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Adlington Afternoon Tea

It is not too late to enjoy a traditional afternoon tea in the beautiful surroundings of Adlington Hall. Volunteers from East Cheshire Hospice are providing hot drinks and homemade cakes between 2 pm and 5 pm each Sunday during August.

All proceeds are donated to the charity which accepted an invitation from Adlington Hall to use its traditional tearoom in the main building to raise funds. Guests do not need to book teas and if they want can also pay to stroll through the hall and picturesque gardens at one of England’s finest country homes.

The 2,000-acre estate has been the ancestral home of the Legh family for more than seven centuries and Camilla Legh is a Hospice vice president. The Hospice, which also has a stall selling handmade goods, is holding its memory walk at Adlington Hall on March 25 next year. The first afternoon tea attracted around 50 guests and raised £306 for the Hospice.

From left, volunteers Jane Wilson, Angela Raval and Susan Cleary at Adlington Hall.

Community Fundraiser Carley Macey said: “We’re really excited to be back out in the community raising vital funds for the care we provide. “It’s been a difficult year, as it has been for many people, and the fantastic support from our community has got us though. “We want to thank Adlington Hall for inviting us to use their tearoom which enables us to spread awareness about our services. “We hope everyone who attends enjoys the amazing homemade cakes lovingly made by our volunteers and want to thank guests for supporting your local hospice.”

For more information visit  Adlington Hall houses The Great Organ, arguably one of the country’s most important 17th century musical instruments.

The Hospice’s Macclesfield support group held a coffee morning at Gawsworth Methodist Church.

Meanwhile, the Hospice is on the lookout for community volunteers for a number of roles, including joining a support group.

Carley said: “We’re always looking for volunteers to help with community fundraising and we have support groups across our catchment area. “These are sociable welcoming groups  and we also have other roles such as volunteer cake bakers, collection box monitors and community event volunteers for things like event and market stalls.”

For more details email or visit

Macc Open Art Exhibition Returns

The online Macclesfield Open Art Exhibition returns in September and October in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

The exhibition was revived last year by organiser Geoff Archer and featured work by 236 artists who submitted 651 works, all of which were displayed.

Geoff Archer with one of his paintings Pick Up

Geoff, a painter and former head of art at Henbury High School, said: “Last year’s event was meant to be a one-off, assuming things would be back to normal by now. However, the postponement of Art Fair Cheshire which raises a lot of money for the Hospice, and the consequent loss of funds, convinced me that another Open would be worth doing.

“Last year’s exhibition was a great success and we raised a few thousand pounds for the Hospice. We hope to do at least as well this year.”

Instead of an entry fee, artists make donations to the Hospice and with most works for sale, those who sell are also asked to make a contribution to the charity in lieu of usual commission.

Geoff said: “The exhibition is open to all artists, amateur or professional and there’s no age limit. “Artists are allowed to submit a maximum of three works. Usually there’s a selection process at galleries because of a lack of space to hang items, but like last year everything submitted will be shown.”

Visit for information about submitting work where there is a link to the charity’s website for donations. The public can view exhibits at that website when the exhibition starts.

Art Fair Delayed

The organisers of Art Fair Cheshire have reluctantly taken the decision to postpone the event until May 2022. The biennial art fair takes place at Macclesfield Town Hall in support of East Cheshire Hospice. The decision has been taken because of the on-going uncertainty around the coronavirus pandemic. The popular event had been scheduled to start at the end of September.

Co-chair Georgie Johnson said: “We’re disappointed to have to postpone the event but strict limits on numbers allowed in the Town Hall, along with rising Covid cases, means that we felt we had no choice. “We’ve had such generous support from sponsors this year and rather than risk that funding if the event were cancelled at the last minute, we’ve decided to re-book the event for May 26 until June 5 next year. “All of our participating artists are on board to take part again and we look forward to seeing everyone then.”

Visitors at the last Art Fair in 2019.

Art Fair Cheshire involves more than 80 artists, each of whom donates 40 per cent of the sales of their work to the Hospice. The event has been running for 22 years and is proud to support artists from all over the north west. The next event will feature a new gallery of emerging and recently-graduated artists as well as many artists from across the region and beyond. Local primary schools are also involved and have been busy designing sunflowers, which feature on the Hospice logo. These will be displayed as a huge wall of celebratory flowers when the event opens next year.

Sunflowers drawn by pupils at Alderley Edge School for Girls as part of a project to involve schools in the next Art Fair in May 2022

Two years ago the event raised £45,000 to provide funds for the Hospice’s art therapy unit. It has donated around £300,000 to the Hospice since 1999. To sign up to the Art Fair Cheshire newsletter, or for more information about events, talks and artists, visit It is the latest fundraising event in aid of the Hospice to be delayed by the Covid crisis. The Hospice has already put back its Memory Miles walk at Adlington Hall from late August until Friday, March 25.

Joan’s Sunflower Donations Continue to Blossom

A simple sunflower seed has led to a thriving fundraising venture for Joan Edwards to honour her son-in-law’s memory.

When Liam Ward was in the care of East Cheshire Hospice in 2018, his wife Michaela bought a packet of seeds from the Hospice reception area.

Liam died of sarcoma, a rare form of cancer, aged 34 and the sunflower is the Hospice emblem.

Joan has grown the sunflowers in her greenhouse since her daughter gave her the seeds, raising £810 for the Hospice in return for a £1 donation for each flower.

Joan said: “Michaela isn’t green fingered and asked me to grow them. It started as a bit of fun between the family and grandchildren.

“I took the seeds from the head of my biggest sunflower and dried them over the first winter before planting them again and selling 450 last year.

“It wasn’t quite as popular this year, but it doesn’t make any difference how much, or how many. It’s my way of giving back to the Hospice for what they did for Liam and the help they gave him, Michaela and their two boys.

“I advertise on Facebook and lot of people buy them who’ve probably faced a similar situation in their lives. It’s become popular and friends now look forward to it each year.”

Joan also grows lettuce, spring onions, tomatoes and runner beans in her back garden.

Joan Edwards at home in her greenhouse.

Local Hens Eggschange their Produce for Donations

It’s no yoke – eggs are a cracking way to raise money for East Cheshire Hospice.

Schoolgirl Freya Eeles (11) discovered that by selling them outside her step mum’s home in Hallefield Crescent, Macclesfield.

A dozen hens kept on land behind the house work overtime and with a suggested donation of 10p an egg which goes into an honesty box almost £200 has been raised for the Hospice.

A WhatsApp group alerts neighbours when fresh supplies are ready for collection.

Step mum April Smith said: “Freya loves the hens and our two pygmy goats and helps clean them out and feed them.

“My partner Mark gets up at 5 am every day to let the hens out and waters and feeds them.

“The neighbours love the eggs for breakfast and we want to thank the whole neighbourhood for supporting us.

“The Hallefield area is a brilliant community and everyone who lives here says the same thing. We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else and we’re all there for each other.

“We’re friends as well as neighbours.”

Freya with one of her hens called Gladys.

Bill’s Open Garden

The roots of Bill North’s love of gardens go back to his days as a teenager.

His first job was as an apprentice horticulturalist and he spent his entire career involved in parks and gardens in some capacity.

Bill eventually retired as head of leisure at the then Macclesfield Borough Council in 2009.

He is one of several East Cheshire Hospice supporters opening up their gardens to the public this summer to raise funds for charity.

Bill and wife Julie entertained visitors at their beautiful garden on Kennedy Avenue as part of their annual support for the National Garden Scheme.

The Hospice provided teas for guests who admired herbaceous borders, Acer trees and countless flower pots and hanging baskets.

Bill said: “I dote on my garden and spend hours in it. I love it and genuinely feel better when I’m outside.

“I was very fortunate that my hobby was my career and once our garden is sorted at the start of the year it’s a matter of mainly keeping on top of it.

“We’ve a covered area where we love entertaining. That’s why we’re pleased to be coming out of lockdown because we can start to have people round again like before.”

Core beneficiaries of the Nation Garden Scheme include Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie, Hospice UK and The Queen’s Nursing Institute.

The couple have now decided to hold a second Open Gardens day on Sunday, August 15, with proceeds in aid of the Hospice only. Find out more here.


Gardeners’ world….Bill and Julie North in their back garden.

Art Fair Cheshire Returns this Autumn

Art Fair Cheshire returns this autumn featuring works by established and emerging artists.

The biennial event will take place at Macclesfield Town Hall from Thursday, September 23, until Sunday, October 3.

Organisers are dedicating specific gallery space to artists who may have recently graduated from creative degrees.

The move is an opportunity for the next generation of artists to exhibit work, reach a wide audience, make sales and gain recognition.

Each exhibiting artist donates a percentage from the sale of their work to East Cheshire Hospice.

Two years ago the event raised £45,000 to provide funds for the Hospice’s art therapy unit. It also attracted record sponsorship with organisers now aiming to build on that success.

Art Fair Cheshire – showcasing work by more than 80 local and regional artists – has donated around £300,000 to the Hospice since 1999.

Co-chair Georgie Johnson said:  “In addition to our fantastic exhibition, we’ll have a pop-up cafe, artist talks as well as lively debates with experienced gallery guides.

“For the first time, we’ll be hosting a gallery of newly-graduated and emerging artists. We’re keen to support artists who might not have exhibited before and look forward to showcasing their work.

“We love working with artists, makers and creators to develop a truly unique event which not only showcases art, but celebrates community and giving.  We invite people to join us and support East Cheshire Hospice and discover some wonderful art while they do so.”

* For more information visit


Visitors enjoying Art Fair Cheshire in 2019.

Vaccine Workers Donate to Hospice

Several workers helping with the mass vaccine roll-out at Andrews Pharmacy are donating their wages to charity.

They include two couples with strong links to nearby East Cheshire Hospice which is benefitting from their generosity.

Teacher Angela Raval is a Hospice ambassador, while Margaret Black is a part-time health care assistant, having rejoined the nursing register to take on a vaccinator role.

Both have worked many hours at the pharmacy, as have husbands Neil Raval and Sandy Black whose roles include helping the operation run smoothly.

Neil, a management consultant, said: “Angela’s role at the Hospice means we’re acutely aware of the difficulty charities are facing.

“We’ve been at the pharmacy in rain, hail, snow and occasional sunshine and the feedback is it’s a friendly, efficient service.”

The Ravals split their donation between several charities, including sponsoring Hospice health care assistant Jill Harding, a friend and fellow dog walker, for her wing walk last month.


Angela and Neil Raval.


Neil is scout network commissioner for Macclesfield and Congleton district and proud of the organisation’s support role at the pharmacy.

Sandy is a retired health and safety manager at AstraZeneca, while Margaret was a Hospice nurse.

Sandy said: “We’ve enjoyed helping at the clinic supporting people through the vaccination process. The elderly were thankful to receive the vaccine and it’s been rewarding from that aspect.

“Donating our wages to the Hospice was the obvious thing for us to do. We’ve done various things to support the charity and know friends who’ve needed its support.”


Margaret and Sandy Black.

40,000 Jabs with Help of Hospice Staff

More than 40,000 Covid vaccinations have been carried out at Andrews Pharmacy this year – many of them by nurses from East Cheshire Hospice.

Hospice staff have joined retired GPs and retired nurses, pharmacists and a paramedic giving jabs at the pharmacy on Kennedy Avenue, Macclesfield.

Every Tuesday two nurses from the Sunflower Centre, which had to close during the pandemic, have administered doses, with the Hospice compensated for loaning staff.

It is part of a huge vaccine roll-out at Andrews, one of the first three community pharmacies nationwide to begin inoculations in mid-January.

The operation has involved more than 170 staff and volunteers, with up to 600 jabs a day. The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was given until mid-May when the Pfizer jab was added for under 40s.

Lindsey Rial, HR and Business Manager at Andrews, said: “It’s been non-stop and the first few weeks were relentless but it’s been so rewarding. The look on people’s faces when they come for their vaccine makes it all so worthwhile.

“We had to apply to become a vaccine clinic and prove we could do it. Obviously, we’ve kept our core business going, running the dispensary so customers can collect prescriptions as normal.

“With such a big logistical challenge, including car parking and marshalling, there were bound to be minor bumps along the way but the positives far outweigh the negatives.

“Effectively, we had to cut the shop in two – one half for the pharmacy and the other a waiting area, fielding calls and giving jabs.

“We’ve vaccinated seven days a week on occasions and may carry on giving the Covid vaccine until March after we’ve also handed out flu jabs. ”

Andrews donated surgical masks to the Hospice early in the pandemic and held a live Zoom concert which raised £2,000 for the charity. A bake sale is also planned.

The independent pharmacy also vaccinated Hospice staff unable to attend NHS slots. The business was founded by Andrew Hodgson more than 30 years ago and also has shops on London Road and in Tytherington.

Andrews offered a free delivery service to those shielding at the start of the pandemic, with scout leaders among its many volunteers.

Lindsey said: “We want to thank everyone for their amazing help. It’s a great team effort and we’re delighted to have supported the Hospice and worked so closely with them.”

Lindsey Rial, HR and Business Manager at Andrews Pharmacy, with medicines counter assistant Sally Shaw behind the dispensary.

Cuddly Grief Bears

Cuddly Grief Bears are bringing comfort to children coping with bereavement.

Many of the woollen bears are knitted by East Cheshire Hospice volunteer Betty Malkin.

The Hospice supports bereaved children, or those with a close relative with a life-limiting illness.

Children choose their favourite six-inch bear colour and a personal message which is sewn into the back.

One is kept by the child and the other goes to those in their thoughts.

Betty, a great grandmother, said: “I’ve been making the bears for about two years and started off making just a few but it’s snowballed, especially during the pandemic  when people couldn’t make Hospice visits.

“Making the bears gave me a sense of purpose during lockdown. I’ve been making crafts for the Hospice for five years and knit every day. Last winter I knitted Christmas puddings with Ferrero Rocher chocolate inside.”

Betty’s items are sold at Henry’s café, Prestbury, and Shine Hair and Beauty, Upton Priory, with proceeds going to the Hospice.

She is one of several craft volunteers, including Grief Bear makers, who generously give their time and skill to raise funds.

Volunteer Services Co-ordinator Helena Smith said: “Betty’s amazing work is an example of the dedication shown by our arts and crafts volunteers.

“We were inundated when we appealed for volunteers last summer when we thought it’d be a nice gift for people who were unable to visit the ward.”

Children’s counsellor Jane Burton said: “The bears are popular with families in grief therapy and demand has grown in both the inpatient and outpatient units. Children have adapted them to suit their own ideas for individual therapeutic needs.”

Betty Malkin with her latest delivery of Grief Bears for East Cheshire Hospice.