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Generous gift of picnic benches for the Hospice

Patients and their families can relax on picnic benches in the grounds of East Cheshire Hospice thanks to a generous gift from four long-standing supporters.

Three large picnic tables, plus two benches, are dotted around the gardens providing the perfect retreat away from the hustle and bustle of the Hospice.

The benches were bought by Thelma Jackson MBE, Anna Rains, Margaret Pettener and Hazel Offer who raised more than £1,600 from a spring lunch.

Fundraisers (from left) Anna Rains, Margaret Pettener and Thelma Jackson with Hospice staff April Green and Jean Chaddock.

The benches cost £3,800, with the balance met by a kind gesture from Ford dealers Sidney Jackson & Son Ltd. Thelma’s father-in-law Sidney set up the successful car business over a century ago.

Anna hosted the lunch for 50 guests at her cottage with the four organisers cooking dishes and serving food.

Thelma said: “We had a wonderful afternoon and would like to thank everyone who came and generously supported the lunch and bought raffle tickets.

“The Hospice said they’d like to buy the benches, so it came into my mind to put the money raised from our lunch towards buying them. The girls also thought it was a fantastic idea, especially as we were buying something specific.”

Sidney Jackson & Son then stepped into make up the difference, their latest gesture as part of the firm’s long-standing support for the Hospice.

Thelma Jackson (left) and Anna Rains try the benches for size, watched by Liam Riley, General Manager at Sidney Jackson, and Margaret Pettener.

The company sponsored the charity’s Memory Walk earlier this year and provide both cars used by  the Hospice @Home service.

Thelma – the last Mayor of the Borough of Macclesfield in 2008 -has been fundraising for the charity since before it opened in 1988.

She said: “I’m proud to have supported the Hospice since day one and was there when the first sod was dug.

“It was nice to be there at the beginning and although I haven’t been able to visit as much recently, I still support the Hospice.

“It’s been difficult for them in the last couple of years because of the pandemic when everyone’s had a tough time.”

Anna has also been a fundraiser since the start and chaired the Hospice’s 10th anniversary appeal to  build the Sunflower Centre.

A total of £300,000 was raised and it was Anna’s idea to hold an art exhibition. She set up Art Fair Cheshire in 1998, a biennial event still thriving today.

The benches allow visitors to have a quiet time and remember friends and relatives.

Heather Broadbent Completes Her Round-the-World Voyage

Round-the-world sailor Heather Broadbent has finally finished her epic voyage – almost three years since she first set sail!

Heather was one of only two crew members who completed every leg of the 48,000-mile journey on board the yacht GoToBermuda.

She has raised almost £31,000 for East Cheshire Hospice where her late husband Adam (45) was a patient.

Heather is still hoping to get close to her fundraising target of £40,000 for the Hospice @Home service.

Home at last…Heather Broadbent completes her round-the-world voyage.

The Disley landscape gardener travelled to the Philippines in February to resume a race delayed for two years because of the pandemic.

Before the break, she had sailed to South America, South Africa and Australia.

Once the race resumed, she raced across the Pacific to Seattle, through the Panama Canal to Bermuda and on to New York before Derry/Londonderry and finally finished in London.

Heather said: “I’m so relieved it’s all over. I was wary about going back after such a long break due to the Covid outbreak, but am so pleased I did.

“I would have kicked myself if I’d not finished it off. I enjoyed the second half of the race better than the first and the sailing more after I went back.

“Crossing the North Pacific was the highlight, it covers so much of the planet, while the Panama Canal was an adventure in itself.

“We came second on the leg to Bermuda which until then was our best finishing position. It was our team homecoming, we were greeted like conquering heroes. The buzz and vibe was amazing.

“We then came first on the Atlantic leg, recording the fastest time in the history of the Clipper Race for that crossing which took us 13 days.

“Lastly, we sailed over the top of Scotland to London through the Pentland Firth, a strait near the Orkneys which can be quite treacherous.”

Heather will now enjoy a well-earned rest. She said: “I’m going to press reset and spend some time in my garden and have a think about what’s next.

“At the moment I’ve no great plans to go sailing again, but never say never.

“It would be great to get closer to my fundraising target and I’ve had a few more donations with the race ending.

” Supporters can still donate because Hospice @Home is such a wonderful service.”

Heather Broadbent covered 48,000 miles during her epic voyage.

* To sponsor Heather visit


Do you count how many steps you walk each day?

East Cheshire Hospice is asking supporters to take one step a day for every £1 needed to run the Hospice.

The Steptember challenge – in September – involves 7,500 steps a day, reflecting the amount of money needed to keep the Hospice going daily.

To sign up visit the Hospice website where walkers can also set up a JustGiving page to help with fundraising.

Challenge Events Coordinator Bethan Wade said: “In the 30 days of September, we’re asking you to strap on your walking boots for this fun, fitness, fundraising challenge.

“Everyone who registers receives a pack including a t-shirt, wristband and a step totaliser to help you keep track of progress, plus other handy items.

“If 7,500 steps a day sounds too much, don’t worry. Taking part is the main thing and if you’d prefer to set a lower target that’s fine.

“We’re not asking people to raise £7,500 with their challenge because that’s an awful lot, but every penny helps.

“So we’d encourage participants to tell everyone what they’re doing and why, and ask them if they’ll sponsor them. Our web page has a quick guide on using a smartphone to track steps.”

* Visit

Step this way…Hospice @Home team members  (from left) Sue Milligan, Rachel Barker, Tess Cleaver and Denise Unwin join the Steptember challenge.

Toni’s Hospice Journey

A bride’s wedding day is always special, but for Toni Walsh it was an even more emotional occasion.

She knew her husband Tim Longden had only days left to live.

The Macclesfield couple were married at East Cheshire Hospice in February 2020, weeks after Tim had been diagnosed with a brain tumour.

They had been together for 12 years, having known each other for 20 years.

Toni popped the question while Tim lay in a hospital bed, just before he was told nothing more could be done.

Tim was transferred to the Hospice where the chaplain made wedding arrangements for the following day.

A social media appeal for help to make their day special prompted a flood of donations.

Tim and Toni on their wedding day.

Toni said: “The support from the community was overwhelming. It was absolutely amazing. I had six offers of wedding dresses and two people stayed up all night making wedding cakes.

“We were supplied with a buffet and I had my hair and make-up done. Tim couldn’t walk by then so they wheeled him into the chapel for our blessing.

“Our wedding was on the same day as my mum Kath’s birthday and she’d died the year before aged 64.

“It was a lovely day under the circumstances.  Tim hadn’t really got any symptoms before. He’d just started missing words and slurring his speech and thought he might have had a stroke.

“He managed to say his name and ‘I do’ and was aware what was happening. Then, unfortunately, he went downhill and died 12 days later.”

The couple worked for BT for many years and after Tim’s death at the age of 50, Toni left to volunteer at the Hospice’s charity shop in Poynton.

She is now assistant manager at its Thornton Square store where customers have generously donated in a bucket for a fundraising challenge.

Toni at Thornton Square charity shop where she is assistant manager.

Toni, with Tim’s sister Rachel Richards and her husband Mark, are trekking across the Sahara in November in a Hospice event.

Toni said: “We’re calling ourselves The Three Camels. I’m so unfit and it’s a massive task for me in the heat, but it’ll be an amazing experience in Tim’s memory and I want to give something back to the Hospice.

“The support I’ve had in the shop has been incredible and I can’t thank the community enough for the spirit and love shown two years ago and ever since.”

Toni Walsh with in-laws Rachel and Mark Richards. 


*To sponsor them visit

Joan’s Sunflower Donations Continue to Blossom

A simple sunflower seed has led to a thriving fundraising venture for Joan Edwards to honour her son-in-law’s memory.

When Liam Ward was in the care of East Cheshire Hospice in 2018, his wife Michaela bought a packet of seeds from the Hospice reception area.

Liam died of sarcoma, a rare form of cancer, aged 34 and the sunflower is the Hospice emblem.

Joan has grown the sunflowers in her greenhouse since her daughter gave her the seeds, raising £810 for the Hospice in return for a £1 donation for each flower.

Joan said: “Michaela isn’t green fingered and asked me to grow them. It started as a bit of fun between the family and grandchildren.

“I took the seeds from the head of my biggest sunflower and dried them over the first winter before planting them again and selling 450 last year.

“It wasn’t quite as popular this year, but it doesn’t make any difference how much, or how many. It’s my way of giving back to the Hospice for what they did for Liam and the help they gave him, Michaela and their two boys.

“I advertise on Facebook and lot of people buy them who’ve probably faced a similar situation in their lives. It’s become popular and friends now look forward to it each year.”

Joan also grows lettuce, spring onions, tomatoes and runner beans in her back garden.

Joan Edwards at home in her greenhouse.

Heather Broadbent Update

Sailor Heather Broadbent is refusing to give up on her round-the-world voyage despite a two-year gap at home.

She was midway through the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race before it was suspended early last year because of Covid-19.

The event is due to resume in the Philippines next February, although Heather admits she had serious misgivings about completing the race and thought long and hard about going back.

She hopes to raise £40,000 for East Cheshire Hospice where her late husband Adam (45) was a patient.

Heather said: “After a difficult year of low and lonely times,  I’ve really struggled with my mental health and I wasn’t sure if I had the strength to continue with my round-the-world challenge for the Hospice.

“Only in the last few weeks with the support and encouragement of my family have I realised that I’m still strong and capable and I can finish what I started over three years ago when I first signed up for the 40,000 mile race and a £40,000 challenge.”

Heather, a landscape gardener, will possibly enter the record books for competing in the longest round-the-world race in history.

An event that should have taken 11 months saw some competitors drop out because of the lengthy delay. It is now due to finish almost three years after its start date in September 2019.

Heather, from Disley, said: “It was a difficult decision to consider going back.  During the first lockdown, I only thought I’d be home for two or three months and that was my mind set.

“I was still in the zone then but being stuck at home has been tough mentally and it’s been hard getting my head back into gear thinking about resuming.

“However, I’d kick myself if I didn’t try to finish it. It’s not in my nature not to complete something.”

Heather is meeting other crew members in London this month before attending a refresher course. Her team yacht GoToBermuda has been stuck in Asia since she left.

Heather said: “The plan was to circumnavigate the globe in one go and the long break in the middle is a huge disappointment. I’m nervous I’ve forgotten what to do.”

Heather has already raised more than £29,000 for the Hospice’s Hospice @Home service. “I’ve been stuck around that mark for a while but I’m determined to meet my target.”

* To sponsor Heather visit

Heather Broadbent on her voyage.


Local Hens Eggschange their Produce for Donations

It’s no yoke – eggs are a cracking way to raise money for East Cheshire Hospice.

Schoolgirl Freya Eeles (11) discovered that by selling them outside her step mum’s home in Hallefield Crescent, Macclesfield.

A dozen hens kept on land behind the house work overtime and with a suggested donation of 10p an egg which goes into an honesty box almost £200 has been raised for the Hospice.

A WhatsApp group alerts neighbours when fresh supplies are ready for collection.

Step mum April Smith said: “Freya loves the hens and our two pygmy goats and helps clean them out and feed them.

“My partner Mark gets up at 5 am every day to let the hens out and waters and feeds them.

“The neighbours love the eggs for breakfast and we want to thank the whole neighbourhood for supporting us.

“The Hallefield area is a brilliant community and everyone who lives here says the same thing. We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else and we’re all there for each other.

“We’re friends as well as neighbours.”

Freya with one of her hens called Gladys.

What Women Want Return

Five friends who call themselves What Women Want are back in business planning events after Covid curtailed their fundraising.

A glitzy ball at Cranage Hall on Friday, November 12, is already sold out assuming restrictions have ended fully by then.

The group has still managed to carry on fundraising for East Cheshire Hospice during the pandemic, although on a much smaller scale because of government limitations.

One of the group Jo Millward raised £1,300 after running a half marathon last month after injury forced her to delay her challenge.


Jo Millward completing her half marathon in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.


Meanwhile, fellow member Jill Harding is undertaking a wing walk on Monday, June 21, in aid of the Hospice where she is a health care assistant.

Jill fell in love with the Hospice after her late mum Mary was a patient there 18 years ago.

Group chair Jayne Carter said: “All the tickets have gone for the Ball if it’s allowed to go ahead.  We’re just waiting on Boris Johnson’s announcement on June 21 and are thinking of calling it the Masked Ball since we’ve all been wearing masks.

“Our disco bingo nights at Tytherington School usually attract 200 people but we’re not sure whether they can go ahead yet.

“It’s been hugely frustrating and we all feel really sorry that we haven’t been able to raise much-needed funds.

“We’ve organised online raffles and had a couple of meetings, but have missed doing big events which is hard when the Hospice needs the money.

“It’s been a difficult time for them and we’re a bit detached from it all as we’ve been unable to go in to the Hospice.

“We may not make as much money from the Ball, especially as we were lucky enough to get a massive £1m donation from sponsors Proseal a couple of years ago, but this time it’ll be much more about raising the profile of the Hospice and having fun again.”

Elaine Burgess and Julie Barnes make up the Macclesfield quintet who have been fundraising for the Hospice for 13 years.

Jill has already raised £1,590 for her wing walk at an airfield in Gloucestershire. To sponsor her visit

What Women Want made a £25,000 donation to help launch the Hospice @Home service in 2017 and later bought a car for staff to visit patients at home.

The group has also bought equipment and many other practical items for the Hospice.


What Women Want fundraisers (from left) – Jo Millward, Julie Barnes, Jill Harding, Jayne Carter and Elaine Burgess

Vaccine Workers Donate to Hospice

Several workers helping with the mass vaccine roll-out at Andrews Pharmacy are donating their wages to charity.

They include two couples with strong links to nearby East Cheshire Hospice which is benefitting from their generosity.

Teacher Angela Raval is a Hospice ambassador, while Margaret Black is a part-time health care assistant, having rejoined the nursing register to take on a vaccinator role.

Both have worked many hours at the pharmacy, as have husbands Neil Raval and Sandy Black whose roles include helping the operation run smoothly.

Neil, a management consultant, said: “Angela’s role at the Hospice means we’re acutely aware of the difficulty charities are facing.

“We’ve been at the pharmacy in rain, hail, snow and occasional sunshine and the feedback is it’s a friendly, efficient service.”

The Ravals split their donation between several charities, including sponsoring Hospice health care assistant Jill Harding, a friend and fellow dog walker, for her wing walk last month.


Angela and Neil Raval.


Neil is scout network commissioner for Macclesfield and Congleton district and proud of the organisation’s support role at the pharmacy.

Sandy is a retired health and safety manager at AstraZeneca, while Margaret was a Hospice nurse.

Sandy said: “We’ve enjoyed helping at the clinic supporting people through the vaccination process. The elderly were thankful to receive the vaccine and it’s been rewarding from that aspect.

“Donating our wages to the Hospice was the obvious thing for us to do. We’ve done various things to support the charity and know friends who’ve needed its support.”


Margaret and Sandy Black.

Hide a Smile’s Fundraising Face Coverings

Voluntary group Hide a Smile could not stop grinning after raising £6,188 making face coverings.

The donations to East Cheshire Hospice are being collected at Prestbury Village Pharmacy where masks are still available to buy.

Some 19 sewing enthusiasts joined a WhatsApp group after founder Sheila MacLaren spread the word on social media over a year ago that virus protection was needed.


Hide a Smile members (from left) Sue Matykiewicz, Sheila MacLaren and Caroline Harrison-Croft with pharmacist David Wood.


Sheila, a semi-retired structural engineer, said: “I blew the dust off my sewing machine and we started off making scrubs for clinical staff before concentrating on face coverings.

“Fabric was donated and Covid restrictions meant we had pick-up and drop-off points to keep the production line in full swing.”

Pharmacist David Wood and his staff gave out 1,200 coverings in return for an average donation of £5 to a collection box.

He said: “It’s a great community story borne out of necessity at a time when there were no masks or even hand gel.

“As a community pharmacy, it was a natural place to distribute masks, especially as there weren’t many other shops open.”

Volunteer Caroline Harrison-Croft, who owned a garment design company, said:  “I’ve always sewn and it was pretty boring at first during lockdown so I was delighted to help. The masks are washable and environmentally friendly.”

Another volunteer Sue Matykiewicz said: “Our group still haven’t met up yet. We’d like to thank everyone for their efforts and those who donated to support the Hospice.”

Hide a Smile also made coverings for pupils at Fallibroome Academy.


Hide a Smile volunteer  Judy Biggin wearing one of the coverings she made.