Events Archives - Page 5 of 9 - East Cheshire Hospice

Art Fair Cheshire Returns this Autumn

Art Fair Cheshire returns this autumn featuring works by established and emerging artists.

The biennial event will take place at Macclesfield Town Hall from Thursday, September 23, until Sunday, October 3.

Organisers are dedicating specific gallery space to artists who may have recently graduated from creative degrees.

The move is an opportunity for the next generation of artists to exhibit work, reach a wide audience, make sales and gain recognition.

Each exhibiting artist donates a percentage from the sale of their work to East Cheshire Hospice.

Two years ago the event raised £45,000 to provide funds for the Hospice’s art therapy unit. It also attracted record sponsorship with organisers now aiming to build on that success.

Art Fair Cheshire – showcasing work by more than 80 local and regional artists – has donated around £300,000 to the Hospice since 1999.

Co-chair Georgie Johnson said:  “In addition to our fantastic exhibition, we’ll have a pop-up cafe, artist talks as well as lively debates with experienced gallery guides.

“For the first time, we’ll be hosting a gallery of newly-graduated and emerging artists. We’re keen to support artists who might not have exhibited before and look forward to showcasing their work.

“We love working with artists, makers and creators to develop a truly unique event which not only showcases art, but celebrates community and giving.  We invite people to join us and support East Cheshire Hospice and discover some wonderful art while they do so.”

* For more information visit


Visitors enjoying Art Fair Cheshire in 2019.

What Women Want Return

Five friends who call themselves What Women Want are back in business planning events after Covid curtailed their fundraising.

A glitzy ball at Cranage Hall on Friday, November 12, is already sold out assuming restrictions have ended fully by then.

The group has still managed to carry on fundraising for East Cheshire Hospice during the pandemic, although on a much smaller scale because of government limitations.

One of the group Jo Millward raised £1,300 after running a half marathon last month after injury forced her to delay her challenge.


Jo Millward completing her half marathon in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.


Meanwhile, fellow member Jill Harding is undertaking a wing walk on Monday, June 21, in aid of the Hospice where she is a health care assistant.

Jill fell in love with the Hospice after her late mum Mary was a patient there 18 years ago.

Group chair Jayne Carter said: “All the tickets have gone for the Ball if it’s allowed to go ahead.  We’re just waiting on Boris Johnson’s announcement on June 21 and are thinking of calling it the Masked Ball since we’ve all been wearing masks.

“Our disco bingo nights at Tytherington School usually attract 200 people but we’re not sure whether they can go ahead yet.

“It’s been hugely frustrating and we all feel really sorry that we haven’t been able to raise much-needed funds.

“We’ve organised online raffles and had a couple of meetings, but have missed doing big events which is hard when the Hospice needs the money.

“It’s been a difficult time for them and we’re a bit detached from it all as we’ve been unable to go in to the Hospice.

“We may not make as much money from the Ball, especially as we were lucky enough to get a massive £1m donation from sponsors Proseal a couple of years ago, but this time it’ll be much more about raising the profile of the Hospice and having fun again.”

Elaine Burgess and Julie Barnes make up the Macclesfield quintet who have been fundraising for the Hospice for 13 years.

Jill has already raised £1,590 for her wing walk at an airfield in Gloucestershire. To sponsor her visit

What Women Want made a £25,000 donation to help launch the Hospice @Home service in 2017 and later bought a car for staff to visit patients at home.

The group has also bought equipment and many other practical items for the Hospice.


What Women Want fundraisers (from left) – Jo Millward, Julie Barnes, Jill Harding, Jayne Carter and Elaine Burgess

Wing Walking Grannies

Fictional fighter pilot Biggles is back in the skies for his next heroic adventure – this time as fearless flying grannies.

Age is no barrier for the five fundraisers who will climb on top of a classic 1940s Boeing Stearman biplane for a wing walk next month.

Health and safety requirements prevent them from wearing helmets, goggles, sheepskin jackets and scarves for their aerial stunt in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

The outfits belong to Hospice volunteer Barbara Spivey who, at 74, is the oldest of the granny squadron.

She has run Spivey’s Web, a fancy dress shop on Chestergate which also sells unusual gifts, for 30 years with daughter Donna.

Donna has declined the challenge, unlike her brave mum who sported the outfits with fellow wing walkers to promote the flights.

Barbara said: “I’m an avid traveller and always fancied a wing walk. I went close to Everest base camp aged 64 and have visited places like Iran, Kazakhstan and South America. Travelling is the be all and end all for me and I’ve a friend who runs wildlife tours.”

Barbara has been a ward volunteer at the Hospice for 15 years but has been unable to help here for more than a year because of Covid restrictions.

Her late sister-in-law was cared for in a local hospice, persuading Barbara to become a volunteer.

Friend Jacky Macleod is also taking part in the wing walk at an airfield in Gloucestershire on Monday, June 21.

Jacky said: “I was a trolley dolly a long time ago and am trying not to think about being strapped to the top of a plane.”

Between them, the women have 18 grandchildren, eight of them for Hospice health care assistant Pam Webster.

Pam said: “I did a sky dive 15 years ago and it was brilliant. A wing walk has been on my ‘to do’ list and one of my grandchildren is convinced I’m going to fall. Another has said I’m mad, while my mum wonders what on earth I’m doing.”

Colleague Caroline Allen and complementary therapist Gill Black are the other grandmothers  sponsored for the challenge.

Gill said: “I like to do a challenge every year and have done a Firewalk before. I’m nervous, don’t like heights and am not too keen on flying. However, I’ll probably feel better on the outside of a plane rather than the inside.”

Four of the granny squadron. From left, Pam Webster, Gill Black, Jacky Macleod and Barbara Spivey.

Coming soon… Memory Miles 2021!

At long last East Cheshire Hospice can finally look ahead to its next mass participation event!

A Memory Miles walk is scheduled for Friday, August 27, at Adlington Hall, some 16 months after it should have been held there.

Walkers enjoying the memory walk two years ago.

The event will bring to a close a Virtual Memory Miles  campaign between May 1 and August 31.

That same initiative during the first lockdown last year raised over £10,000. Except this time the climax will feature a walk bringing everyone together.

Before then supporters are invited to undertake their own challenge, either walking, running, cycling, skating, swimming or any other way of getting around.

It is also a chance to honour lost loved ones, though anyone can take part.

The same applies to the Memory Miles walk – formerly Light Up The Night –  which is one-kilometre woodland route at picturesque Adlington Hall.

Walkers can complete the course as often as they wish, with entertainment, stalls and refreshments, from 4 pm, adhering to any government guidelines.

Registration details for  the walk will be announced soon on the website, along with the free-to-enter Virtual Memory Miles.

Events Manager Beth Candy said: “It’s great to be back with an actual event at which we can all get together again after such a long time.

“Our supporters have been loyal and patient over the last year or so and Memory Miles is a celebration of lost loved ones and the frustrating time we’ve spent apart from family and friends.”

The last memory walk in 2019.

High Flyer Teresa Recommends Wing Walk

Are you daring enough to do a wing walk just like fearless mum Teresa Pipon?

The high-flyer took to the skies almost two years ago for East Cheshire Hospice.

Her message for the Hospice’s wing walk on Monday, June 21, is to sign up and prepare to be strapped in.

Ready for take off… Teresa prepares for her wing walk.

Teresa said: “I’ve always been a daredevil and wanted to do something big for my 50th birthday.

“I didn’t want presents, so asked for donations instead to the Hospice which did a wonderful job of caring for my dad Lewis Smith who died in 2013.

“I loved the wing walk. It was exhilarating and frightening and I’d certainly recommend it.”

Teresa’s wing walk.

The aerial adventure, organised by AeroSuperBatics, is at an airfield in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, where Teresa did her walk.

Places are limited and the event may extend to a second day depending on demand. Wing walkers must be at least 18, no taller than 6 ft 2 in and no heavier than 14 stone, with a waist measurement of 40″ or less while wearing warm clothing and a jacket.

The cost is a £150 deposit upon registration and a guarantee to raise a minimum of £500 sponsorship.

Like Teresa, wing walkers will be harnessed on top of a 1940s Boeing Stearman biplane after getting full safety guidance.

Teresa said: “It was quite nerve-wracking. Staff put you at ease for the whole experience and I remember feeling the force of the wind against me.

“The pilot asked if I wanted to stay on a level but I let him do some dips, dives and banked turns. You aren’t allowed to loop-the-loop on your first wing walk.

“I’d done a tandem sky jump from 15,000 feet in New Zealand, but this was scarier as I was on my own.

“I had intended doing yoga poses, but barely let go and thankfully the whole experience was filmed.

“I must admit I enjoyed the family lunch with a drink afterwards with my husband Nigel, daughter Holly and son Jack.”

Safe landing…Teresa celebrates her aerial adventure.

Teresa, who raised almost £1,000, is a regular at major Hospice events. Her fundraising is match- funded by HSBC UK where she is a Senior Business Development Manager for Mortgage Intermediaries.

She said: “My mum Mary, who lives in Macclesfield, got great comfort and support from the Hospice. Dad had the best possible care.”

* For more wing walk details visit

Teresa with her dad Lewis on a family holiday in Jersey.

Abi and Kyla Swap Lbs for £s

Sisters-in-laws Abi Lowe and Kyla Eyre have joined forces in a fitness drive to raise funds for East Cheshire Hospice.

The pair are honouring the memory of Abi’s oldest sister Christabel who died of cancer in the Hospice in 2012, aged 27.

The care she received inspired them to sign up to the Hospice’s health initiative Lbs 4 £s.

The Hospice requires £7,500 a day to keep going and provides its services free of charge.

Abi, from Macclesfield, said: “It’s mind blowing that only 17 per cent of funds comes from the government and the Hospice has to rely on the community for the rest of its income.

“When we read that fact we thought it was absolutely crazy so we wanted to make sure we gave something back after they were so amazing with Christabel.

“The hospice provided above and beyond care for her and ensured she had everything she needed, as well as supporting our family during an unbelievably tough time.

“It’s ridiculous that government funding is so low for such a crucial thing. I know so many people in the Cheshire area use the Hospice, or have been touched by it in some way.”

Abi Lowe (left) and Kyla Eyre who are aiming to raise £2,000 for East Cheshire Hospice.

The pair are on course to raise £2,000 before the end of March when the 12-week fitness and well-being programme ends.

Alongside their healthy lifestyle changes, they have organised a virtual raffle in which small local  businesses have generously donated prizes such as hot tub hire, beauty treatments, restaurant vouchers, lockdown birthday celebrations and alcohol packages.

Kyla said: “We’re grateful for all the help and everyone has been so generous – both the local companies who’ve donated products and services and those who’ve bought raffle tickets. We’re blown away by the community spirit and generosity.

“I’ve already lost a stone in weight, helped by healthy eating and online work outs such as yoga sessions. Friends and family have spurred us on for encouragement.

“It’s amazing knowing you’re helping such a worthy cause while helping yourself.”

The virtual raffle is still on- going with plenty more prizes to be won, including party venue hire, photography sessions, afternoon teas, home fragrance packages.

* To get involved visit

Hospice Events in 2021

Planning fundraising events is proving because of on-going uncertainty over Covid-19.

The events team are still hoping that 2021 might see a long-awaited return of mass participation events, though the pandemic continues to disrupt plans.

The Hospice switched to virtual fundraising events almost a year ago and is still also urging the public to carry on with their own initiatives to provide much-needed revenue.

The flagship Light Up The Night memory walk has been provisionally arranged, though this Adlington Hall gathering might have to be cancelled again this year.

Events Manager Beth Candy said: “We have a date in May booked for Light Up the Night, but it’s very much a wait and see and I’m afraid it’s looking unlikely unless things change dramatically.

“Last summer we held a Memory Miles virtual event involving people walking the miles themselves and raising money. That was hugely successful and we may do that again.

“Events have been the most impacted of all the income streams as we simply just haven’t been able to hold them.

“It’ll work out that we haven’t managed to hold a single event during the entire financial year which is obviously a really scary time for us, but we’re greatly supported by our community and that’s made a massive difference.

“It’s looking like another quieter year for events and we’re looking into more virtual/socially-distanced events through the year to keep the community together as we miss seeing everyone.

“I’ve also been extremely lucky to help in other parts of the team, such as the kitchen and housekeeping. That was a real eye opener and just reminds me why we fundraise and do what we do.

“It’s been a massive test for everyone having to adapt to keep those all-important donations coming in, but it’s all experience and learning on the job.”

Colleague Bethan Wade co-ordinates the popular Challenge Events Series which has seen a big increase in participants.

These include initiatives such as the current Lbs 4 £s weight loss and fitness programme; a Firewalk (Oct 22) and a Sahara trek (Nov 13-20), subject to overseas travel restrictions. A wing walk is also planned.

Beth and Bethan have also helped community fundraisers Carley Macey and Claire Gorton who assist with countless challenges undertaken by individuals and groups. The latest venture was another of the Virtual Quiz nights last Friday (Feb 5).

Beth Candy (left) and Bethan Wade  at Tough Woofer  in October 2019. It took place soon  after Bethan started her fundraising role at East Cheshire Hospice and no mass participation event has been held since.

Natalie takes on Lbs 4 £s 2021

Lockdown left Natalie Catterall slightly overweight but she has found the recipe to get back into shape.

Natalie has joined Lbs 4 £s, a three-month fitness, weight loss and well-being programme run by East Cheshire Hospice.

The health initiative starts on Friday, January 1, so participants can start shedding the extra pounds from the festive season once they have celebrated New Year.

The sessions are online and on demand which means dieters can be flexible when they take part in classes and talks on topics such as nutrition and yoga.

Natalie took part 12 months ago, losing two and a half stones after giving up chocolate, crisps, biscuits and cakes and raised £570 through sponsorship for the Hospice.

She said: “I’d recommend the programme which is going to be even bigger and better this time. I’m doing it again because I put a stone back on because of Covid and general laziness.

“I wasn’t able to go to the gym and worked from home which was a novelty at first but then became tedious and isolating. Trips downstairs for a coffee and biscuits became too frequent.

“I found myself overeating so this health programme gives me a focus and I want to get fit again.”

Returning to the office at Northwich-based charity Cheshire Autism Practical Support has already helped her.

She said: “I wasn’t as agile as I should have been sat at a desk at home and became static and stagnant, but I walk a mile each lunch break with my office colleagues which motivates us.”

Natalie is from Macclesfield where her father David lives. Her mum Hilary Woolliscroft, who died in 2017, was a Hospice patient. Hilary was a primary school swimming teacher and Macclesfield Town fan.

Bethan Wade, Challenge Events Co-ordinator at the Hospice, said: “Walking into a gym scares some people but Lbs 4 £s will have an exclusive online portal for participants, giving them the flexibility to attend classes and talks when it suits them.

“They’ll receive  an information pack including special tips, recipes and vouches, plus access to one-to-one  sessions with nutrition, well-being and fitness experts. There’s free gym opportunities and help on sponsorship.

“This is a self-motivated programme but we want to provide the information needed to pull it off, surrounded by a group of like-minded people  looking to achieve the same thing.”

Places are limited. To sign up visit

Natalie Catterall and her late mum Hilary.

Light Up A Life Virtual Service

The Chaplain of East Cheshire Hospice, Margaret Lillis, will deliver a Christmas message of hope during the Light Up A Life service on Saturday (Dec 5).

The ceremony – streamed via Zoom and Facebook Live from 3 pm – will be even more poignant this year.

Margaret said: “Our message from the Hospice to everyone, is one of support, encouragement and above all, hope. It’s been a year no-one could ever have imagined and has brought sadness and anxiety on a scale never known.

“We at the Hospice acknowledge this and offer the hand of friendship, support and understanding to everyone and anyone we can reach.

“We’re very much aware that our physical contact has been curtailed throughout this pandemic, but that certainly doesn’t mean that our level of concern and compassion is in any way diminished.

“Slowly but surely we’re working hard to continue building and strengthening the bonds between ourselves and anyone who’s had dealings with the Hospice.

“Next year we hope to reach out and support even more people whose experience of pain and loss was made even more severe by restrictions in place due to Covid 19.”

The annual Light Up a Life remembrance service, conducted from the Hospice Chapel this year, is as always open to the general public.

The service allows people to pause and reflect on an extraordinary 2020.

Margaret said: “Despite all the pain, loss and distress of this past year, perhaps we can recognise some positive aspects?  Maybe we’ve re-learned to appreciate those we love and to have more consideration for our neighbours.

“Maybe we know more than we ever did before that we can take nothing for granted. Maybe we now have a deeper understanding of gratitude and realise  – sometimes painfully –  that life is precious and all the good things of life are pure gift.

“With this in mind, let us go forward together, sharing the light of faith, hope and love with confidence and generosity.”

To register for the Zoom link visit A recording of the service will be available for those unable to watch live.

To watch on social media go to the Hospice Facebook page at 3 pm on Saturday.

Margaret Lillis, Chaplain at East Cheshire Hospice, who will deliver an online Light Up A Life service on Saturday.

Virtual Light Up A Life Service

East Cheshire Hospice invites you to join its Light Up A Life service from the comfort of your own home.

The online ceremony, led by Hospice Chaplain Margaret Lillis, will be streamed via Zoom and Facebook Live on Saturday, December 5, at 3 pm.

The annual Light Up A Life service is by tradition an opportunity to remember lost loved ones.

However, because it has been such a difficult year for so many, the Hospice hopes others will also join the Christmas service to pause and reflect on an extraordinary 2020.

The remembrance event cannot take place at the usual venue St Michael and All Angels Church, Macclesfield, because of restrictions.

Instead, it will be held virtually at the Hospice Chapel where a Tree of Memories will be on display. The symbolic tree is decorated with personalised baubles dedicated by supporters to someone special.

Last year’s Light Up A Life service.

Bethan Wade, Challenge Events Co-ordinator, said: “The Light Up A Life service is one of the highlights of our calendar and this year takes on added poignancy because of Covid-19.

“People have suffered in so many different ways and Christmas is a special time to reflect and remember.

“I’m sure that this year we all hold those treasured times even closer to our hearts and we’re extending an invitation to as many people as possible to join us.”

Supporters can register  for the Zoom link by visiting A recording of the service will be available for those unable to watch live.

A Light Up a Life at Home pack can also be ordered via the website for £5.

The pack includes an order of service, candle, LUAL bauble, two festive tea bags, a mince pie recipe and a vegan and gluten-free mince pie recipe.

Bethan said: “The packs enable supporters to capture the full experience of this special service. Packs can be ordered on the web page in return for a donation which helps us continue to care and support patients, not just at Christmas but whenever they need it the most.”

People watching via social media can visit the Hospice Facebook page at the time of the service.

Bethan Wade from East Cheshire Hospice with one of the Light Up A Life packs.