Fundraising Archives - Page 21 of 27 - East Cheshire Hospice

Finley’s Fundraising on Foot!

Donations to the Hospice since it was forced to cancel fundraising events have passed the £100,000 mark.

We would like to thank the public for their overwhelming response after revealing we would lose £1m in income due to the national emergency.

However we urge the public to ‘keep up the good work’ with its efforts.

Sports mad Finley Foote, aged 11, is one of many fundraisers showing great community spirit.

Finley Foote enjoying the sight of White Nancy.   

Finley has been exercising during lockdown by running at least two and a half miles each day near his home in Bollington.

He has raised £1,185 for the Hospice in the first week of his challenge, his efforts earning an honourable mention in the weekly Headteacher’s Notes at Tytherington School where he is a pupil.

Finley acted after learning about the cancelled events, including Splash Out which his family were due to take part in again this year.

Mum Sarah said: “It’s such a shame the Hospice is losing this revenue. It’s a wonderful local charity and close to everyone’s hearts.

“Finley hasn’t been able to do many of the activities he enjoys since sports clubs and school closed and he decided to help the Hospice. The sponsorship from friends, teachers and even strangers has been overwhelming and he’ll carry on running until the end of lockdown.

“His stepdad and I have been going out with him and have enjoyed helping him to beat his personal bests on the different routes. He has run a total of 31 miles so far!”

Finley Foote and mum Sarah on one of their runs.

To sponsor Finley visit

Meanwhile, Carl Lamptey, whose wife Sarah died in the Hospice in 2014, has so far raised £11,000 in his fundraising campaign.

Hospice Director Karyn Johnston said: “We’re amazed by the acts of generosity shown by the community during this difficult time. People of all ages are raising funds to help out and our message is to please keep up the good work. We need your support now more than ever.”

The Hospice has streamlined services to cope without the 650 volunteers who normally provide vital help.

It means staff are filling in essential roles while demand for Hospice @Home support has increased. Visits to the inpatients ward are also severely restricted.

If you want to start your own #ECHVirtualChallenge to support the Hospice, go to

Heather Broadbent Home For Now

Heather Broadbent has vowed to complete her round-the-world sailing adventure even though she is now back home on dry land.

The Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race was suspended last month after reaching the Philippines because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Heather’s log book showed she had travelled 27,800 nautical miles and was past the half-way point in her 11-month voyage before the race was halted.

Coincidentally, she has raised just under £28,000 for East Cheshire Hospice where her late husband Adam was a patient.

Heather, from Disley, said: “I’m devastated to have to give up but happy to be back with my family. The race will hopefully resume next February and I can continue to raise money for the Hospice.

“I’d love to reach my target of £40,000 which would be a pound for every mile eventually sailed and it’d be wonderful if people can still donate.

“The first we knew about the virus was when crew members received messages from home asking if we were still going to stop in China.

“We made a detour to the Philippines where we were held in quarantine on a pontoon for three days under armed guard before we were flown home.”

Heather has a host of memories. She said: “It’s been an incredible adventure and more intense and much harder than I anticipated.

“I’ve loved and hated it in equal measures. I was lonely and felt miserable at times and it was physically demanding with a relentless routine. You see people at their most raw and there’s no hiding from it in such a confined space on a 70-foot yacht.

“However, there were so many highlights and I’ve made friends for life, people I’d never have met otherwise.

“Who would have thought that a 51-year-old housewife from Cheshire would become friends with a 31-year-old Scottish rigger?

“As we all ate roast beef out of plastic tubs on deck on Christmas Day with our skipper dressed as Father Christmas some 500 dolphins jumped around the boat. It was absolutely jaw dropping.

“I loved Cape Town. It was vibrant and friendly and I’m looking forward to going back. The best thing about being home was seeing my family, climbing into my own bed and not using a toilet angled at 45 degrees.

* To sponsor Heather visit Funds will support our Hospice @Home service.

Heather Broadbent during her epic voyage.

Stay In And Go All Out!

Running, cycling, baking, dancing or singing…examples of activities that will help East Cheshire Hospice during the virus crisis.

The Hospice is urging the public to join its Virtual Challenge – which has the slogan ‘stay in and go all out’ – as it tries to raise £1m.

Individuals and groups are encouraged to visit its website to register their own fundraising challenges for his new initiative.

The appeal is being made amid the Covid-19 pandemic which will result in lost revenue of around £1m for the Hospice from cancelled events.

Action from last year’s Splash Out which is one of the fundraising events cancelled by East Cheshire Hospice.

Events Assistant Bethan Wade said: “We realise it’s a difficult time for everyone, but with time on their hands our Virtual Challenge is a simple and easy way to raise money for the Hospice.

“It could be a run round the garden, baking a cake, or even a London to Paris bike ride for anyone who might have an exercise bike and can perhaps build their daily outdoor exercise into the journey.

“There are many ways of raising money and it doesn’t have to be a sports activity. For instance, it could be a karaoke session, a danceathon or a quiz.”

Bethan Wade, Events Assistant at East Cheshire Hospice.

Community Fundraising Manager Carley Macey is organising the first Hospice Virtual Quiz on Friday, April 17, (7.30 pm) and has set up a Virtual Balloon Race this weekend.

Balloons, costing £3 each, are launched from Jerusalem on Easter Sunday and the one which travels the furthest in a straight line in a week wins £500. Second prize is an Apple iPad and 10 runners up each collect £10 book tokens.

Balloons will follow a simulated flight pattern based on the actual weather during the race. Supporters can buy as many balloons as they wish and the leading 100 balloons can be tracked via the race homepage. Enter at

The Hospice had received more than £40,000 in donations in the first 10 days since it was forced to cancel its fundraising events.

Bethan said:  “We’ve had an amazing response so far, but this total is just a fraction of the revenue we’ve lost. The virus has had a major impact on the Hospice but we know the community will get behind us.”

Patient care is unaltered thanks to dedicated nursing staff and healthcare assistants who are using tablets and phones to link up patients as family visits are now severely restricted.

Carl’s £1M Campaign Kicks Off

Footballers and celebrities have received a plea for help from a prominent supporter of East Cheshire Hospice.

Carl Lamptey, from Macclesfield, wants wealthy residents to help solve a funding dilemma facing the Hospice.

Carl Lamptey and wife  Sarah who was a patient at East Cheshire Hospice in 2014.

He has spoken from the heart after his Team Rainbow raised £54,000 for the Hospice where his wife Sarah died of breast cancer six years ago, aged 36.

Carl said: “I’m challenging footballers and celebrities and the super rich who live in East Cheshire to do an amazing act of kindness and club together to raise £1m.

“That’s how much income the Hospice will lose in the next few months because all its fundraising events are being cancelled.

“East Cheshire is an affluent part of the country and we need everybody to help. I’m not saying all footballers and celebrities have bucket loads of money but the majority have and I’m asking them to undertake this challenge.

“They’ve been doing things like the toilet roll challenge on social media and this is the perfect opportunity for them to help.”

“The Hospice were brilliant with Sarah. They got her involved as an ambassador and gave her an extra six months with us. I’ll do anything for the Hospice and the community are donating, even though we all have little money. ”

East Cheshire is the second lowest government funded hospice in the country and needs to raise 85 per cent of its income to provide free care for patients with life-limiting illnesses.

* To support Carl visit

Society launches campaign to raise £60,000 for local charities

Leek United Building Society has launched a campaign to raise £60,000 for three local charities whose funding has been hit by the coronavirus outbreak.


The Society is asking for donations from its staff and members of the public and will match every pound donated up to a maximum donation from the Society of £30,000.


All funds raised will be split equally between Home-Start Staffordshire Moorlands, Treetops Hospice, Care Derbyshire and East Cheshire Hospice, Cheshire.



Like many charities across the UK, the Hospice’s fundraising activities have been affected by the recently introduced lockdown and social distancing measures put in place to help keep everyone safe.


Andrew Healy, Leek United Building Society’s chief executive, said: “As a mutual organisation, one of our core values is to give back to the communities we serve, especially during difficult times.


“These charities do an amazing job but they face a challenge at the present time because many of the fundraising events they rely on for income have been cancelled. We want to help and we hope members of the public will support our fundraising campaign so that these charities can continue to provide vital services.”


Kate Bowmar, Corporate Fundraiser at East Cheshire Hospice said “We are extremely grateful for the continued support of Leek United Building Society colleagues and members during these difficult financial times. Our amazing nurses are working tirelessly to ensure our In Patient Unit and Hospice @Home services remain fully operational, but due to the closure of our retail stores and cancelled fundraising events we are anticipating a significant financial loss, and have launched our Now More Than Ever Appeal to try and recover some of this lost income.”


Leek United has set up a special account for those wishing to donate to this campaign: Account Name: Charity Support, Leek United Building Society, Sort code: 40-05-30; Account number: 74578031; Roll or Reference number: 72644536105.


Donations of any amount will be greatly appreciated and can be made online using internet banking or by posting a cheque to Charity Support, Leek United Building Society, 50 St. Edward Street, ST13 5DL or to your local Leek United branch. Cheques should be made payable to Leek United Building Society – Charity Support.  Further details can be found at


For further information on East Cheshire Hospice’s Now More Than Ever appeal please visit:

East Cheshire Hospice on BBC North West and ITV Granada

This week, news teams from both the BBC and ITV have been filming at or in contact with the Hospice.

As the UK is currently encouraged to stay indoors and practice social distancing, many Hospice fundraising events among other things have been cancelled or postponed, leading to a significant loss in funding.

In the segment on BBC North West, Annabel Tiffin explained that “Only a fraction of their money comes from the NHS and donations are drying up as fun runs and other sponsored events are cancelled.”

In her interview, Hospice direction Karyn Johnston said “All 26 Hospices in the North West need your help, now more than ever.”

View the full BBC North West segment at

East Cheshire Hospice Director Karyn Johnston speaking on BBC North West Tonight

The Hospice is now calling on its community and supporters to donate, spread the word and help reduce the damage the Coronavirus outbreak is causing to the Hospice’s funds and the work and support it provides.

The BBC’s Stuart Flinders reported that “This Hospice is now budgeting for a loss of one third of its income this year. It’s going to be relying on public generosity more than ever in the months ahead.”

The response to the media coverage has been fantastically generous and reassuring, but unfortunately more is needed.

In video call on ITV Granada, Hospice supporter Carl Lamptey set an ambitious challenge. He said “This goes out to the footballers and celebs, anyone. This is my challenge to you – we need to raise as a community one million pounds for the Hospice to keep going.”

When asked by ITV’s Sarah Rogers “What would it mean to you to make that million pounds?” Carl replied “I’d cry… it means so much to me.”

ITV Granada’s Sarah Rogers interviews Hospice supporter Carl Lamptey

See the full ITV Granada report at

Carl has now set up a JustGiving page to raise funds and is asking for people to donate and share the message. He hopes to reach professional footballers and celebrities in the area who have the capability to really boost the campaign.

If you are able to donate or help spread the word, please go to

What Women Want Continue Fundraising For The Hospice

The drinks flow freely when the What Women Want girls are together.

Raising £300,000 for East Cheshire Hospice over a dozen years is thirsty work.

It’s hard work too, so having fun is key for Jayne Carter, Julie Barnes, Elaine Burgess, Jo Millward and Jill Harding, all from Macclesfield.

The girls enjoying one of their events. From left, Jo Millward, Julie Barnes, Jayne Carter, Elaine Burgess and Jill Harding.

Catch ups to organise future WWW fundraising events are social occasions with conversation always centred on how they can help Hospice patients.

Jayne, the group chair and owner of a packaging business, said: “The Hospice is such a special place where people are allowed to die with dignity. We try to provide extra things that are little bit special to hospice care.”

They bought a car for Hospice @Home staff, a service which had been launched two years earlier with the help of a £25,000 donation from the group. Equipment and many other practical items have also been purchased through their generosity.

The WWW link also led to a staggering £1m donation to the Hospice from Steve Malone and Robbie Hargreaves, co-founders of Proseal.

Jayne said: “Their company always sponsored our winter balls and Steve called as I was driving, asking if I was still fundraising for the Hospice and were we looking for anything.

“We were trying to fund a car and Steve, with Robbie on loudspeaker, said they’d like to give the Hospice a million pounds. I nearly crashed the car and was crying. It was just amazing.”

The girls’ families also help out, serving drinks and selling raffle tickets at various balls, bingo nights and fashion shows.

Jo, a long-serving HR director at AstraZeneca, recalls a fashion show in which cancer patients were models. She said: “The atmosphere and love for those models was so powerful.

“The group’s incredibly special to me. We’re all pretty strong personalities and you have to be fairly comfortable to get up on stage and corral lots of women who’ve all had a glass of wine.

“We’ve never had a fall out in all the years because the bigger picture always in our mind is what we’re doing it for.”

* WWW are holding a themed ball at Cranage Hall on Friday, November 13.

What Women Want fundraisers (from left) – Jo Millward, Julie Barnes, Jill Harding, Jayne Carter and Elaine Burgess.

Lucy is a Challenge Champion!

Lucy Coppack is taking part in #ChallengeEastCheshire this year and absolutely smashing it!

Lucy was ready to run the Wilsmlow Half Marathon at the weekend… until it got cancelled! But that didn’t stop Lucy as she decided to brave the weather and run it on her own anyway!

At a time when so many of our income streams from fundraising events are running dry, it’s really important that people like Lucy find a way to keep fundraising for us. Thank you Lucy!

Please sponsor Lucy on JustGiving at

This is how her day went…


“I was all prepared for the race, mentally and physically, had all my kit laid out, breakfast prepped, eaten and drank lots in preparation the days leading up to the half marathon. But when I woke up on Sunday morning at 7am I saw the text from the Wilmslow running festival team saying it had been cancelled due to Covid-19.

I was so gutted as I was so prepared, so I messaged my family and decided I was going to do it anyway.

So I posted some videos on social media explaining my plan…

So off I set on my 13.1 mile run, through Langley and Sutton and on the canal to Congleton and back!

The conditions were awful! It started hailing and raining on the way and the canal was sooo muddy (see pictures) I was soaking wet, then it was time to do it all again… so on my way back I was trying not to fall over… didn’t succeed as I fell over 3 times!

I was fine. Just muddy. Very muddy and wet.

Finally came to the canal in Sutton and jumped off and back up a big hill home!

I managed it though and am uploading my race, time and distance to Wilmslow running festival website so I still get my medal and t-shirt.

More to the point, whilst I was running I had people messaging me and donating as I continued the run!

I’m now at £970 for this race alone plus a £250 cheque from my work.

So, with this and my other JustGiving account and my other cheque from work last year I’m at £2301 for East Cheshire Hospice.

Needless to say, that’s not it as my aim is to raise £7500 – a day’s running cost for the Hospice. So, a bit of rest now as my other races have been postponed until autumn which is good – more time to train.”


If you are able, please sponsor Lucy at:


Fundraising Efforts Are Music To Heather Broadbent’s Ears Right Off The Bat

Friends back home have been lifting the spirits of round-the-world sailor Heather Broadbent with their fundraising support.

Her hopes of raising £40,000 for the Hospice @Home service run by East Cheshire Hospice have been boosted by new donations totalling more than £1,000.

A winter ball organised by Prestbury Tennis Club raised £600, while The Caravanettes ladies choir donated £448 from their summer concert and appearance at the Christmas treacle market.

Judy Grant, vice-chair of the tennis club, and Claire Sutton, a choir co-founder, are both friends of Heather.

They suggested their groups contribute to her campaign as part of their organisations’ on-going Hospice support.

From left, Prestbury Tennis Club vice-chair Judy Grant, chair Peter Moyes, East Cheshire Hospice community fundraiser Carley Macey and tennis club secretary Lesley Cain.


Heather is preparing to leave the Philippines for the second half of her 11-month voyage.

She said: “I do miss my family and friends at home and it makes me so proud to hear of the fantastic things they’re doing to help me achieve my target for East Cheshire Hospice.

“I want to thank both Judy and Claire and everyone who contributed. It means so much to me to try to raise this money for such a wonderful cause and any help like this from the community is much appreciated.”

Tennis club secretary Lesley Cain worked in the finance department here at the Hospice for 17 years before retirement.

She said: “I really like the Hospice @Home concept and my husband Chris, who died in 2017, might well have used the service if it had existed then. It started later that year.

“Apart from the health benefits of playing tennis, the club has provided me with social and emotional support.”

Lesley’s son Jon has been head coach at the club for 10 years. For more details about the club visit

The Caravanettes got their name after Claire Sutton and her co-founders Claire Thorneycroft and Clare Hayward began singing in a mobile caravan by Macclesfield Canal in 2006.

Now 38-strong, the choir make regular appearances under the leadership of choir master Toby Hinson.

He said: “It was Claire’s suggestion that we support Heather and her amazing adventure. We wish her good luck on her voyage and with her fundraising.” Visit for more choir details.

The Caravanettes ladies choir.


To donate to Heather’s campaign visit

M&S Flowers add colour to East Cheshire Hospice

From left, Hospice volunteer Mary Hindle with Marks & Spencer staff Ellie Holley, Helen Ross and Chris Birkenhead.

Floral gifts from Marks & Spencer are adding colour to East Cheshire Hospice and helping fund the cost of patient care.

Twice a week volunteers from the charity collect beautiful arrangements from the Handforth Dean store which have reached their sell-by date.

The flowers decorate the inpatient ward, Sunflower Centre and reception area while some are sold to visitors and staff in return for a donation.

Donations have raised £4,000 since the store started giving flowers to the Hospice a year ago.

Volunteer Mary Hindle, from Prestbury, said:  “It’s a generous gesture by M & S and when I deliver the flowers to the Hospice, they bring great pleasure to patients, staff, visitors and volunteers.”

Hospice Volunteer Co-ordinator Helena Smith said: “We can’t thank M & S enough for their kind support. The flowers are of an amazing quality and bring so much cheer to the Hospice.

“One inpatient wanted to give her daughter flowers for her birthday and was so happy when she realised they were available here.

“It was a lovely moment and meant so much to her.  Flowers are precious and bring colour and care, raising funds so we can look after our patients.”

Ellie Holley, Food Section Manager at M & S, Handforth, said: “We’re delighted to help East Cheshire Hospice as part of our on-going support for local charities. We value our role within the community and are glad flowers we can no longer sell to our customers make such a difference to Hospice patients.”