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Snap up a ticket to ‘Living in the 80’s’

The owner of a family company staging a show in aid of East Cheshire Hospice has been overwhelmed by the level of local business support.

Adlington-based Intersafety is hoping to raise £5,000 from a special concert at MADS Theatre on Saturday, October 14, at 7.45 pm.

Local Intersafety customers are snapping up tickets and programme sponsorship for ‘Living in the 80s’ by The Cinema Show, which documents significant milestones during that decade.

The instrumental group combine 80s retro sounds with large screen film footage.

Tony Skelton from Intersafety

Intersafety, founded 21 years ago, distributes personal protective equipment, clothing and workplace safety products.

Managing Director Tony Skelton commented: “I’ve been delighted at how willing and generous local businesses have been in supporting the Hospice by co-sponsoring this event with us.

“The charity is held in such high regard in Macclesfield, everyone connects with them at some level. It doesn’t matter who you speak with – someone has had a friend or relative who’s gone through the Hospice process.

“We asked our customers to support this concert and their response has been incredible. If we can raise £5,000, what a great story this is for the town in which we trade.

“All companies recognise the benefits commercially. It sends out a positive message and we’re all aware of our social and corporate responsibility.”

The show captures the dawn of mobile phones, MTV, Live Aid and outrageous 80s fashion.

* Tickets are priced at £9 (£5 for under-15s). Order online at

Former team-mates continue to honour the memory of football fanatic Col Smith.

Former team-mates continue to honour the memory of football fanatic Col Smith.

The Macclesfield Parish manager died of cancer in 2020, aged 52.

Col Smith

Ever since, two teams he played for – Parish and St Peter’s which are part of the same club – have staged an annual charity match as a tribute.

The latest encounter at St George’s Park, Windmill Street, raised £278 for East Cheshire Hospice where Col spent his final days.

A close game ended in a 2-1 victory for St Peter’s which meant they retained the Col Smith Memorial Trophy.

Players from Macclesfield Parish and St Peter’s at this year’s memorial game. 

Col, of Higher Hurdsfield, was ill for 10 years but stayed involved with club which plays in the South Manchester and Cheshire Christian Football League.

He combined a passion for football with his deep love of the Christian faith and was a member of Bollington Life Church.

Parish manager David Mayers said: “We continue to stage the match in honour of our friend and former player and manager. St Peter’s lead the series 2-1 after a draw the first year.

“We don’t have to push the players to take part. They want to be part of it because a lot of them have friends or relatives who’ve been cared for by the Hospice.

“It’s a big part of many people’s lives in Macclesfield and we’re delighted to raise funds for such a good cause.”

Bollington-based company supports Pie and Pint

Barry Jones licked his lips when he signed up for a Pie and a Pint challenge.

But he was unaware a 10k walk was also part of the East Cheshire Hospice event on Saturday, September 16, from 10 am.

Barry said: “I didn’t realise it was a walk – I thought it was just a pie and a pint, but never mind.

“I like a pint and enjoy a pie now and then. I play football occasionally and train my son’s team, but that’s about as energetic as I get.”

Madison O’Neill (left) and Barry Jones with Lisa Ball, corporate fundraiser at East Cheshire Hospice.

Barry works in the sales team at Cutler Cleaning Supplies Ltd which provides cleaning and janitorial products for the Hospice.

The Bollington-based company has also joined the 500 club which means it donates £500 to the charity each year.

Sales manager Madison O’Neill, who is a keen walker, will join Barry on the walk.

He said: “We support the Hospice as much as possible and regularly donate surplus stock.”

There are still spaces left in the walk, sponsored Holdcroft. To enter visit

The route starts and ends at Macclesfield Rugby Club, visiting Over Alderley, Mottram St Andrew, Prestbury and Dale Brow.

Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult or have written permission. Tickets include a non-alcoholic drink for those under age.

Walkers need to wear suitable clothing and footwear, preferably walking boots and waterproofs rather than trainers due to the challenging route. Entrants receive a pie and a pint at the finish.

East Cheshire Hospice goes for Britain in Bloom

Judges have been casting their expert eye over the gardens at East Cheshire Hospice for the Britain in Bloom awards.

The Hospice is hoping to win the hospice category at the RHS regional awards with the results announced next month.

Gardening enthusiasts have been hard at work creating a floral wonderland for patients and visitors after businesses answered a plea for help.

Volunteers from corporate supporters Leap 29 and Barclays helped dig and prepare the grounds before planting took place.

 Michelle Walker-Brown from the Hospice with Ryan Simpson (left) from Viridis Plants and David Hadley from Creative Gardens and Driveways

Bramhall-based Creative Gardens and Driveways, owned by David Hadley, organised a £1,000 plant donation from supplier Viridis Plants for the makeover.

David ensured expert horticultural advice was given. He said: “When I heard the appeal, I knew immediately that we had to help.

“Plants play such an uplifting role in our lives and it was clear the hospice recognised the comfort that spending time among nature brings patients and their families.

“It was an honour to help a local organisation in need.”

Volunteer Hospice gardeners played a key role in activities overseen by Michelle Walker-Brown, the charity’s general services manager.

Michelle said: “It has been a real team effort and we’re so grateful for all the help. Having peaceful and beautiful plants in the Hospice grounds makes a genuine difference to families.

Flower power…another donation arrives at East Cheshire Hospice.

“The community spirit is amazing, showing once more just how much the public and business care about our patients.”

Judges toured the revamped Hospice grounds, which include a sensory garden, vegetable and herb patch and a memory garden.

The Hospice’s green credentials have already earned a business award with sustainability at the heart of each outdoor area. For example …

* Water butts reduce reliance on mains supplies.

* Empty laundry liquid tubs were cleaned to grow strawberries and salad vegetables for patient menus.

* Baked bean and plum tomato tins gave new life to house plants.

* Old tyres from Hospice @Home cars were turned into planters, along with wooden pallets.

Wildflowers planted around the hospice grounds attract bees and butterflies.

Daffodils, tulips, crocus, hyacinth and snowdrop bulbs bloom each year around the grounds and in pots. Small Christmas trees replanted in a nursery area will be re-potted in internal gardens outside patient rooms and wards.

The Hospice was part of the gold award won by Macclesfield at the 2022 awards and is going for more glory after learning there is a hospice category this year.

MND Day’s poignant and emotional moment

The sound of a drum provided a poignant and emotional moment at the MND Day at Macclesfield Rugby Club.

Proud Sophie Usher banged the drum nine times in memory of her father Richard, a much-loved Macclesfield GP who died from motor neurone disease 18 months ago.

The number of hits honoured the No 9 shirt worn by Richard, a player for the club.

Organisers Jill Harding (left ) and Natalie Nye with Joel Millett (left) and Allan Nicholles.

Sophie’s symbolic act replicated Kevin Sinfield who became known for ‘banging the drum’ about the need to research MND.

At fundraising events Sinfield hits the drum seven times, signifying the shirt number worn by his close friend and former Leeds Rhinos team-mate Rob Burrow MBE, whose story about dealing with the debilitating disease has touched the nation.

The late Doddie Weir, another ex-rugby player, raised awareness about the illness before Sinfield took up the cause, completing several ultra sporting challenges to raise millions of pounds for MND research.

Jill Harding shows 18-month old Henry the route.

Jill Harding, co-organiser of the Macclesfield event, said: “Kevin Sinfield said he would have come along but for his coaching commitments with England Rugby Union on the day of the event.

“Sophie helped with social media and was one of many volunteers who helped make it such a memorable day.”

There is still time to donate, with proceeds shared between the MND Association and East Cheshire Hospice.

The JustGiving page for the MND Association linked to the event is still open and can be found at

Sophie Usher drumming up support.   

MADS theatre performers from Australia!

Fundraisers for East Cheshire Hospice come from far and wide – but rarely from Australia!

Yet a theatre group have travelled from Melbourne to Macclesfield to appear at MADS Theatre tomorrow night (Thur July 6).

The 12-strong ensemble will perform The Pirate Code, a musical about two women pirates. The slightly saucy true tale is set in the Caribbean in the early 1700s.

The show starts at 7.30 pm and theatregoers can buy a ticket on the door, or via the Mads website (

John Chandler from MADS Theatre. 

Tickets are £15 and profits will go to the Hospice.

The Nuworks company are also performing at four other UK venues during a week-long tour funded by themselves.

Macclesfield Amateur Dramatic Society are proud to host their Aussie visitors and hope theatregoers turn out to support them.

MADS management member John Chandler said: “They’re an amateur theatre group like ourselves and it’s great they’re coming from the other side of the world to perform in Macclesfield.

“Please come along and support your local community and most importantly your local Hospice. MADS have always supported the Hospice and we’re proud to do so again.”

Nuworks actors performing The Pirate Code.

The request to appear in Macclesfield came out of the blue.

John, whose roles include theatre hire and building stage sets, said: “Nuworks asked if they could use our theatre and we agreed to underwrite the show.

“We’re members of the Little Theatre Guild and I think they’d heard good reports about our productions. The group are similar to ourselves and write and produce their own shows.”

John saw Nuworks at rehearsals for another show on a visit to Australia earlier this year. He was there to visit his daughter Kiri who works for a charity out there.

John said: “It was quite fortuitous really that I was going out there anyway so I asked to meet them. They’re a great bunch of actors and we’re really grateful they’ve chosen Macclesfield.

The Pirate Code in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

“It was their suggestion to donate ticket sales, once costs are met, to a local charity and there was only one choice really for us.

“Our theatre on Lord Street belongs to our members and can accommodate an audience of more than 190. It’s our 75th anniversary so this special visit helps us celebrate in style.”

* The next MADS production is The Cats Mother by Erica Murray, a black comedy which runs from September 11-16.

Hazel Buckley and her handmade goods story

Great grandmother Hazel Buckley is one of the oldest East Cheshire Hospice volunteers and one of the youngest at heart.

Hazel was 90 in February, but shows no sign of slowing down her knitting which she has done since she was seven.

Hazel, from Tytherington, helps by making handmade goods which raise funds for the charity through donations.

Knitter Hazel with great granddaughters Poppy (left), Amber and Olive (front).

Hazel said: “I’ve got a badge that says ‘When I’m sitting I’m knitting’ and that describes me perfectly. I knit whenever I’m watching television.

“I couldn’t not knit. My age is just a date on a piece of paper isn’t it? My brain is just as good as ever.

“My fingers are a bit arthritic and going a bit knobbly but they keep working. I’ll keep knitting because I enjoy the challenge.

“I don’t need a pattern and can make them up. I can crochet but prefer knitting and anything that involves using my fingers. I also paint and won second prize in a show in Sutton.”

Hazel was encouraged to knit by her mother Alice and was taught the craft at school.

Hazel Buckley with a selection of her handiwork.

She has volunteered for the Hospice for three years since going to a lunch there. Her handiwork used to be sold in a Macclesfield shop, earning enough to pay her grocery bills.

She makes gifts of all shapes and sizes, including matching Grief Bears and hearts, Easter humpties and festive designs and knits bespoke items to order.

Hazel said: “The Hospice does such a wonderful job. I don’t know how people can possibly manage without them.

“Staff are so nice and I’ve met quite a few of them. They’re lovely and devoted.”

Hazel and daughter Claire covered a bike with knitting to promote a bikeathon at Just Drop In, a centre where her other daughter Jain raised funds with a Kilimanjaro climb.

The bike Hazel and daughter Claire knitted over

Hazel has five grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren and was a GPO telephonist. She also worked as a summer temp on the main switchboard at Manchester Airport, situated in the Ops tower.

Hazel added: “It was the best job I ever had. It was exciting, especially with the buzz of working at the airport.

“The switchboard room was right on the side of the runway. We saw the planes coming in and dealt with flight inquiries as well as emergencies.”

Prestbury Pharmacy fundraises for East Cheshire Hospice

A chemist shop has joined forces with craft makers to come up with the right prescription for East Cheshire Hospice.

More than £7,600 has been raised from customer donations at Prestbury Village Pharmacy over three years.

Angela Ball, dispenser at Prestbury Village Pharmacy, which supports craft makers.

In exchange, shoppers pick one of countless items made by crafters with proceeds donated to the charity.

The volunteers started off as a group making scrubs for healthcare professionals in Covid and then turned their attention to face masks.

Founder Sheila MacLaren said: “When the need for face coverings diminished we decided it would be nice to stay together as a group.

“We could also meet face-to-face after restrictions were lifted, only ever having waved at each other from a distance previously.

“With the help of Ruth Moyes and Angela Raval, we morphed into a craft group and broadened it to more than just sewing. We now also knit, crotchet, make cards and patchwork. We also make novelties at Easter and Christmas.

Sheila MacLaren (left) with fellow members of Prestbury Craft Group.

“We’re extremely grateful to pharmacist David Wood and his staff for allowing us to put items on display with proceeds collected in a tin.”

Around 15-20 of the group meet every Wednesday from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm at the Legh Arms. Coffee, tea, cake, crafting and chatting are on the agenda.

David said: “We’re a community pharmacy, so are delighted to help how we can. The craft group make some amazing designs all for a good cause which is our fantastic Hospice.”

Pye Ash Farm supports the Hospice

Breeding farm animals runs in the Gilman family and so does raising funds for East Cheshire Hospice.

They have raised more than £11,000 for the charity in just over two years through pumpkin mazes and lambing live events.

They own Pye Ash Farm, in Bosley, where face painting sessions have proved as popular with children as cattle and sheep.

Three generations work on a farm family owned since the 1930s.

From left, friends Lizzie Jones, Martha Gilman and Jemma Long with Pippy and Scrappy.

James’ father Joe – now almost 90 – still keeps an eye on what is going on at the farm and helps with car parking at seasonal events.

James is one of the country’s top sheepdog trainers and held trials for charity last year. The accomplished dog handler has represented England many times.

Indeed, in 2007 he won One Man and His Dog, a popular BBC television series.

James developed an interest 40 years ago when he bought his first dog Jill for £5. The sheepdogs he now trains are eighth generation.

Farm team members (from left) James Gilman, Lizzie Jones, Lizzie Clark, Kiera Bradley, Jane Gilman, Ash Imber and George Gilman.

Daughter Martha said: “Dad takes great pride in breeding and owning dogs and his lessons for local farmers and handlers are extremely popular.

“He just got the bug for sheepdog training and it became his passion, along with running the farm.

“We have 500 sheep of different breeds, 100 head of Hereford cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, turkeys and around 10 sheepdogs at any one time.”

James Gilman and sheepdog Harry.

Bees are also part of life. James’ wife Jane is a beekeeper, a hobby she combines with teaching in Wincle and helping train dogs.

Martha and brother George will get involved at events, while George’s fiancée Liz is a vet which is useful. Their friend Jemma Long is a willing helper.

Martha said: “East Cheshire is our nearest hospice and close to the hearts of a lot of people we know.

“We’ve raised more than £14,000 for charity, mostly for the Hospice, from donations, including for face painting.

Farm workers (from left, back) Olivia Wain, Martha Gilman, Winnie Bullock, Sarah Nixon, Grace Gibbs. Front, Jane Gilman, Lizzie Clark, Kiera Bradley, James Gilman, Paige Jepson.

“The TV show brought sheepdog competition to the public attention. It involves how well the dog and handler work together getting sheep through gates.”

Pye Ash Farm will host sheepdog trials in August next year and their next event is a Pumpkin Maze this October. Visit

Caring Carl Lamptey is the pride of Cheshire!

Caring Carl Lamptey is the pride of Cheshire!

Modest Carl will not admit it since he is too busy fundraising, but he deserves the accolade for amazing service to the community.

Carl Lamptey at the Local Hero awards at Cottons Hotel and Spa.

The Macclesfield dad is overwhelmed after scooping two awards recognising his dedication.

Carl won Cheshire’s Silk 106.9 Pride of Cheshire prize at the Local Hero 2023 Awards, days after receiving a civic award from Macclesfield mayor Cllr Fiona Wilson.

His Team Rainbow has raised more than £70,000 for East Cheshire Hospice where wife Sarah died of breast cancer in 2014, aged 36.

Carl Lamptey with his Silk 106.9 award. 

He supports many causes, including appeals by the radio station. He also helped a boy with a brain tumour get his wish for an Apple tablet.

Carl said: “It all began when Sarah started holding parties to raise funds and basically I’ve continued her legacy. I’ve not stopped fundraising because that’s what she wanted to do.

“I know the community are going to give, because they’re awesome. During lockdown I asked footballers to donate and they didn’t, so I turned to the community and the rest is history. They just nailed it.

“It’s nice to get recognition, but I don’t do it for awards. When Sarah passed I got so many messages from people I didn’t know and realised we’re in a good area with good people who care.

“I know we’ve got a good community, so that’s why I keep doing what I’m doing and the Hospice has been at the heart of my fundraising.”