Rose and Peter Prepare for Firewalk - East Cheshire Hospice

Rose and Peter Prepare for Firewalk

Rose Brocklehurst is guaranteed a warm reception when she returns to East Cheshire Hospice in a couple of weeks.

Not only because Rose once worked there, but also because she faces the daunting prospect of a Firewalk.

Rose and husband Peter have both agreed to take part in the challenge on Friday, November 6, starting at 7 pm.

Rose and Peter Brocklehurst who are undertaking a Firewalk.

They are raising funds in memory of Liz Brown whose husband Greg works at the farm they own near Congleton.

Greg, from Macclesfield, took part in the last Firewalk two years ago, shortly after Liz died at the Hospice, aged 38.

Liz and Greg Brown.

Rose and Peter were there to support him so know what to expect. Rose said: “We saw the flames turn into hot coals so watched the process and thought we’ll do it next time.

“I worked at the Hospice for nearly 20 years initially as a nurse and then as a complementary therapist so have first-hand experience of its role within the community and how it needs funds.”

Peter said: “We’re both fascinated by the challenge and I’ve seen people doing it before in India on television. We thought it’d be nice to raise money in Liz’s memory.”

To sponsor them visit

* There are still spaces at the Firewalk which is streamed live from Millbank Drive due to Covid-19, limiting spectator numbers. Safety briefings will be given online.

Visit The £30 registration fee covers the cost of the event and additional sponsorship goes directly towards Hospice care.


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