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Christmas Tree Collection January 2023

The Christmas tree collection in aid of East Cheshire Hospice will be back to normal in January.

Registrations are now open, with organisers promoting the eco-friendly benefits of buying a real tree.

The event – over the weekend of January 14/15 – raised a record-equalling £150,000 for the Hospice last winter.

Unlike last year, Covid restrictions are not an issue for the 23rd year of the collection, which is believed to be the largest in the world!

More than £1.5m has been raised in that time, thanks to the generosity of donors and dozens of willing helpers.

Tree collectors in Broken Cross in 2022. James Chapman (left), brother Chris and Caitlin Howarth.

Volunteers will be collecting trees over East Cheshire and beyond. The post codes covered are CW12, SK9, SK10, SK11, SK12 and WA16.

The event is sponsored by local businesses, including main sponsors AstraZeneca, meaning all donations go straight to the Hospice. To register trees visit

Trees are recycled into mulch at the local Ansa Environmental Services plant before being industrially composted.

It is estimated that around 500 supporters have been donating Christmas trees regularly since the scheme began.

Organisers are hoping to mark that loyal dedication for the 25th anniversary of the project in 2025.

Co-founder Richard Raymond said: “It’s hard to believe that we’re about to reach our 23rd year of collecting Christmas trees for the Hospice.

“We wouldn’t have got this far without the generosity of owners of Christmas trees whose kind donations make such a difference to Hospice care.

“The funds raised are a significant contribution towards caring for patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families and carers.

“It’s good to be back to normal again after the upheaval of the last couple of years.

“There are persuasive reasons why real trees are more eco friendly than plastic trees, most of which are manufactured in the Far East. These use low-grade plastics such as PVC which are almost impossible to recycle.

“We recycle every tree we collect into a soil improver for the benefit of Cheshire farmland.”

Collection vans will leave from the Hospice in staggered starts like last year.

Potted trees will also be collected. Richard said: “We collected about 20 last time and have someone who will grow them on to be sold next year as Christmas trees in aid of the Hospice.”

Flashback to January and Christmas tree collectors (from left), Steve Bower, Gary Richards and son Criss.

The Cinema Show

Mixing music with memories is the key to success for family band The Cinema Show.

The synth rock group blend sound and film archives – played on an old-style theatre cinema screen – with songs to create a unique show.

The electronic group, based in Macclesfield, rounded off a series of gigs with a charity show at MADS Theatre, raising £1,742 for East Cheshire Hospice.

The Cinema Show performing. From left, Dave Skelton, Jacqui Skelton, Beth Moss, Amy Leech and Doug Skelton.

It included a look back at the London 2012 Olympics, the Festival of Britain in 1951 and the Manhattan Project.

Founder Doug Skelton, a guitarist and keyboard player, usually performs as a duo, with Dave Skelton on drums.

Added to the line-up for this show were Doug’s older sister Jacqui, old school friend Amy Leech and local musician Beth Moss.

Dave Skelton and Doug Skelton.

Main sponsors were Intersafety, owned by Doug’s parents Tony and Julie. The 20-year-old local company distributes personal protective equipment and clothing. Arighi Bianchi were the other sponsors.

The Cinema Show bring moments of historical significance to the stage.

Doug said: “I’ve been working on the project for five years since a music tech project sparked the inspiration.

“We mix historical samples and commentary with modern music and lyrics, creating the songs.

A few years ago we acquired a cinema screen for the stage backdrop.”

Doug’s first album This Is the One featured famous sporting events, including the 1966 World Cup and Red Rum’s Grand National triumphs. His second Discovery was about inventions of the last century.

Dave and Doug as a duo perform a track about Eddie the Eagle.

He is currently working on a new project based around 1980s nostalgia. He said: “It was nice to evolve our gigs to a larger band set-up for this show.

“It’s always been a passion and something we really enjoy. My sister got roped in on acoustic guitar after watching rehearsals. On vocals were Amy and Beth, who also plays piano.”

Doug works in marketing for Intersafety, who are keen Hospice supporters. He said:  “All the family have had a connection to the Hospice in the past and two family members were patients there.

“It’s a nice way to engage with the community and have a charity the business can support. The Hospice will stay in the mind of our charity efforts.

“The band and sponsors want to thank everyone who contributed to an amazing night at MADS Theatre where we hope to perform again.”

* Follow the band via

Canoe Against Cancer Afternoon Tea (postponed)

Please note that this event has been postponed with a new date pending.

An afternoon tea is being organised to give two brothers a rousing send-off before their amazing canoe challenge.

Tea, cakes and a glass of fizz will be served at Hollin House Hotel, Bollington, at noon on Sunday (Aug 21).

The gathering, which is open to the public, will toast Tom and George Bentham and wish them bon voyage for their 184-mile paddle almost three weeks later.

Aiming high…canoeists George and Tom Bentham are hoping to raise £15,000 for charity.

Proceeds will go towards the brothers’ fundraising appeal for East Cheshire Hospice where their father Mark, a chef, died of cancer in September, 2019, aged 58.

They hope to raise £15,000, with funds split with Macmillan.

The brothers are aiming to canoe coast-to-coast in nine days. They start at Glasson Dock, near Lancaster, ending at the Humber.

Canals, commercial waterways, small rivers, tidal rivers and seaways all feature in the complex route.

The pair had never sat in a canoe until they bought a two-man vessel earlier this year.

The informal afternoon tea is organised by Tom’s wife Hannah. She said: “Tom and George will give a brief outline of their challenge. They’ve done a lot of training and have been extremely dedicated.”

Two young singers will provide entertainment. Tickets are £25 for adults, £20 for children. For more details contact Hannah on 07964 701027.

Tom Bentham getting ready for his canoe challenge.

Prestbury Golf Day success!

A golf day with a long-standing tradition easily achieved its target of meeting the cost of a day’s care at East Cheshire Hospice.

The event at Prestbury Golf Club raised a record £10,910 net, well above the £7,500 the charity needs daily to run its services.

East Cheshire Hospice community fundraiser Carley Macey (second left), receives a cheque from golf organisers (from left) Nigel Preston, John Davies, Vicky Devon and  Mandy Cross.

At stake was the 35-year-old Mactex Trophy which had not been won for three years due to the pandemic.

However, the stableford team competition returned in style with 21 teams taking part.

It was again organised by John Davies, Director of Mactex Properties Ltd, and ex-golf professional Nigel Preston, from Interflex.

John, who was involved in the first tournament, said: “It was great to be back and we’d like to thank everyone for their generous support.

“The valuable work of East Cheshire Hospice, a facility at the heart of our community, continued unabated during the pandemic so it was wonderful to support the charity.

“Our aim was to raise at least the amount the Hospice needs each day, while having an enjoyable day’s golf and dinner we achieved all those aims, with many familiar supporters supporting the charity.

“Volunteers and contributors helped make it such a successful  day and in particular, we’d like to thank Amanda Cross, director of Sphere UK, Claire Gorton and Carley Macey from the Hospice, Victoria Devon and our main sponsors estate agents Holmes Naden.”

Ethics Leisure won with 89 points, four clear ahead of Martin Allmand-Smith’s team and Arighi Bianchi 1.

East Cheshire Hospice Flower Arrangers are back!

The last volunteer team is now finally back at East Cheshire Hospice after the pandemic.

Flower arrangers were the final helpers to return, more than two years after Covid-19 forced volunteers to be laid off.

Reception staff had been among the first wave back, weeks after lockdown began in March 2020.

Helena Smith, the Hospice’s Voluntary Services Co-ordinator, said: “The return of the flower volunteers is quite a big thing, since it feels like the final piece of the jigsaw is now back in place.

“We want to thank all our flower arrangers for their patience over the last couple of years. The flowers make quite a big difference and are greatly appreciated by patients and visitors, so it’s great that we’ll have them again.”

Flowers from donations decorate individual patient rooms and generally brighten up the Hospice.

The floral team were welcomed back with a workshop at the Picturedrome, organised by Sarah Hinchliffe, a new Hospice volunteer.

Sarah Hinchliffe points out a few floral techniques during a workshop. 

Sarah, a floral designer, opened her business North & Flower in Macclesfield last year when she moved back to the area to be close to family. Husband Adam is from the area.

Sarah said: “The floral industry isn’t very kind to the environment. I pride myself on being environmentally conscious and love telling people about it.

“This workshop with volunteers was a chance to demonstrate sustainable techniques, especially as the Hospice is moving towards becoming more eco-friendly.”

The Hospice is on the lookout for volunteer gardeners. That team has been busy helping create a Serenity Garden in the courtyard at the Hospice.

The eco-friendly project has seen an open patio space at the back of the Hospice transformed into a year-round floral retreat for patients and visitors.

The gardens surrounding the Millbank Drive complex also need regular maintenance.

Helena said: “Anyone who can spare a few hours each week is most welcome. Some of our flower arrangers are also part of the gardening team as well.

“We couldn’t do without our volunteers who help out in so many different ways. Even when they couldn’t be here during challenging times, many were still involved in various fundraising activities.

“It’s an amazing team and we can’t thank them enough for their commitment.”

* Call Helena on 01925 664984 or email for more details.

Adlington Tea Room Takeover is back for this summer!

Enjoy a leisurely Sunday afternoon tea room treat at Adlington Hall this summer and help East Cheshire Hospice.

The charity’s volunteers are serving hot drinks and home-made cakes every Sunday between 2 pm and 5 pm until August 28.

The only exception in July 24 when the venue is closed for a private event.

All proceeds go to the Hospice which raised £1,823 last summer from the venture.

Catering is provided in the traditional tea room in the main building at Adlington Hall, set in  picturesque grounds.

Hospice volunteers (from left) Velda Price, Simon Price, Paige Lester and Liz Donoghue prepare to serve guests at Adlington Hall.

Guests do not need to book teas and, if they wish, can also pay to walk through the hall and gardens at one of England’s finest country homes.

Adlington has been the ancestral home of the Legh family for more than seven centuries.

Camilla Legh is a Hospice Vice President and has volunteered for the charity for several years, helping with flower arranging.

She opened up the extensive gardens in March for the charity’s Memory Walk.

Hospice Community Fundraiser Carley Macey said: “The tea room is an ideal setting and we hope everyone who goes along enjoys the amazing home-made cakes prepared by our volunteers.

“By supporting this initiative, it’s a great way to support your local hospice.”

Adlington Hall is available all year for pre-booked group tours of 20 people minimum. For details visit

Highlights include The Great Hall which houses The Great Organ, arguably one of the country’s most important 17th century musical instruments.

Art Fair Cheshire Success

Art Fair Cheshire returned in style with art lovers hailing its success.

The prestigious exhibition, run by volunteers and in aid of East Cheshire Hospice, ended on Sunday (June 5).

Visitors admired over 1,000 pieces of artwork, including a display by Bollington artist Sue Asbury whose exhibit won a Cheshire Life award.

Artist Jennie Gaywood with her work on display at Art Fair Cheshire 2022

Judges included Hannah Williamson, from Macclesfield, curator at Manchester Art Gallery for 11 years.

Hannah said: “The standard of exhibits at this year’s fair was once again of the highest quality showing the immense artistic talent out there.”

Artists donated at least 40 per cent of sales to the Hospice which will help support its art therapy unit, run by Fay Mitchell, who was also a judge.

Art Fair Cheshire, with AstraZeneca and Little Greene as headline sponsors, was last held in 2019.

From left, judge Hannah Williamson; Art Fair co-chair Georgie Johnson; Cheshire Life editor Joanne Goodwin;  Art Fair co-chair Steven Dalton and East Cheshire Hospice Chief Executive Karyn Johnston.

Co-chair Georgie Johnson said: “We’re very lucky to work with some fantastically creative and talented people. We’d like to thank our sponsors, volunteers, artists and curators for supporting the Hospice.”

Hospice Chief Executive Karyn Johnston said: “The galleries are amazing. An unbelievable amount of voluntary work has gone into staging the event and I’d like to thank all those involved.

“The Hospice only receives 12 per cent of its income from the NHS and needs to raise the rest, so this is one of the major events in our fundraising calendar.”

Exhibitors included Celia Davies, from Whalley, Lancashire, who runs art classes on cruise ships. She said: “This is my first visit here and having exhibits helps raise the profile of my work.”

An oil painting called ‘A Dream in Motion’ by Lara Balcerzak, from Manchester, featured in an emerging artists gallery. Lara said: “I’ve always wanted to be an artist and got my art degree in 2019.  It’s nice to have my work displayed at such a prestigious art fair.”

Winners of the Cheshire Life gallery awards, presented by editor Joanne Goodwin, were:

Assembly Gallery: Ghislaine Howard, Olga Geoghegan, Sue Asbury. Capesthorne Gallery: Francesca de Campora, Rachel Cooke. Emerging Artists: Sarah-Joy Ford.

Artwork on display in Macclesfield Town Hall

John Jones Lifetime Achievement Award

Accordionist John Jones received the best possible present for his 80th birthday tomorrow (June 2) by collecting a lifetime achievement award.

Macclesfield Town Council recognised his amazing efforts in raising around £330,000 for charity over more than 30 years.

Cllr David Edwardes, in one of his final duties as Mayor, presented the award at East Cheshire Hospice which has received more than £103,000 from John’s generosity.

The presentation was delayed because on the date it should have been handed over John was fundraising for the Hospice with the Stockport Accordion Club at Broken Cross Club.

John Jones who has received a lifetime achievement award. 

John was happy to give an impromptu performance at the Hospice when the honour was finally awarded.

He has also raised a similar amount for Macclesfield and District General Hospital, including more recently its intensive care unit where his wife June died two years ago.

He plays classic songs in the hospital’s cafe and waiting rooms and has performed over the years at the Sunflower Centre at the Hospice.

John said: “The award was a complete surprise and I was immensely proud to receive this civic honour for my fundraising for the Hospice and the Hospital.

“I also go busking by the ECHO shop run by the Hospice in Poynton raising money for charity. I get a lot of pleasure from playing my accordion, and making new friends.”

The Queen’s Jubilee celebrations packs

Special Jubilee packs have been produced by East Cheshire Hospice to mark the Queen’s 70 years on the throne.

Organisers of several street parties have already requested the limited-edition packs which contain Union Jack flags and bunting.

The Hospice has more free packs to give away to help celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in style over the extended four-day Bank Holiday at the start of June.

Staff at East Cheshire Hospice get in the mood for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

The packs also have Jubilee-themed fundraising ideas for a variety of events to mark the occasion.

Claire Gorton, community fundraising assistant at the Hospice, said: “If you’re thinking of organising an activity with friends, family and community then why not support a great local cause while you celebrate this momentous occasion?

“Whether you’d like to host a street party, get sponsored to spend the day in fancy dress, or sell handmade crafts, we’d love to hear from you.

“There’s lots of ways people can join in the fun. It could be a red, white and blue day, quiz night, street party, craft activities, BBQ, tombola, bake sale, afternoon tea or even a 1950s themed party.

“In honour of the Queen’s 70 years on the throne, why not challenge yourself to do 70 press-ups or squats every day in June, or run 70 miles over the month?

“It could be a competition to make the best crown-shaped biscuit, or a traditional British desert.”

Contact the community team via email or call 01625 789103.

Jubilee packs are available from

Open your garden to support East Cheshire Hospice

Would you like to show off your garden to support East Cheshire Hospice?

Green-fingered gurus are invited to share their passion for gardening with visitors.

The Hospice will provide a fundraising pack to help home owners who join its Opens Gardens scheme.

Last summer Bill and Julie North entertained visitors at their beautiful garden on Kennedy Avenue and the couple are planning to do the same again this year.

Bill and Julie North who are opening up their garden again for East Cheshire Hospice.

Claire Gorton, community fundraising assistant at the Hospice, said: “Many wonderful gardens are hidden away and Open Gardens is the perfect opportunity to share them with others.

“We’re here to help anyone who wants to take part and our fundraising pack includes a guide, collection boxes, collection buckets, balloons, banners and posters.

“We’ll also send a digital resources pack which includes directions and safety signage, an event checklist and fundraising ideas.

“Those who want to get involved need to choose a date and time and an entry fee. We recommend between £3 and £5.

“People can decide if they want to set a fundraising target, if they have a goal, and if they want to provide teas and coffees, a cake stall, plant sale or raffle.

“Other things to think of are promoting it through friends and our website/social media and checking your garden is safe which might be whether there’s wobbly steps or a pond.”

* For details visit