Fundraising Archives - Page 18 of 31 - East Cheshire Hospice

Corporate Challenge to Fund Bereavement Services

Bereavement services run by East Cheshire Hospice will benefit from the next Corporate Challenge in May.

Firms and other organisations are being urged to sign up for the fun competition in which entrants  raise as much as possible from a £100 start-up loan.

All proceeds will go towards the expansion of the Hospice’s bereavement services for which demand has increased because of Covid-19.

East Cheshire Hospice’s Bereavement Services Lead Helen Wilkinson said: “People are more isolated and their grief compounded by restrictions, meaning they can’t hug, meet a friend, or catch up like they did.

“Some people try to squash their emotions, or keep busy, before realising there’s a problem and they can’t cope. We’re seeing that now and the delayed reaction means we’re likely to see it in the future as well.

“We encourage people to talk about it, be open and seek help. Everyone has different experiences and Covid and lockdown has heightened emotions.

“Those grieving shouldn’t wear a mask metaphorically and friends, relatives and society can help by  listening and offer empathy.  Bereavement is hard anyway.  Now more than ever, people are recognising the need for support.”

Helen Wilkinson, Bereavement Services Lead at East Cheshire Hospice.

Last year’s Corporate Challenge raised £12,226 and was won by Equilibrium Financial Planning which has also entered this time, along with Leap 29. All profit made by teams during May is donated to the Hospice.

* For more details go to

Abi and Kyla Swap Lbs for £s

Sisters-in-laws Abi Lowe and Kyla Eyre have joined forces in a fitness drive to raise funds for East Cheshire Hospice.

The pair are honouring the memory of Abi’s oldest sister Christabel who died of cancer in the Hospice in 2012, aged 27.

The care she received inspired them to sign up to the Hospice’s health initiative Lbs 4 £s.

The Hospice requires £7,500 a day to keep going and provides its services free of charge.

Abi, from Macclesfield, said: “It’s mind blowing that only 17 per cent of funds comes from the government and the Hospice has to rely on the community for the rest of its income.

“When we read that fact we thought it was absolutely crazy so we wanted to make sure we gave something back after they were so amazing with Christabel.

“The hospice provided above and beyond care for her and ensured she had everything she needed, as well as supporting our family during an unbelievably tough time.

“It’s ridiculous that government funding is so low for such a crucial thing. I know so many people in the Cheshire area use the Hospice, or have been touched by it in some way.”

Abi Lowe (left) and Kyla Eyre who are aiming to raise £2,000 for East Cheshire Hospice.

The pair are on course to raise £2,000 before the end of March when the 12-week fitness and well-being programme ends.

Alongside their healthy lifestyle changes, they have organised a virtual raffle in which small local  businesses have generously donated prizes such as hot tub hire, beauty treatments, restaurant vouchers, lockdown birthday celebrations and alcohol packages.

Kyla said: “We’re grateful for all the help and everyone has been so generous – both the local companies who’ve donated products and services and those who’ve bought raffle tickets. We’re blown away by the community spirit and generosity.

“I’ve already lost a stone in weight, helped by healthy eating and online work outs such as yoga sessions. Friends and family have spurred us on for encouragement.

“It’s amazing knowing you’re helping such a worthy cause while helping yourself.”

The virtual raffle is still on- going with plenty more prizes to be won, including party venue hire, photography sessions, afternoon teas, home fragrance packages.

* To get involved visit

AstraZeneca 2020 Fundraising

AstraZeneca and its employees made a donation of more than £21,000 to East Cheshire Hospice last year.

A total of £12,080 was raised from various fundraising initiatives, including a drive-in cinema on the AZ Campus car park on Charter Way.

The company added a further £9,075, providing a welcome bonus for the charity which endured a tough financial year due to Covid-19.

The cinema experience raised £1,200, while a running challenge between AZ staff in Macclesfield and colleagues in Sweden contributed a similar amount.

AZ also matched donations by staff for 2020 Christmas tree collection, the Hospice’s Now More than Ever Appeal and a Christmas jumper day.

Staff also sold key rings and mask adaptors in aid of the charity, while Sodexo catering staff at AZ made regular cake donations and provided advent calendars.

Kate Bowmar, the Hospice’s Corporate Fundraiser, said: “We can’t thank AstraZeneca enough for their amazing support once again in 2020. It’s been a tough last 12 months for the Hospice and the enthusiasm and commitment shown by AZ is so heart warming, especially in these difficult times.”

Guy Camm,  AZ’s Macclesfield Campus FM Development Manager, said: “We’re proud of our long-standing partnership with the Hospice and, of course, our staff who rallied to the cause in fantastic style in 2020.

“I’m sure that dedication will continue in 2021 through our support for several local charities, including the Hospice.”

Sodexo employees Tim Stevens and Dawn Walsh delivering advent calendars to the Hospice.

Quizmasters’ Profiles

There is one question quiz hosts Paul Morrissey and Mark Watson cannot answer.

When will East Cheshire Hospice quiz teams finally meet up again without the aid of Zoom?

It is 16 months since the last quiz at Marlborough Primary School where it was always a social event as much as a test of general knowledge.

Organisers have held six virtual quizzes since during the pandemic, raising an impressive £7,471 online. The next quiz is on Friday, March 5.

The ECH quiz team have raised more than £38,000 for the Hospice in seven years when Paul and Mark have been firing the questions.

The last quiz drew 89 teams with contestants dotted all over the country.

Quiz masters Paul Morrissey (left) and Mark Watson.

Paul said: “It’s good that people can take part from anywhere, but where we lose out is we can’t hold raffles and sell beer like we do at the face-to-face quizzes. So being able to raise the same amount of money is a challenge.

“It’s about striking the right balance with questions. We don’t want them too hard because there’s a range of different people, particularly at the Hospice quizzes.

“People enjoy the face-to-face get-togethers as much for the crack as the quiz itself.  We do try to push the social side and encourage people to have a good time.”

Paul, who was a Hospice trustee for seven years and is now a vice president, is retired from AstraZeneca where he spent more than 30 years.

He is a quiz veteran like Mark who runs the Macclesfield Quiz League and they are team-mates for the Nags Head ‘B’.

Past quiz host Dave Robinson helps with music rounds at the school events, while the tireless Alison Brammer is co-organiser. Nik Kalka usually runs the bar and now helps with technology. Community Fundraiser Carley Macey co-ordinates for the Hospice.

Quiz bar team (from left) Rick Cohen, Nik Kalka and Mike Kemp.

Mark said: “I’ve got a good memory for facts which frankly aren’t much use anywhere else. Questions which don’t do me the slightest good in real life work really well in this forum!”

“I’ve known Paul a long time – fellow Manchester City supporter – and we get on well and pull each other’s leg. Hopefully, we provide some entertainment.”

Mark retired as a Police Inspector in 2012 and is co-ordinator for the charity Cheshire Crimebeat. He was awarded the MBE for services to community policing, having worked closely on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities for many years.


To join the next quiz on Friday March 5th, go to

Sentimental Jewellery Repairs Help the Hospice

Sentimental jewellery belonging to Vanessa Greveson has been given a new lease of life through her links with East Cheshire Hospice.

Items include a string of pearls given to Vanessa by her late husband Warren who died at the Hospice.

Help came from jewellery expert Helen Dimmick who runs Annie’s Legacy, a fundraising initiative she set up in the name of her late grandmother.

Helen donates 15 per cent of the profit from work undertaken in memory of a loved one to the Hospice which cared for Annie who inspired her love of jewellery.

The two Macclesfield women met after Vanessa read about Helen’s offer in the Hospice newsletter.

Jewellery expert Helen Dimmick who runs Annie’s Legacy.  

Vanessa said: “Helen’s naturally, bright and bubbly personality immediately connects with people.  She completely understands where bereaved people are coming from.

“I had some pieces of jewellery that were particularly meaningful to me which needed adjustments.

“The pearls from Warren needed re-stringing and I had earrings which had been made into a ring before but it wasn’t quite right, so Helen kindly made suggestions about what could be done.

Warren and Vanessa Greveson.

“I also had my mother’s items that I never wore because they didn’t fit or were damaged, so Helen was just the right person to put them back into my life.

“I can’t tell you how grateful I am because it has really made a big difference to me. Helen’s such a sensitive person and she immediately picked up on how the jewellery fits into my psyche.

“She’s so good at keeping her clients informed of exactly what’s going on which is perfect for someone like me who can hardly let go of anything.”

For Vanessa it was also a way of giving something back to the Hospice.

She said: “I knew I needed to find a jeweller who was local to me, but once I saw that Annie’s Legacy had been set up by Helen, I couldn’t pick up the phone fast enough.

“There must be so many people who inherit things that either don’t fit, or who might think ‘that’s lovely, the stones in that brooch are beautiful, but I’d rather it were a ring on my finger.’ Helen would be the person to ask and she’s very knowledgeable.”

* To contact Helen email, or call 07939 047056.

Hospice Events in 2021

Planning fundraising events is proving because of on-going uncertainty over Covid-19.

The events team are still hoping that 2021 might see a long-awaited return of mass participation events, though the pandemic continues to disrupt plans.

The Hospice switched to virtual fundraising events almost a year ago and is still also urging the public to carry on with their own initiatives to provide much-needed revenue.

The flagship Light Up The Night memory walk has been provisionally arranged, though this Adlington Hall gathering might have to be cancelled again this year.

Events Manager Beth Candy said: “We have a date in May booked for Light Up the Night, but it’s very much a wait and see and I’m afraid it’s looking unlikely unless things change dramatically.

“Last summer we held a Memory Miles virtual event involving people walking the miles themselves and raising money. That was hugely successful and we may do that again.

“Events have been the most impacted of all the income streams as we simply just haven’t been able to hold them.

“It’ll work out that we haven’t managed to hold a single event during the entire financial year which is obviously a really scary time for us, but we’re greatly supported by our community and that’s made a massive difference.

“It’s looking like another quieter year for events and we’re looking into more virtual/socially-distanced events through the year to keep the community together as we miss seeing everyone.

“I’ve also been extremely lucky to help in other parts of the team, such as the kitchen and housekeeping. That was a real eye opener and just reminds me why we fundraise and do what we do.

“It’s been a massive test for everyone having to adapt to keep those all-important donations coming in, but it’s all experience and learning on the job.”

Colleague Bethan Wade co-ordinates the popular Challenge Events Series which has seen a big increase in participants.

These include initiatives such as the current Lbs 4 £s weight loss and fitness programme; a Firewalk (Oct 22) and a Sahara trek (Nov 13-20), subject to overseas travel restrictions. A wing walk is also planned.

Beth and Bethan have also helped community fundraisers Carley Macey and Claire Gorton who assist with countless challenges undertaken by individuals and groups. The latest venture was another of the Virtual Quiz nights last Friday (Feb 5).

Beth Candy (left) and Bethan Wade  at Tough Woofer  in October 2019. It took place soon  after Bethan started her fundraising role at East Cheshire Hospice and no mass participation event has been held since.

Helen Adamson Walks for the Hospice

Helen Adamson decided to branch out with her own fundraising once this year’s tree collection for East Cheshire Hospice was called off.

She walked an average of more than six miles every day last month, raising more than £3,500 in the process for the Hospice.

Helen explained: “It all started after a conversation with my husband Richard who helps with the tree collection each year.

“Once it was postponed, I decided to do something in a small way to help raise funds for the Hospice.

“It was also my 60th birthday last month, so I asked family and friends to donate to the Hospice instead of buying presents.

“I love walking and thought it’d be good to set myself a little challenge by walking at least three miles every day with a family member or friend in January.

“I ended up doing a lot more than that, completing 214 miles altogether. Two of my favourite walking routes are Hare Hill and Shutlingsloe.

“The support I’ve had has been incredible and every single pound raised will go to the Hospice which needs a lot of fundraising to provide its excellent care.”

Helen raised £6,000 for Macmillan last year by walking 26 miles around Coniston Water after she was unable to run the virtual London marathon due to spinal problems.

She was deputy manager of Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre at Wythenshawe Hospital before retiring in June last year.

* To sponsor Helen visit

Helen Adamson who walked an average of more than six miles each day in January. 

Claire Joins the Fundraising Team

Claire Gorton will never forget the day she started her new job at East Cheshire Hospice.

Her arrival last month coincided with the announcement of the latest national lockdown.

It was not the news Claire and the fundraising team she had just joined wanted to hear, especially after such a frustrating year for the charity.

Claire, who is Community Fundraising Assistant, said: “The new lockdown came just as I started and in my first week it should have been our Christmas tree collection which was postponed unfortunately.

“It’s a difficult time to fundraise, but also such an important time to be fundraising. It’s going to be a challenge but that’s also exciting.

“There are plenty of ways people can fundraise without coming together. Supporters are getting more creative and adapting because of the way things are and coming up with fresh ideas.”

Claire Gorton with some of her ceramics.

Claire, from Nether Alderley, had her job interview last March with her appointment delayed by Covid-19.

Her previous job as a technical demonstrator at Quarry Bank involved explaining the cotton mill’s role in the Industrial Revolution.

She said:  “It was very interesting, I learned a lot there and it was a nice place to work. I demonstrated the old machinery for hand spinning and weaving, cotton processing and the spinning mule.

“I fell in love with storytelling and engaging the visitors, but fancied a new challenge. I saw the job advertised and enjoy talking to the public and felt it’d be exciting to get people engaged in raising money for the Hospice.”

Claire already had links with the charity, her mum Pat inspiring her to join its memory walks, while a close family friend was cared for at the Hospice.

Claire said: “I’ve been to the Hospice in a visiting capacity as well, so have that understanding of what it means to patients and their families at quite difficult times.”

Meanwhile, older brother Rob is undertaking a series of fundraising challenges, including a Hospice trek to the Sahara in November.

Claire has a degree in design crafts with ceramics her speciality.

She said:  “I’ve had a small business making and selling ceramics in my spare time since I graduated from university in 2016.

“I have a little shed on the family farm where I make my ceramics which I normally sell at places like the Treacle Market,  but that’s cancelled at the moment so I’ve been selling online.”

Claire Gorton in front the kiln in her shed with her ceramics.

Will Week Raises £8,687

East Cheshire Hospice celebrated another successful Will Week campaign despite Covid restrictions.

£8,687 was raised thanks to the support of legal firms which donated time and expertise to help the Hospice.

Participants included GPW Trusts, which is now operating at Church Street, Macclesfield, and will be able to see clients there after the latest lockdown ends.

Other firms taking part in October’s Will Week were Poole Alcock, Spall Clark, Dunkerleys LLP, Stratford Solicitors and Alfred Newton.

Kate Bowmar, the charity’s Corporate Fundraiser, said: “Will Week is an important fundraising initiative for the Hospice, especially at the moment. The campaign raises vital funds and makes our supporters consider leaving a legacy gift in their Will to the Hospice.

“It wouldn’t be a success without the goodwill and generosity of our local solicitors and the public, so we thank everyone who supported the campaign.”

The next Hospice Will Week (Oct 4-8) will be the 10th year of the initiative.

Gavin Prideaux-Williams, Estate Planning Consultant at GPW Trusts.

Norman Meredith

Walker Norman Meredith has been on the go virtually non-stop since he started his charity challenge.

He completed his mission to cover 1,000 miles in 100 days on Christmas Eve but has hardly put his feet up since.

Norman Meredith during his challenge. 

Norman, from Mottram St Andrew, said: “I think I rested for one day once I’d finished, but I’ve become so addicted to walking I’ve been out on seven or eight mile walks every day.

“It’s been great for my general fitness, I’ve lost weight and slept like a baby. I’d definitely recommend the exercise.”

Norman is raising funds for East Cheshire Hospice in memory of his father Dennis (86) who died in November 2018.

Dennis was chairman of the Macclesfield-based Prince Albert Angling Society – one of the biggest fishing clubs in Europe – for 25 years.

In his final days he was cared for by Hospice @Home nurses.

Norman said: “The Hospice were magnificent and I’d like everyone to know just how good they were. I vowed to do some fundraising and given the current circumstances felt it was appropriate to do something now.”

“The Hospice needs all the financial help it can get at this difficult time. Care is provided free of charge so any fundraising makes a difference.”

Dennis Meredith and wife Alma.

The retired sales executive used various routes as he kept to his average distance of 10 miles a day.

“I was amazed how many new friends I made who live within half a mile of my house just by going for a walk. People I didn’t know before would stop for a chat.”

A weekly route was to Aldi where he bought two bottles of Chilean Pinot Noir. “I became known as Clinking Norman because I’d got my favourite tipple in my rucksack.

“I was always very active, running marathons and half marathons, and played sport and have enjoyed walking.”

* To sponsor Norman visit

Norman Meredith on his 1,000-mile walk in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.