Fundraising Archives - Page 12 of 27 - East Cheshire Hospice

Heather Broadbent Update

Sailor Heather Broadbent is refusing to give up on her round-the-world voyage despite a two-year gap at home.

She was midway through the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race before it was suspended early last year because of Covid-19.

The event is due to resume in the Philippines next February, although Heather admits she had serious misgivings about completing the race and thought long and hard about going back.

She hopes to raise £40,000 for East Cheshire Hospice where her late husband Adam (45) was a patient.

Heather said: “After a difficult year of low and lonely times,  I’ve really struggled with my mental health and I wasn’t sure if I had the strength to continue with my round-the-world challenge for the Hospice.

“Only in the last few weeks with the support and encouragement of my family have I realised that I’m still strong and capable and I can finish what I started over three years ago when I first signed up for the 40,000 mile race and a £40,000 challenge.”

Heather, a landscape gardener, will possibly enter the record books for competing in the longest round-the-world race in history.

An event that should have taken 11 months saw some competitors drop out because of the lengthy delay. It is now due to finish almost three years after its start date in September 2019.

Heather, from Disley, said: “It was a difficult decision to consider going back.  During the first lockdown, I only thought I’d be home for two or three months and that was my mind set.

“I was still in the zone then but being stuck at home has been tough mentally and it’s been hard getting my head back into gear thinking about resuming.

“However, I’d kick myself if I didn’t try to finish it. It’s not in my nature not to complete something.”

Heather is meeting other crew members in London this month before attending a refresher course. Her team yacht GoToBermuda has been stuck in Asia since she left.

Heather said: “The plan was to circumnavigate the globe in one go and the long break in the middle is a huge disappointment. I’m nervous I’ve forgotten what to do.”

Heather has already raised more than £29,000 for the Hospice’s Hospice @Home service. “I’ve been stuck around that mark for a while but I’m determined to meet my target.”

* To sponsor Heather visit

Heather Broadbent on her voyage.


Corporate Challenge Raises £13,533 for Hospice Bereavement Services

A bumper sum of £13,533 raised in the Corporate Challenge run by East Cheshire Hospice will help fund the Hospice’s bereavement services.

Firms had to raise as much as possible from a £100 start-up loan during May.

The proceeds will provide much-needed support to expand a bereavement service in greater demand because of Covid-19.

Corporate Fundraiser Chrissie Hunter said: “It’s been a tough 18 months for businesses so to raise such an impressive amount is incredible.

“We want to thank everyone for their ideas and efforts to make it happen, including those who generously supported fundraising initiatives.”

Clear winners of the fun competition were Kuehne+Nagel with £6,008, while the prize for the most creative team went to Equilibrium Financial Planning with a nine million step challenge from Manchester to the Equator.

Raffles and wine tasting also contributed towards their donation of £2,621. Not far behind were recruitment firm Leap 29 with ideas including a doggy day care and a three peaks challenge.

Highlights for Spirit Medical Communications included a movie quiz and Eurovision sweepstake.

Chess ICT filled tubes of Smarties with coins as part of their commitment, while staff at Pan European Networks ran a 5k and held a bingo lunch hour in their month of fundraising.

Kuehne+Nagel’s Corporate Challenge in Memory of Neil Robinson

Friends and colleagues of Neil Robinson raised a toast to his memory with a drop of gin, his favourite tipple.

Drink and cakes were sold by colleagues at global logistics company Kuehne+Nagel where Air Logistics Commercial Director Neil spent his entire career.

It was part of a fundraising challenge, which raised £6,008 in just one month for East Cheshire Hospice where Neil, from Macclesfield, died of cancer in 2019, aged 53.


Neil Robinson with his favourite drink of gin.


Former team-mates at Bollington Cricket Club, family and friends, plus Hospice staff placed online orders to support the venture.

Close friend Gareth Prosser, National Operational Care Manager in the same section, organised Kuehne+Nagel’s involvement in a Corporate Challenge run by the Hospice.

Gareth said: “Neil was universally loved by colleagues up and down the country and had a positive impact on everyone he met.

“His family were delighted that we remembered him this way. They’re a very close family and every minute at the Hospice was precious for them, allowing them to make the most of that time together.

“As soon as Neil’s name is attached to a fundraising event everyone jumps on it, especially when it means all they have to do is eat, drink, be merry and reminisce!

“His favourite drink was gin so we ordered bottles with a bespoke flavour from Inspirited Gin, and then decided to add beer and cakes to the offering to appeal to all tastes.

“Inspirited kindly gave us discount on the gin, postage and also matched the profit from the gin, a donation worth about £600.

“Brewhouse and Kitchen gave a reduced rate for beer, while Biscotti Box supplied boxes of brownies and blondies.”

Over 75 bottles of gin were sold, along with 100 boxes of brownies and 50 kegs of beer with orders coming from as far south as Cornwall and as north as Scotland.”

A signed limited edition vinyl record donated by Manchester band The Slow Readers Club also raised £200 in a raffle.

The Hospice was invited to address almost 200 colleagues at a Kuehne+Nagel drop-in virtual meeting.

Hospice representatives spoke about the care it provides free of charge to patients in the community with life-limiting illnesses.

The meeting was attended by Kuehne+Nagel’s Managing Director Brian Cox who fully supported the fundraising activity and helped take the total to more than £6,000.


Kuehne+Nagel staff (from left) Gareth Prosser, Matthew Barton, Tim Webb and Matthew Brett.

Gritstone Trail Challenge is Especially Poignant for Mike and Sam

Relief at ending a gruelling charity walk turned to sadness for fitness enthusiasts Mike Mason and Sam Maguire.

The day after the pair had completed the 35-mile Gritstone Trail they learned that Faith Mitchell, wife of their close friend Ash, had died of cancer sarcoma, aged 33.

Faith was a patient at East Cheshire Hospice and was the inspiration behind their challenge which has already raised more than £2,500 for the Hospice.

Mike is head coach at Silk Fitness Therapy which is part of the Hospice’s 500 Club in which members pledge to raise £500 a year for three years.

Mike said: “We heard the tragic news about Faith on the afternoon following our walk which became quite poignant in the end.

“Faith’s illness was diagnosed three years ago and she fought until the end. She’ll be missed terribly and was well looked after by the Hospice.”

Silk gym owners Fabio and Kate Mazzieri and nutritionist Bex Ward joined the pair for the second half of the walk.

The hilly journey from Disley to Kidsgrove took more than 14 hours and is usually spread over three days.

Fellow gym member Carole Barough accompanied Mike and Sam for the first leg of the trip.

Mike said: “It was tough, especially as it was a hot day, but good fun. I realised early on my bag was too heavy and luckily gym members Fran Wilkie and Jo Prescott met us and took some things to lighten the load.

“Sam has done a lot of cycling and has lots of stamina, but neither of us has walked that far before and it was quite surreal near the end.

“We didn’t have much more to give, but knowing Fabio had a cool box full of cold beers in his car at the finish got us through it.

“Faith was our main motivation for the challenge, but Silk is also a proud member of the 500 Club so that was another reason to raise funds.”

* To sponsor them visit

Journey’s end….from left, Katie and Fabio Mazzieri, Sam Maguire, Mike Mason and Bex Ward after completing the Gritstone Trail.  

Local Hens Eggschange their Produce for Donations

It’s no yoke – eggs are a cracking way to raise money for East Cheshire Hospice.

Schoolgirl Freya Eeles (11) discovered that by selling them outside her step mum’s home in Hallefield Crescent, Macclesfield.

A dozen hens kept on land behind the house work overtime and with a suggested donation of 10p an egg which goes into an honesty box almost £200 has been raised for the Hospice.

A WhatsApp group alerts neighbours when fresh supplies are ready for collection.

Step mum April Smith said: “Freya loves the hens and our two pygmy goats and helps clean them out and feed them.

“My partner Mark gets up at 5 am every day to let the hens out and waters and feeds them.

“The neighbours love the eggs for breakfast and we want to thank the whole neighbourhood for supporting us.

“The Hallefield area is a brilliant community and everyone who lives here says the same thing. We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else and we’re all there for each other.

“We’re friends as well as neighbours.”

Freya with one of her hens called Gladys.

Wing Walk Takeoff Delayed

A Wing Walk has had to be delayed five weeks in the latest blow to East Cheshire Hospice’s fundraising plans.

Bad weather was one of the reasons the challenge was put back until Monday, July 26.

A rise in Covid infections leading to Cheshire East being made an ‘enhanced response area’  was another factor.

The event, which sees wing walkers harnessed on top of a 1940s Boeing Stearman biplane, is fully subscribed.

The postponement adds to the tension for participants, including five grandmothers, the eldest of whom Barbara Spivey (74) runs a fancy dress shop on Chestergate.


Wing Walk grannies …from left,  Pam Webster, Gill Black, Jacky Macleod and Barbara Spivey.


The effects of Covid-19 have badly affected plans by the Hospice fundraising team whose last mass participation event was a Tough Woofer dog walk in October, 2019.

That means there will be a two-year gap until the next event, a Drive-in Cinema at Capesthorne Hall, on Sunday, October 17.

A Memory Miles walk due in August has now been shelved until March 25 next year.

Events Manager Beth Candy said: “We’re pretty confident the cinema event will go ahead. It’s been such a frustrating time for our supporters and losing so many events has wrecked our fundraising plans.

“We’d appeal to anyone who can raise funds for the Hospice to please support us in whatever way they can. The last 18 months have been so tough and the sooner we’re back to normal the better.

“Any donations, large or small, will much such a huge difference to the care of our patients.”


The wing walk facing Hospice fundraisers.  

Memory Walk Postponed Again

East Cheshire Hospice has been forced to postpone its Memory Miles walk yet again because of the Covid crisis.

The new date is Friday, March 25, 2022, at Adlington Hall – almost three years after the Hospice last staged its flagship memory walk.

The August 27 event has been postponed reluctantly, amid on-going uncertainty over the easing of lockdown restrictions.

The absence of mass participation events is a major financial blow to the Hospice.

The next event is a Drive-in Cinema on Sunday, October 17, at Capesthorne Hall, where the charity’s last fundraising event, a Tough Woofer dog walk, took place two years ago.

Organisers are hoping it will be a case of fifth time lucky for the Memory Walk which was cancelled twice in 2020 (April and September) and twice in 2021 (May and August).

Events Manager Beth Candy said:  “We’re very sad to keep having to cancel these events, but when we do eventually stage our next one and all get back together again it’s going to be bigger and better and more amazing than ever before.

“The memory walk is extra special to us because it’s a celebration of lost loved ones. It’s an event we get most sponsorship from because of its very nature.”


Walkers enjoying the memory walk two years ago.


The Hospice had delayed accepting registrations until the government made its most recent announcement to put back the final easing of lockdown restrictions.

Beth said: “People would have had mixed emotions about us launching an event in the current circumstances with restrictions in place, even though we’d probably have been out of those restrictions by the time the walk came round.

“But we want to make sure there aren’t going to be any restrictions and don’t have to cap the numbers taking part. Unfortunately, there was the potential for that to be the case.

“We want to be confident we can do it and want everyone to be confident they can attend.

“We’re looking forward to seeing everyone coming together again in March and want to thank everyone for their loyalty, patience and understanding.”

The Memory Walk, formerly Light Up The Night, was to have been the climax to a Memory Miles event in which fundraisers undertake their own challenge by whatever means they wish.


The last memory walk in 2019.

Bill’s Open Garden

The roots of Bill North’s love of gardens go back to his days as a teenager.

His first job was as an apprentice horticulturalist and he spent his entire career involved in parks and gardens in some capacity.

Bill eventually retired as head of leisure at the then Macclesfield Borough Council in 2009.

He is one of several East Cheshire Hospice supporters opening up their gardens to the public this summer to raise funds for charity.

Bill and wife Julie entertained visitors at their beautiful garden on Kennedy Avenue as part of their annual support for the National Garden Scheme.

The Hospice provided teas for guests who admired herbaceous borders, Acer trees and countless flower pots and hanging baskets.

Bill said: “I dote on my garden and spend hours in it. I love it and genuinely feel better when I’m outside.

“I was very fortunate that my hobby was my career and once our garden is sorted at the start of the year it’s a matter of mainly keeping on top of it.

“We’ve a covered area where we love entertaining. That’s why we’re pleased to be coming out of lockdown because we can start to have people round again like before.”

Core beneficiaries of the Nation Garden Scheme include Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie, Hospice UK and The Queen’s Nursing Institute.

The couple have now decided to hold a second Open Gardens day on Sunday, August 15, with proceeds in aid of the Hospice only. Find out more here.


Gardeners’ world….Bill and Julie North in their back garden.

Katie and Sophie Step Up

Sisters Katie and Sophie Richards used their new Fitbits to spur them on in a fundraising challenge.

The girls reached their daily target of steps to raise £290 sponsorship for East Cheshire Hospice.

Their grandad Stephen Jones died of bowel cancer at the Hospice in 1998, aged 47, while late great grandad Gordon Oldfield, also from Macclesfield, was treated there as well.

Katie (9) and Sophie (8) warmed up for their month-long challenge by walking or running 5,000 steps a day for the first week.

Their target increased to 6,000 steps a day the following week and the last two weeks they covered 7,000 steps, raising the total to 10,000 for the last day.

Mum Emma Jones said: “We got them a Fit bit each as an incentive and they wanted to do something for charity since the Hospice is part of our family.

“The care it provided when my dad and grandad passed away was amazing and we wanted the girls to take the money to the Hospice so they could see what it does.”

“They’re proud of their achievement and want to thank everyone for their sponsorship.”


Sophie (left) and Katie Richards during their step challenge.

Rachel Wild’s Mountain Marathon

Rachel Wild after completing her Lake District marathon.


The memory of her grandad inspired Rachel Wild on a gruelling marathon run across Lake District mountains.

The trainee advanced clinical practitioner has already raised £1,000 for East Cheshire Hospice where Michael Palmer, from Macclesfield, was a patient.

Michael (81) died of cancer last September after a career in television engineering which included a spell living in Vietnam.


Michael Palmer


Rachel climbed more than 6,000 feet –  equivalent to scaling Ben Nevis – as she ran almost 28 miles over nine and a half hours on the Trail Pursuit course near Lake Windermere.

She said: “I was scrambling up summits where there were obviously no paths and on a hot day it was brutal. The descents were just as horrendous and you needed to be resilient. I’m tough minded but found it very hard.

“My grandad was my best friend and we were lucky to get a place for him at the Hospice. The care and attention he received was incredible and the staff were amazing.

“It meant I could be his granddaughter and spend those last few days with him. I sat and read one of his favourite books Alice in Wonderland to him and we listened to classical music.

“He was peaceful, comfortable and pain free. I wish everyone could have that experience and know that’s not always the case.

“Grandad was the most amazing, intelligent kind and funny man who had high morals. He always believed in doing the right thing to help someone if he could and loved magical fairy stories and childhood wonder.”


Michael Palmer with his dog Archie.


Rachel, an Army reservist, found the Trail Pursuit challenge harder than a marathon she completed in stifling heat and humidity in Sierra Leone in 2015.

“The first and last few miles along the Cumbrian Way were fairly flat but the mountains, including Bowfell, the ninth highest summit in England, required a lot of blood, sweat and tears.”

Rachel has already reached double her initial fundraising target of £500. She said: “I think my grandad would have been so proud of me and anyone who sponsors me is making a difference to someone’s end-of-life care.”

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