Allowing a month to get a will written rather than a week provided a major fundraising boost for East Cheshire Hospice.
The Hospice’s Will Month in October raised £11,373, excluding Gift Aid which is expected to take the total to more than £13,000.
It is the highest total raised by the campaign in five years, beating the £9,424 generated in the Covid year of 2020.
Beth England, from East Cheshire Hospice, with Joe Etherington, from Moneybox Wills and Trusts.
Beth England, Individual Giving Manager at the Hospice, said: “The campaign running for a full month, instead of a week, was the main reason for the increase, and the average donation was higher than before.
“We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part and kindly donated, and the participating organisations who made it a success through their generous dedication of time and ongoing support of the Hospice.”
Stratford Solicitors, GPW Tax and Law and Moneybox Wills and Trusts completed 55 appointments. Moneybox, based in Tytherington, raised £5,896, excluding Gift Aid, from 24 clients.
Joe Etherington, the firm’s Head of Wills and Trusts, said: “Many of those who saw us had personal links with the Hospice one way or another. It was a fantastic result all-round and we’re delighted to have played a part in the campaign’s success.
“The fact it was Will Month made a massive difference – you can see a lot more people in four weeks than one.” *
* For more details on legacies email, or call 01625 433477.