a Trustee at East Cheshire Hospice.

“Our priority was protecting employees and patients because we had vulnerable patients with cancer and other illnesses who still needed their supply of drugs.

“We also had to source the supply of the vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca.

“It was the proudest I’ve been of anything that we ever did as a collective and as a company.

“The fact we launched the vaccine at no profit through that pandemic phase was also incredible.

“We reached the most vulnerable in society and began to vaccinate them after diagnostic tests and treatments had stopped.”

Juliette’s final role at AZ as head of sustainability also gave her great satisfaction.

She said: “We put values and impact on society at the heart of all our decisions around sustainability.

“We took bold moves and, importantly, encouraged others to up their game.

“As a big household name, you have a responsibility as a company not only to do the right thing and be ambitious for your own goals, but to help raise the games of others and get them to do more than they might have done otherwise.”

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