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Will Week 2020

A Macclesfield law specialist says the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 has led to an increase in demand for legal advice.

Estate planning consultant Tina Timmins says concerns among the public over planning for the future has created a surge in inquiries.

Tina is encouraging people to sign up for Will Week, run by East Cheshire Hospice from October 5-9, when solicitors waive fees in return for a donation to the Hospice.

Tina recently joined GPW Trusts – soon to open an office on Church Street – after 16 years with Blunts Solicitors which ceased trading in June when the long-established company went into administration.

GPW Trusts specialises in Will writing, trusts, long term care planning, inheritance tax planning, powers of attorney and probate.

Tina said: “My message is to make sure you have a Will and in this changing world there are ways of protecting your assets.

“It’s important people consider their estate planning and how they can plan to prevent their wealth being eroded by future threats.”

“We’ve had a lot of calls since the start of the pandemic and I’d encourage people to sign up for Will Week as soon as possible as appointments get booked very quickly.

“People want to support the Hospice and they come along because the charity is dear to their heart. This year more than any other has highlighted the need to have a Will.”

A full list of participating solicitors is available on the Hospice website

Participating solicitors can write a single or mirror Will, or update an existing Will, in return for a donation to the Hospice. Any other services are chargeable at the solicitor’s usual cost.

GPW Trusts is expanding into Macclesfield, using Tina’s experience and in-depth knowledge of estate planning, which include Power of Attorney, Court of Protection and Probate.

Tina said: “I’m delighted to be at the start of an exciting new project and this is a new office for GPW Trusts which is well established in West Cheshire and North Wales.

“Will Week is usually three weeks for me by the time Wills are drafted and signed and I enjoy helping the Hospice.”

Pre lockdown, she was a frequent visitor to the charity’s Sunflower Centre giving informal legal advice to patients and families.

Tina is based at home and online until the new Macclesfield office is ready. Visit

Tina Timmins, estate planning consultant at GPW Trusts.

Spall Clark and Will Week

A Congleton/Wilmslow solicitor says Covid-19 has led to a rise in the number of people making wills.

Paul Clark, Managing Director of Spall Clark Solicitors, says as a result of Covid-19, concerns among the public over planning for the future has increased the demand for wills.

Paul is encouraging people to sign up for Will Week, run by East Cheshire Hospice from October 5-9, when solicitors waive fees in return for a donation to the Hospice.

He said: “The pandemic has brought home that sadly we do lose people and anyone can catch a serious illness such as Covid. It’s made people reassess their plans to make sure they’re fully covered against whatever the worst brings.

“There’s been an increase in people making wills simply because people are finally getting round to dealing with it, realising that one day tomorrow will be here and sadly something is going to happen to all of us. They’re now making preparations to cover what happens in that worst case scenario.”

Solicitors from Spall Clark will make home visits if requested during Will Week, an offer which may suit those unable to leave their home or are uncomfortable going out.

Many wills have been written remotely during the crisis with final documents signed on car bonnets or passed through windows to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Paul, who is also legacy officer at the Hospice said: “I get to see all the good work that legacies do and the benefit they provide to the Hospice. I’d therefore urge people to consider making gifts to charities such as the Hospice because they’ve always been there for us when we need them and it’s a small way we can give back.

“Supporting Will Week is a very good way of giving back to the local community while at the same time giving you peace of mind knowing that whatever happens in life, your wishes will be carried out and you’ll be making things as easy as possible for your family when you’re not here.”

“Everyone has an image of a Hospice, however it’s an uplifting place to go and provides such great support for people going through the most difficult time of their lives.”

A full list of participating solicitors during Will Week, is available on the Hospice website

Participating solicitors can write a single or mirror Will, or update an existing Will, in return for a donation to the Hospice. Any other services are chargeable at the solicitor’s usual cost.

Paul Clark, Managing Director of Spall Clark Solicitors.

Local Businesses Back New Hospice Shop

Kind-hearted businesses have come to the rescue of East Cheshire Hospice by renovating its new shop.

Several firms including Bruntwood Properties, Ceiling Solutions, Cheshire Flooring and Andrew Delany Cabinet Makers and Carpenters supplied labour free of charge.

Caddick Construction donated £5,000 for fixtures and fittings at the Poynton shop while Richard Johnson, Director of Chestergate Properties, provided voluntary conveyancing advice.

Hospice Commercial Manager Louise Delany said: “The shop looks amazing and we’d like to say a massive thank you to all those who gave their time and skills to make it happen.

“The shop is spacious and stylish and without the generous support of different trades we wouldn’t have had the budget to open it.

“They offered to help us before Covid-19 and kindly honoured that agreement, even though businesses have obviously faced their own challenges because of the pandemic.”

Louise’s husband Andrew made a bespoke reception desk, while Dean Broad and sons Ethan, Connor and Jordan, from Ceiling Solutions, provided building and plastering expertise.

That they are all from the same family meant they could continue working at the height of lockdown.

Andrew Delany with the reception desk he built.

Dean Broad with sons (from left) Ethan, Connor and Jordan.


A team from Bruntwood at Alderley Park helped with painting and also supplied the vital contacts needed to complete the work.

Louise said: “The slogan is ‘rediscovered treasures’  summing up the feel of a shop packed with great quality hand-picked pre-loved clothes and furniture.

“It offers sustainable shopping for you and your home and will be an exciting addition to the village  experience.”

Maccplas Take on the Corporate Challenge

Business has been booming for builders merchants Maccplas despite challenging trading conditions.

The family firm even took on two new drivers during lockdown to cope with demand.

Maccplas is one of six teams to so far enter the Virtual Corporate Challenge run by East Cheshire Hospice.

Their aim is to raise as much money as possible for the Hospice during September. The fun competition had to be delayed four months because of Covid-19.

Each group receives a £100 start-up loan and all profit made by teams from that investment at the end of the month is then donated to the Hospice.

Maccplas is running a football results prediction competition as part of its fundraising. Visitors to its yard on the Hurdsfield Industrial Estate have also been donating.

In addition, the company will make a £1,000 donation to the Hospice which it supports on a regular basis.


Maccplas is owned by husband and wife Paul and Lynn Carter, with son Scott and daughter Shell also involved in running the business.

Shell said: “We were able to carry on trading during lockdown because we’re classed as an essential business. We’ve been so busy and employed a couple of extra staff who’d been laid off from other jobs to help with deliveries.

“Getting supplies has been a nightmare and we’d like to thank our loyal customers for their continued support during this difficult time. We’re delighted to support the Hospice and know lots of people who’ve been patients there.”

Maccplas driver Andy Watt.


Other entrants are health care communications agency Bioscript, winners in 2018 when they made a £2,000 profit; Ivy Leaf pub; recruitment firm Leap29; Equilibrium Asset Management and The Tytherington Club.

There is still time to enter an event which last year raised £9,000, including £3,240 from winners McCann Health Medical.

All funds raised from this campaign will go towards our emergency Now More Than Ever appeal to recover lost income due to Covid-19.

Hospice Corporate Relationships Manager Kate Bowmar said: “It’s been a tough year for everyone, including businesses and we’d like to thank them for supporting the Hospice.

“We’d welcome more entrants and companies can raise money in any way they like as long as it complies to current government guidelines on social distancing etc.”

To enter visit

AstraZeneca Go the Extra Mile

Employees from AstraZeneca went the extra mile once again as Macclesfield took on Gothenburg in a fun charity challenge.

Some 84 staff based at the Macclesfield site came out on top against their Swedish colleagues in a competition to cover the furthest distance.

The Cheshire team covered 1,065 kilometres compared to 795 by their Scandinavian rivals.

Employees could walk or run 5k or 10k and the Macclesfield group raised around £1,000 from their efforts for East Cheshire Hospice.

The fastest local runners were Kristy Gill and Paul Thompson (5k) and Billy Hicks and Angela Jordan (10k).

Fundraisers during the AstraZeneca challenge. From left, Nick Markley, Peta Sinclair and Angela Jordan.

The challenge was organised by the company’s Pharmaceutical Technology and Development graduates.

Global Graduate Associate Harriet Hampshire said: “The event created a sense of togetherness for employees when working from home, and encouraged people to enjoy the outdoors while contributing to a great charity.

“It was great we won the distance challenge and our Swedish colleagues won a photography-based challenge, donating to their local charity.”

AstraZenaca  has raised more than £60,000 for the Hospice in the last two years alone.

The company has supported the Hospice since it first opened its doors in 1988 and was an original founding business contributing to building costs.

Pour Moi Charity Edit

Sales of lingerie, swimwear, sportswear and loungewear have resulted in a staggering £26,750 donation to East Cheshire Hospice.

The Hospice is one of four charities sharing £107,000 – half of two months of sales from a Charity Edit collection run by Pour Moi.

Pour Moi Head of Operations Rachel Kirk Lockley (left) with Kate Bowmar, Corporate Fundraiser at East Cheshire Hospice.

The company, with its main distribution centre on the Hurdsfield Estate, was set up in a small office in Macclesfield 15 years ago and is now an established global brand.

It was founded by owner Michael Thomson, from Macclesfield, who wanted to help the charities recover from the effects of the Covid-19 crisis.

Age UK, Samaritans and RISE, a domestic violence charity in Brighton where the company is now based, have also received the same amount.

Michael said: “At a time when everything is a little uncertain, it’s been amazing to raise such a fantastic sum of money for four very worthwhile charities with our first charity campaign. We know it means so much to them and it will help to provide vital funds for these charities in their greatest hour of need.

“Our customers have really supported us throughout the whole two months of this campaign and we really can’t thank them enough. It made me think how we can do more going forward to support good causes in the future and help vulnerable people when they need it most.”

Hospice Chief Executive  Karyn Johnston said: “East Cheshire Hospice has been extremely proud to partner with Pour Moi and be part of their Charity Edit campaign.

“Thank you to all of the staff and customers who have gone above and beyond to help those in need at a time of national crisis, the funds received by the Hospice will help us to make a genuine difference to local people living with life-limiting illnesses.”

Sisters Holly and Danielle Dover know all about the Hospice because their father Dave is a driver there.

Sisters Holly (left) and Danielle Dover from Pour Moi.

Head of Operations Rachel Kirk Lockley has personal experience of the Hospice after her father Alan died there in 2010.

Pour Moi Head of Operations Rachel Kirk Lockley (left) and Danielle Dover.

Leek United Fundraising Antics

Customers at the Macclesfield branch of Leek United Building Society were surprised when Veronica McNeil was strangely quiet one morning.

Veronica was taking part in a sponsored silence and raised £169 during a campaign by Leek United to help three charities, including East Cheshire Hospice.

The initiative by staff and customers across its 12 branches raised over £13,000, a total matched pound‐for-pound by the Society to just over £26,000. This therefore resulted in a donation of £8,681.12 to the Hospice as its share.

Veronica, from Macclesfield, said: “I can talk a lot and when my line manager jokingly asked whether I’d ever thought of a sponsored silence as my contribution I did ask him what he was trying to say.

“There’s no way I could have lasted a full day, so I did it for four hours. It was hard at times and I’m no good at charades which didn’t help.

“When customers said ‘hello’ I waved and Post‐it Notes came in useful.

“My colleagues Angela Ravenscroft, Debbie Swindley and Rukaya Sajid explained to customers what was happening and some generously made donations.”

A quiz, auction and endurance challenge were among other fundraising challenges in the group. Leek United is a regular supporter of the Hospice and makes donations through a savings scheme.

Home‐Start Staffordshire Moorlands and Treetops Hospice Care in Derbyshire were the other charities to receive donations from this latest initiative.

Leek United Building Society Branch Manager Veronica McNeil held a sponsored silence. 

£26,000 on its way to local charities thanks to Leek United

A massive £26,000 is on its way to three local charities, including East Cheshire Hospice, following a hugely successful campaign of fundraising events run by the staff of Leek United Building Society.



The campaign saw all 200 of the Society’s management and staff hold more than 20 different events, including a virtual quiz, a charity auction and a 600 miles endurance challenge. These events generated £13,000 which was then matched by the Society pound for pound, leading to the incredible grand total of £26,000. This will be split equally between Home-Start Staffordshire Moorlands, Treetops Hospice Care, Derbyshire and East Cheshire Hospice.

Andrew Healy, Leek United Building Society’s chief executive, said: “The past few months have been difficult for everyone, not least our local charities whose income has fallen as a result of events being cancelled and shops being closed. I’m really delighted with how our wonderful team of staff have rallied to support these three charities. They’ve been not only kind but also exceptionally creative in coming up with fun ways to generate badly-needed funds just when they’re needed most.”

Kate Bowmar, corporate fundraiser at East Cheshire Hospice, said: “All of us at East Cheshire Hospice are so grateful for the long term support of Leek United Building Society.

“The money donated from this fundraising campaign will mean we can continue to provide vital end of life care in our local community at a time when fundraising events have been significantly impacted. Thank you to everyone involved for raising such an incredible amount.”

Pour Moi’s Charity Edit

A lingerie brand set up by a Macclesfield businessman is helping East Cheshire Hospice in its hour of need.

Pour Moi will share half of sales from its new Charity Edit collection between four charities on the front line of the fight against Covid-19.

The company was founded by owner Michael Thomson in a tiny office above a Macclesfield shop 15 years ago.

From left, Pour Moi staff Rachel Kirk Lockley and brothers Dominic, Kenn and Toby Davenport. 

Pour Moi has a main distribution centre on the Hurdsfield Estate where staff nominated the Hospice for its Charity Edit offer featuring lingerie, swimwear, loungewear and sportswear.

The Hospice could receive a £25,000 donation after Pour Moi pledged to raise a minimum of £100,000 during May and June.

Pour Moi is now a successful international brand but has not forgotten its roots and has launched a  #LetsDoThis campaign featuring staff showing Love Heart signs.

Age UK, Samaritans and RISE, a domestic violence charity in Brighton, where the company is now based, are the other charities to benefit.

Michael said: “These four charities do amazing work all year round but are now suffering from the double whammy of massive increased demand for their services and a dramatic drop in funding – both caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Like lots of people, we were wondering what we could do to help the many vulnerable people in this time of urgent need and the Charity Edit collection is our response. It’ll provide much-needed funds for the charities in their greatest hour of need as well as help publicise the sterling work that each of them does.”

Michael Thomson, founder and owner of Pour Moi, with his Love Heart sign

Pour Moi has managed to carry on trading during the crisis, although it had to furlough around half its Macclesfield staff numbering more than 40 employees..

Head of Operations Rachel Kirk Lockley has personal experience of the Hospice after her father Alan died there in 2010.

Rachel, from Macclesfield, said: “My dad was a patient for less than a week and the care from the Hospice was excellent. It’s  such an important part of our community.”

The Hospice has estimated it will lose more than £1m in income after cancelling fundraising events.

Corporate Fundraiser Kate Bowmar said: “We’d like to thank Pour Moi and its staff for their generous gesture. The response from the corporate world and the general public during Covid-19 has been amazing and shows once again just how much the community cares for the Hospice.”

* For more details visit

Leek United’s Fundraising Quiz

Leek United Building Society is hosting a virtual quiz as part of a campaign to raise £60,000 for three local charities affected by the coronavirus crisis.

The Big LUBS Virtual Quiz will see households compete for a chance to be named region’s top quizzing family and win a £50 Amazon voucher^.

Delivered over video link, the quiz will take place on Wednesday 20 May at 7pm. Each team will make a suggested donation of £5 to enter, and every donation will be matched by Leek United pound for pound, up to a maximum of £30,000.

Overall, the campaign aims to raise £60,000 for three local charities – Home-Start Staffordshire Moorlands, Treetops Hospice Care in Derbyshire, and East Cheshire Hospice.

These charities all rely heavily on public support. As a result of the lockdown and social distancing measures, the income they usually receive from fundraising events, donations and charity shops has collapsed, leaving them with a large funding shortfall.

Andrew Healy, Leek United Building Society’s Chief Executive, said: “This is a great opportunity for people to have some fun and raise money for three vital causes that do amazing work in the local community. All you need is a laptop/tablet, a pen and some paper and you can help these excellent causes from the comfort of your own home.”

Andrew Healy, Leek United Building Society Chief Executive

To sign up for the quiz, simply visit the Leek United Quiz Registration page Or to make a donation without taking part in the quiz, visit the Virgin Money Giving page –

Donations can also be made by posting a cheque to Charity Support, Leek United Building Society, 50 St. Edward Street, ST13 5DL or to your local Leek United branch. Cheques should be made payable to Leek United Building Society – Charity Support.  Further details can be found at Or using online banking: Account Name: Charity Support, Leek United Building Society, Sort code: 40-05-30; Account number: 74578031; Roll or Reference number: 72644536105.

Donations of any amount will be greatly appreciated and can be made online using internet banking or by posting a cheque to Charity Support, Leek United Building Society, 50 St. Edward Street, ST13 5DL.