Did you know? - East Cheshire Hospice

Did you know?

Some key facts

East Cheshire Hospice is committed to providing holistic care to our patients and their families – medically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. Our services extend far beyond end-of-life care, including the management of progressive illnesses and a range of help and support available to carers and families.

Here are some facts about the Hospice that you might not know:

  • Our 15 bed inpatient unit welcomes visitors including children and even pets. It also has overnight accommodation for families.
  • Our self contained Sunflower Wellbeing Centre offers a range of supporting services for carers and families, including specialist sessions for different illnesses such as MND & Dementia.
  • Our Hospice @Home team brings our specialist care into patients’ homes, providing out of hour support to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and complement existing community services.
  • We have onsite physiotherapists, occupational therapists and a lymphoedema specialist, to help improve our patients’ independence and mobility.
  • Our art therapist offers one to one psychotherapy, to help express changing and intense emotions.
  • We offer a range of proven complementary therapies to patients and carers to help relieve pain, nausea and tension, as well as to soothe, relax and lift mood.
  • We provide pre- and post-bereavement counselling support for adults and children.
  • Spiritual support is given by our chaplaincy team, embracing all beliefs and faith systems.
  • Our in-house catering team prepare fresh meals for patients and visitors.
  • Our services are delivered by a dedicated and integrated workforce of over 100 staff and more than 300 volunteers.
  • Only 21% of the Hospice’s funding is from the government and the remainder is funded independently through the generosity of the local community. We need to raise £9,362 each day to keep East Cheshire Hospice running.

How to donate to East Cheshire Hospice

Thank you so much for choosing to support East Cheshire Hospice. You may never know how much your gift means, but we know that it will make the world of difference to our patients and their families.