Fundraising Archives - Page 21 of 31 - East Cheshire Hospice

Launch of the Challenge Ideas Generator

East Cheshire Hospice has launched an interactive tool on their website to help potential fundraisers.

The Challenge Ideas Generator web page suggests ways of getting involved with events to support the Hospice.

The Hospice fundraising team came up with the easy-to-use guide as a response to the phenomenal success of supporter-led initiatives over the last six months.

The donations given as sponsorship for these initiatives have provided a lifeline for the Hospice after it was forced to cancel all official events six months ago because of Covid-19.

Hospice Marketing Manager Amy Chatwood said: “This new interactive Challenge Ideas Generator is basically a summary of just over 100 ideas and events as inspiration for ways of fundraising.

“The challenge generator breaks down into categories, such as how difficult a challenge someone wants to undertake and whether they want to do it on their own, or in a group.

“It could be anything from a bike ride, walk, run, swim, Three Peaks Challenge or even sky diving. The short interactive form is designed to help people help us because we still urgently need ongoing support.

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm shown by people who’ve wanted to get involved with the Hospice over the summer.

“The community has responded to the challenge and we’ve been so grateful for that support. Thankfully, it seems people are still up for the challenge and our new web page is designed to assist them.”

* Visit for more details.

Rachel Gledhill – Tequila Lover to Triathlete!

Rachel Gledhill had to borrow a bike and buy running shoes for her first triathlon.

She did at least own a wetsuit for the one-mile swim across Pickmere Lake which started her endurance challenge.

Heavy rain meant there was no way of drying off for a 40k bike ride to Chelford before a 10k run uphill to East Cheshire Hospice.

There she was met by nurses who toasted her success after four-and-a-half hour journey in bad conditions.

Heavy rain could not deter Rachel from completing her triathlon.

Rachel’s exploits raised £3,100 for the charity in memory of her husband Tom’s grandad Roy Lee, from Chelford.

Roy (78) died in the Hospice four years ago and the family never forgot the care he received.

Rachel said: “Tom’s grandad took me under  his wing and I always said I’d do something to pay the Hospice back, especially as it needs thousands of pounds each day to stay open.

“The care was unbelievable and Hospice made him so comfortable. He was so happy there in his final days.”

Rachel with her husband Tom’s grandad Roy Lee.

Rachel, who works for property developers DeTrafford, was joined by friends and family en route to keep her spirits up.

Sister-in-law  Leanne Tully and her daughter Isabelle (8) ran the last mile with her from Broken Cross.

Rachel said: “A triathlon is not my thing at all and I had to borrow a bike and buy proper running shoes. I started exercising during lockdown and really enjoyed it and that inspired me.

“Two triathlons I’d entered were cancelled so I took matters into my own hands and created my own route. Unfortunately, it was one of the wettest days on record so there was no chance of getting dry after the swim section.

“Five supporters joined me on the bike ride and three on the run and I’m overwhelmed by everyone’s support and generosity and want to thank them for donating.”

* To support Rachel visit

Rachel with Miley Morris (left) and Isabelle Tully.    

Final Virtual Quiz of 2020

Question One…how can you raise money for East Cheshire Hospice without leaving the comfort of your own home?

Answer…by taking part in a fun virtual quiz on Friday, October 16, at 7.30 pm.

The four virtual quizzes so far during lockdown have been a big success, raising £5,655 for the Hospice, and the next is the last of the year.

Entry is £5 per household  and participants can play as individuals, or as a team, by registering at where full details how to play are available.

The ECH Quiz Team have held quizzes on behalf of the Hospice for the last seven years and quiz masters are Paul Morrissey and Mark Watson.

Co-organiser Alison Brammer said: “The quizzes have been a lot of fun over lockdown, bringing our community together with some friendly competition and fantastic fundraising.”

The popularity of the ECH Virtual Quiz has even spread across the country and, among those who regularly take part, is the Poyntz Means Prizes team, comprising Steph Poyntz and partner Steve Copper.

Steph said: “I support the Hospice because of its important work helping the local community and it has cared for friends and colleagues in the past. I also know that state support is limited.

“I moved to Bristol to be nearer to family in Plymouth but still miss Bollington and Macclesfield where I’m from.

“The online quizzes are great fun and we like the jokes between the two quiz masters.”

Winners last time were Park Timers.

Quiz entrants Steve Copper and Steph Poyntz.

Ready for Firewalk

Gaynor Webb has a burning desire to help East Cheshire Hospice.

That is why she is daring to walk over hot coals at a Firewalk on Friday, November 6.

Family and friends will watch her challenge via a live stream because of Covid-19 restrictions.

Strict safety guidelines will be in place for the event, from 7 pm, at the Hospice’s Millbank Drive site.

The Hospice was forced to cancel several high-profile fundraising events this year but is going ahead with its Firewalk with social distancing in place and a limit on spectators.

Gaynor, from Macclesfield, is a regular supporter of the Hospice, volunteering at various events.

She said: “I’m strangely excited by the idea of walking on fire for the first time. It’s the fear of the unknown and a challenge you might get anxious or scared by, but actually doesn’t turn out to be as bad as you expected.

“Some people might think I’m either daft or brave, but I try to make a difference. It’s a feel good factor for me and I always get a sense of pride when I’m doing something to help the Hospice.”

Gaynor, who has worked at AstraZeneca for 22 years, is hoping to raise £1,000. To sponsor her visit

Gaynor said: “I’ve done a tour of the Hospice and it’s a beautiful place. I help the charity whenever I can, especially with Covid-19 which has meant it’s had to cancel various fundraising events.

“It’s missed out on so much and thankfully people are still focussed on donating in the current crisis.”

The Hospice still has places available for Firewalk and entrants will receive online safety training from organisers.  To enter visit

Gaynor Webb who is tackling a Firewalk in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

Bethan Wade, Challenge Events Coordinator at the Hospice, said: “It’s safe and fun and ideal for anyone who fancies a challenge and wants to raise funds for the Hospice.

“It’s a relief that we can finally stage an outdoor fundraising event again after such a long wait and we must stress that social distancing safety guidelines will be fully adhered to.

“Live streaming will also reduce spectator numbers. The £30 registration fee covers the cost of the event and any additional sponsorship raised goes directly towards the vital care provided by the Hospice.

“It costs £7,500 to keep the Hospice running for one day so every penny raised is important, especially at this difficult and emotional time.”

Harry’s Virtual London Marathon

Veteran runner Harry Newton will be there in spirit when he tackles the Virtual London Marathon on Sunday (Oct 4).

Like thousands of fellow runners, the 82-year-old cannot be in the capital and will start and finish instead at East Cheshire Hospice for which he is fundraising.

Harry, from Macclesfield, has completed the London marathon an amazing 16 times, the quickest aged 70 when he ran the course in under four hours.

He averages 100 miles a month in training and will settle for a time of around five and a half hours this time.

Organisers of the marathon, postponed from April, are only allowing elite runners to run the course because of Covid-19.

However, Harry, like other virtual entrants, will get an official time – and a medal  – by recording his time on an app.

He will undertake four circuits of a route to Henbury.

Harry said: “I ran a marathon round my garden on the day the race should have taken place in April.

“It’s a shame I can’t be there but I’ve got an entry for future London marathons and will keep going as long as I can.

“The Hospice does amazing work and any donations will keep me going when it gets tough in the last few miles.”

Harry, a retired grocer and sub-postmaster, had to miss the race in 2009 when he was diagnosed with lymphoma.

* To sponsor him visit

Harry Newton who is running the Virtual London Marathon on Sunday October 4th 2020.

From Pilates to Memory Miles

Friends who met through a pilates class several years ago put themselves through their paces again to help East Cheshire Hospice.

Carol Rayner, Dale Thomas, Sue Priestley, Maxine Seddon and Carol Palin wanted to lift the gloom around Covid-19.

That was partly why they were inspired to walk or cycle almost 1,100 miles, raising £750 for the charity.

The group took part in a Memory Miles event in which Hospice supporters undertook different challenges, some in memory of loved ones.

The charity’s initial aim of travelling 874 miles from John O’Groats to Land’s End was beaten early in the two-month campaign.

So the destination was changed to the Sahara Desert – an extra 2,470 miles – which is where the Hospice is actually organising a trek late next year.

Memory Miles, sponsored by Sidney Jackson and Son, has raised £5,420 with the pilates group covering the furthest distance from the combined efforts of fundraisers.

Carol Rayner said: “When we saw the Memory Miles event we all embraced the opportunity to help a local and vital charity and, in doing so, have gained a feeling of doing something positive at a time when it’d have been easy to dwell on all the negativity around Covid-19.

“We’ve all found that having something to aim for has lifted us individually too. I’ve personal experience of assisting in the care of a loved one until end-of-life at home.

“This happened during lockdown, otherwise a place at the Hospice would have been applied for. This experience made me realise what a vital service it provides.

“We pledged initially to raise £200 and walk 50 miles each.  I also pledged to cycle 250 miles and we  quickly exceeded in both our pledges.

“We’ve covered most of the distance individually because it was difficult to walk together regularly because of commitments.

“Each team member reports their daily distance to me on our group chat and I’ve kept a spreadsheet. We’ve encouraged and praised each other along the way and have all enjoyed the challenge.”

*Donate to the Memory Miles campaign at

From left, Carol Rayner, Dale Thomas, Sue Priestley, Maxine Seddon and Carol Palin.

Carl Lamptey’s Fundraising Update

A rare piece of music memorabilia should prove a smash hit for Carl Lamptey’s fundraising campaign.

A platinum disc donated by Noel Gallagher will be sold at auction in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

The former Oasis star was given the disc for the band’s studio debut album Definitely Maybe, released in 1994.

The collectors’ item has even more value since it is owned by Noel who wrote the songs for the iconic album and inspired the group’s success.

The Manchester City fan donated the coveted disc after he heard about the Hospice’s struggle for funds from the club’s ex-goalkeeper Joe Corrigan.

Joe is one of many sports stars and celebrities to rally round after the Hospice’s fundraising events were cancelled due to Covid-19.

They answered a plea from Carl, from Macclesfield, to support the Hospice which revealed it would lose £1m in fundraising revenue.

Personalities lending their name include ex-soccer players Ryan Giggs, Steve Bruce and Michael Brown,  singer Mark Morrison, actress Samia Longchambon and chocolatier Oliver Dunn.

Carl has been supporting the Hospice since his late wife Sarah was treated there for breast cancer in 2014.

His appeal inspired many to raise funds, including runners Finley Foote and Tom Hamlett; George Bailey who climbed 108,000 steps; Will Newton who had his head shaved and cyclist Erin More O’Ferrall.

Erin More O’Ferrall who raised around £2,500 after cycling 1018 kilometres.

Erin’s dad David and Bob Kaz raised £3,000 by playing 100 holes of golf in one day at Tytherington where they are members.

Carl said: “I’ve been overwhelmed by the support and want to thank everyone, whether they’ve sold cakes, knitted or done anything else to raise funds for our amazing Hospice.

“We’ve done it all together as a community during lockdown. The fundraising continues but I realise that with the kids going back to school and people returning to work it’ll be harder.

“I’m sure there’ll be a lot of interest in Noel’s platinum disc when it’s auctioned off in due course and want to thank Joe for sorting that out.”

Sylk Dance Academy, which has now reopened, launched a Flosspice.

Teacher Amy Mayers and students got into the groove, setting a trend which captured the imagination on social media.

*  To donate £5 to Carl’s Act of Kindness campaign text Kindness 5 to 70450. Change the 5 to any whole amount between £1 and £20. If you’d like to donate and refuse marketing communications, text Kindnessnoinfo and your donation amount to 70450.

Sylk Dance Academy teacher Amy Mayers gets into the Flosspice mood with students (from left) Daisie Newsome, Holly Eardley, Lewis Stainforth and Molly Goodwin.

Football Match In Memory of Col Smith

A charity football match in memory of Macclesfield Parish manager Col Smith was a poignant occasion.

Two teams he managed and played for – Parish and St Peter’s which are part of the same club – met at St George’s Park, Windmill Street.

The club raised £750 for East Cheshire Hospice where Col died of cancer in March, aged 52.

Col, of Higher Hurdsfield, stayed involved at the South Manchester and Cheshire Christian Football League club despite battling illness for 10 years.

Many of his football friends were unaware of his condition. Col, who leaves wife Debs and son Josh, was a team leader at McDonald’s and a member of Bollington Life Church.

Appropriately, the inaugural match for the Col Smith Memorial Trophy ended in a 3-3 draw. Tom Shirley scored a hat-trick for St Peter’s with Drewe Rowley-Weaver, Josh Harrison and Danny Madden replying for Parish.

Parish manager David Mayers said: “Col was a real Christian gentleman and a passionate football man. He inspired so many through his friendship, love for the game and deep Christian faith. We will all miss him and today’s game was a fitting tribute.”

Col Smith

The Macclesfield Parish team with volunteers Lindsay Taylor (left) and Gaynor Webb from East Cheshire Hospice.  

League President Pete Riley (left) with Parish captain Liam Rowley-Weaver and St Peter’s captain Jonathan Slater.

Col’s son Josh with Liam Rowley-Weaver (centre) and Joe Wilcox.    


Geoff Gittins tackles the Gritstone Trail for the Hospice

Keen walker Geoff Gittins is dedicating his most ambitious challenge to the memory of friends and relatives.

Geoff, from Macclesfield, will tackle the 35-mile Gritstone Trail as a tribute to father Harold, uncle Leslie Singleton and fellow walker Sandra Baran.

Sandra, who worked with Geoff at AstraZeneca, died earlier this year and like his two relatives was cared for by East Cheshire Hospice.

Geoff will be joined by David Baker, a fellow director at The Switched On Solutions Group (SOSG), for the three-day walk from Disley to Kidsgrove across the Cheshire plain.

Their company is part of the charity’s 500 Club in which members raise at least £500 a year over a three-year period.

Geoff said: “I enjoy walking but haven’t attempted anything like this before and it will be challenging. We’re aiming to raise £1,000 for a charity which is close to my heart.”

Geoff, who is also a Hospice lottery volunteer, is an authorised partner for multi-service providers UW (Utility Warehouse). For each new customer he makes a donation to the Hospice.

Geoff said: “We offer free online reviews so businesses and home owners can lower costs by getting the best deals and benefit themselves and the Hospice at the same time.”

* To sponsor Geoff visit


From left to right:

David Baker who is joining co-director Geoff Gittins for the 35-mile walk.

David Baker (left) and Geoff Gittins with wives Katherine Baker and Janet Gittins.  

Geoff Gittins who is tackling the Gritstone Trail Challenge.

Will Week 2020

A Macclesfield law specialist says the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 has led to an increase in demand for legal advice.

Estate planning consultant Tina Timmins says concerns among the public over planning for the future has created a surge in inquiries.

Tina is encouraging people to sign up for Will Week, run by East Cheshire Hospice from October 5-9, when solicitors waive fees in return for a donation to the charity.

Tina recently joined GPW Trusts – soon to open an office on Church Street – after 16 years with Blunts Solicitors which ceased trading in June when the long-established company went into administration.

GPW Trusts specialises in Will writing, trusts, long term care planning, inheritance tax planning, powers of attorney and probate.

Tina said: “My message is to make sure you have a Will and in this changing world there are ways of protecting your assets.

“It’s important people consider their estate planning and how they can plan to prevent their wealth being eroded by future threats.”

“We’ve had a lot of calls since the start of the pandemic and I’d encourage people to sign up for Will Week as soon as possible as appointments get booked very quickly.

“People want to support the Hospice and they come along because the charity is dear to their heart. This year more than any other has highlighted the need to have a Will.”

A full list of participating solicitors is available on the Hospice website

Participating solicitors can write a single or mirror Will, or update an existing Will, in return for a donation to the Hospice. Any other services are chargeable at the solicitor’s usual cost.

GPW Trusts is expanding into Macclesfield, using Tina’s experience and in-depth knowledge of estate planning, which include Power of Attorney, Court of Protection and Probate.

Tina said: “I’m delighted to be at the start of an exciting new project and this is a new office for GPW Trusts which is well established in West Cheshire and North Wales.

“Will Week is usually three weeks for me by the time Wills are drafted and signed and I enjoy helping the Hospice.”

Pre lockdown, she was a frequent visitor to the charity’s Sunflower Centre giving informal legal advice to patients and families.

Tina is based at home and online until the new Macclesfield office is ready. Visit