Spike Elliott's volunteering experience at the Hospice - East Cheshire Hospice

Spike Elliott’s volunteering experience at the Hospice

The sky is the limit for RAF veteran Spike Elliott with his volunteering.

Helping others is a way of life for Spike whether carrying furniture or Christmas trees in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

Such dedication does not end there.

Spike with wife Helen collecting trees.

Spike has been involved with the air cadets since 1997, the year he left the RAF after 22 years with the armed forces.

He said: “Next year will see me wearing the blue uniform for 50 years. I was an air cadet before joining the RAF in 1976.”

Spike then worked mainly for the Ministry of Defence before retiring two years ago.

That was his cue to get involved collecting and delivering furniture for the Hospice.

Spike (right) with Sgt Bill Martin after receiving their Platinum Jubilee and King’s Coronation medals.

Spike said: “I help on the furniture van every Thursday. We go all over and if the Hospice are short and I’m free I’ll do extra shifts.

“I suppose I can’t say no. I’m glad to help. My philosophy is that while I’ve got my health and while I can, why shouldn’t I try to help those less fortunate?

“I’d like to think that if I were in there, I’d know what’s going on outside to give me the best possible care.”

Spike and wife Helen, from Macclesfield, spent almost two years as St John Ambulance volunteers vaccinating during Covid.

Spike on the furniture round for East Cheshire Hospice.

Spike said: “We’d jump in our car and head off everywhere, often working double shifts. Some patients were in tears, not because the jabs hurt, but they were so relieved to get vaccinated.

“We did it because we could. You do someone a good turn if you can.”

The couple met through a love of walking and, coincidentally, both were serving in the RAF. They have a son James and granddaughter Ava-Jane, aged two.

Spike got his nickname in the RAF. He said: “Like all service personnel you get called something. My hair was a mess one day and someone called me Spike.

“Even Helen calls me Spike. She only called me by my given name once and that was the day we got married.”

Spike is Officer Commanding of 201 Macclesfield Squadron Air Training Corps.

He has helped with the Hospice tree collection since moving to the area in 2008.

As well as collecting trees on the weekend, he coordinates volunteers who deal with advertising banners and signs. * To offer good quality furniture email furniture@echospice.org.uk

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