Fundraising Archives - Page 24 of 27 - East Cheshire Hospice

Tough Woofer is this weekend!

If you want to take your dog for a walk on Sunday (Oct 20) then Tough Woofer is the perfect outdoor exercise.

Entries will be accepted on the day for the 5k obstacle course through the grounds of Capesthorne Hall.

The first wave leaves at 10 am with dogs facing a series of fun obstacles, including climbing challenges and mud and water tests.

The event is organised by East Cheshire Hospice which is setting up a Charity Village with live entertainment, shopping stalls, canine activities and refreshments.

Guests of honour will be beagles Roxy and Harley whose faces have been used in banners and billboards to promote the event.

The dogs, owned by Abigail Henshall and partner Steve Abraham, won a Facebook competition run by the charity.

Beth Candy, Events Manager at the Hospice, said: “We’ve had plenty of entries and there’s still room for more because it’s such a wonderful large venue. People must be eight and over to tackle the course and dogs one or over.”

The fee is £35 for a dog/owner, and £25 for people only. Go to

Dressing the Mayor!

Looking smart is vital for Coun Janet Jackson, especially with a full diary of engagements as Mayor of Macclesfield.

That is where the East Cheshire Hospice charity shop at Thornton Square helps out, supplying most of Janet’s outfits.

A navy and grey dress and matching jacket bought from there for only £25 was worn when she received her MBE from Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, in January.

The hat for that proud day at Buckingham Palace was another bargain at £10. The Mayor is a regular customer at the Hospice shop and a new winter coat is next on her list.

Coun Jackson said: “I’m always getting compliments on what I wear and delight in telling people that my clothes are from the charity shop.

“It’s a win-win situation as far as I’m concerned. You can find fantastic clothes at a really good price and are supporting a wonderful charity.

“East Cheshire Hospice need a tremendous amount of money every day to keep their service going, so anything anyone can do by going along to the shop and buying an item or two is all to the good.

“I attend an average of five functions a week and try to have a different outfit for almost every occasion.

“With the attention on climate change, I’m also a sustainable Mayor and helping the environment.

I’m helping the charities and my pocket too.”

Coun Jackson, Labour member for Macclesfield Central, recalls fondly her royal honour rewarding her long-standing service to the community.

The grandmother-of-three has been involved in politics for almost 30 years and has sat on numerous council and charity committees.

She is chair of the Friends of Macclesfield Silk Heritage and generations of her family have worked in the town’s silk industry.

“The Palace visit with my family was a memorable day. I couldn’t believe it when I found out I’d got the MBE because it doesn’t happen to people like me.”

The Thornton Square shop sells clothing for all ages, handbags, purses, wallets, travel bags, rucksacks, jewellery and accessories, furniture, electrical goods, kitchenware, ornaments, pictures and frames, toys, books and games.

Manager Nicolla Burgess said: “We’re delighted the Mayor is one of our loyal customers. We sell good quality items and our shop does extremely well in terms of donations and purchases. We’re looking for good quality furniture and do need help on the vans with collections.”

Art Fair 2019

Art Fair Cheshire comes to an end tomorrow (Thurs Oct 3) after a memorable week celebrating the region’s creative talents.

More than 80 artists and crafts experts have been exhibiting their work and selling art for East Cheshire Hospice at Macclesfield Town Hall.

The Mayor of Macclesfield Mayor Cllr Janet Jackson joined 300 guests at a special preview evening as Art Fair Cheshire marked its 20th anniversary.

Also there was Anna Rains who started the Art Fair in 1999 to raise funds for the creation of the Sunflower Centre at the Hospice.

She has been involved ever since, working tirelessly to ensure that Art Fair Cheshire continues to develop and support the Hospice.

Artist-led tours, guest speakers and workshops were among the highlights during the week. Each artist donates at least 40 per cent from sales to the Hospice.

It is the first edition for co-chairs Steven Dalton and Georgie Johnson who said: “Art Fair Cheshire moved in a new direction this year and we’ve been thrilled with the response.

“We’d like to thank all those who made it such a huge success, including artists, sponsors, volunteers  and the public whose generosity will ensure we raise much-needed funds for the Hospice.”

Will Week – Home Appointments

Home visits by solicitors during Will Week are still available, even though office appointments are now fully booked up in Macclesfield.

Blunts Solicitors and SAS Daniels no longer have vacancies during Will Week which runs from October 7-11 and is in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

The solicitors are among 15 firms offering to write a single, or mirror will, in return for a donation to the Hospice.

Among them is Estate Planning Solutions who will visit people in the comfort of their own homes and provide the same service.

Kate Bowmar, the Hospice’s Corporate Fundraiser, said: “We’re on course for another highly successful Will Week and want to thank those who’ve already booked an appointment.


“We’d also like to stress that these home appointments are available to anyone in the community, not just those who may struggle to travel to their local solicitor.”

Estates Planning Solutions (tel: 01625 540033) has been nominated for a prestigious award at next month’s British Wills and Probate Awards.

Director Paul Dodsworth said: “We are very pleased to support East Cheshire Hospice during Will Week and are happy to offer home visits in Macclesfield and the surrounding areas.”

A full list of participating solicitors is available at

Solicitors will outline their usual fees and encourage supporters to donate a similar amount to the Hospice via a donation envelope for cash or cheques.

* For more details contact the fundraising team on 01625 433477.

Why we are updating our Will this year…

Daughter Gwen was not born the last time Rachel and Graham Allcock wrote a Will.

Now she is 10, the couple have decided it is about time they did something to reflect their change in circumstances.

They have booked an appointment with Blunts Solicitors as part of Will Week (Oct 7-11) in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

Rachel, from Broken Cross, said: “Our Will is completely out of date so we’re going to start again with a new Will. We’ve both chosen a mirror Will where we leave our estate to each other.

“The main reason we’re doing the Will is to make sure we look after Gwen. It’s not so much what happens to our possessions, but to ensure her future is secure.”

Rachel will happily make a donation to the Hospice, where she is Income Generation Director, in exchange for Blunts waiving their usual fees during Will Week.

The Macclesfield solicitors are among 15 firms donating their time and expertise to support the Hospice during Will Week.

Rachel added:  “Making a new Will is something we’ve been thinking about for a while and we kept putting it off, but it’ll provide us with peace of mind.

“We’ve also decided to leave a legacy to the Hospice in our Will. Legacies are such an important part of the Hospice’s income and I see on a daily basis the difference they make to the care of our patients.”

Will Week 2019

Solicitors are offering to make home visits this year as part of Will Week in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

Supporters of Will Week, which runs from Oct 7-11, can still also choose the option of making an appointment at the offices of their local solicitor as previously.

The new at-home service is offered by Estates Planning Solutions and Port Worth Law Ltd who are among 15 firms of solicitors taking part in the charity’s Will Week.

Blunts Solicitors and SAS Daniels, from Macclesfield, have again subscribed to the popular scheme in which solicitors waive their fees in return for a donation to the Hospice.

A full list of participating solicitors is available on the Hospice website and is shown on leaflets to promote Will Week.

The Hospice is urging people to book appointments as quickly as possible.

Kate Bowmar, the Hospice’s Corporate Fundraiser, said: “Will Week is still a few weeks away but places are usually booked up quickly and people run the risk of not getting an appointment if they

don’t contact their solicitors.

“Estates Planning Solutions and Port Worth Law Ltd have kindly agreed to visit people in the comfort of their own homes at a mutually agreed time and we’re keen to stress that people can also visit their local solicitors as in past years.”

Participating solicitors will be able to write a single or mirror will, or update an existing will, in return for a donation to the Hospice. Any services above and beyond this will be chargeable at the solicitor’s usual cost.

Kate added: “When booking an appointment, your solicitor will outline their usual fees and encourage you to donate a similar amount to the Hospice in return for the service.

“Please bring the amount you’d like to donate in cash, or cheque, to the appointment and the solicitor will give you a donation envelope which is then collected by the Hospice.”

Last year’s Will Week raised over £8,000 for the Hospice which also relies on legacy gifts in Wills as  vital source of funding. Legacies provide care for one in three of its patients.

* For more details contact the fundraising team on 01625 433477. They will also provide help on alternatives if a solicitor is already fully booked.

Update on Heather Broadbent’s Around the World Challenge

Round-the-world sailor Heather Broadbent is preparing to embark on her epic voyage on Sunday (Sept 1).

Heather will spend 11 months at sea competing in the Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race which starts at St Katherine Docks in London.

The landscape gardener, from Disley, will be on board the 70-foot ocean racing yacht GoToBermuda for her trip-of-a-lifetime.

Heather is hoping to raise £40,000 for East Cheshire Hospice where her late husband Adam (45) was a patient.  Adam died of cancer in 2013.

Heather has already raised £22,750, a total boosted by £6,500 after her adventure was featured on the regional BBC 1 programme North West Tonight.

The funds will go towards supporting the charity’s Hospice @ Home service which has treated 626 patients since it began in October 2017.

Heather, who has two grown up daughters, said: “I’m so excited and can’t wait for the race to start.  I’ve completed all my training and if anyone can sponsor me, they’ll be supporting a marvellous cause. My aim is to raise a pound for every mile of the 40,000-mile journey.

“I’ve already met half our crew, and everyone has been absolutely wonderful. We’ve all got the same mindset but we realise that spending so long together at sea in a confined space will be a challenge.

“I’m looking forward to visiting every port, especially Bermuda which sounds like a fabulous island.”

Heather has been appointed team co-ordinator, supervising a rota so that no-one is on duty for more than 12 hours during a 24-hour period.

Heather said: “It’s a huge honour and quite a task making sure everyone is in the right place at the right time with the correct kit.”

To help her, she will test a new Dell Latitude Rugged laptop supplied by the computer company so she can also send back pictures, vlogs and blogs.

Heather Broadbent will be travelling light at sea.

Each crew member has a 15-kilogram weight allowance, set by their team, for individual cubby holes.

Heather said: “We’re allowed to carry less weight than someone would probably take for a weekend away, but as you can imagine there’s little room on board.

“I’m taking three changes of clothing but no luxuries, so I’ll leave behind my face cream.

“I’ll have my own sleeping bag but won’t have my own bunk bed. There could be 22 people on board at any one time and due to the watch system we ‘hot-bunk.'”

Racing on board the 70 ft racing yacht GoToBermuda, Heather is one of only two women among her eight-strong amateur crew undertaking a full circumnavigation of the globe under the guidance of a professional skipper and mate.

Other crew members will join the GoToBermuda team for different legs of the journey as they compete against 10 other crews.

The fleet will call at ports in Portugal, Uruguay, South Africa, Australia, China, the Philippines, Panama, the USA (Seattle and New York), Bermuda and Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, before crossing the finishing line in London 11 months later.

* To sponsor Heather and read her blogs visit

Lifestyle Fitness Charity Spinathon

Cyclists were made to sweat during a Charity Spinathon which raised almost £1,300 for the Hospice.

Some 30 members of Lifestyle Fitness, based at Macclesfield College, took part in the three-hour marathon.

Over half the donation came from sponsorship raised by fitness enthusiasts through JustGiving pages.

Lifestyle Fitness has 1,000 members in Macclesfield where classes run from 6.30 am to 9.30 pm.

The company is part of the Hospice’s popular 500 Club in which members raise at least £500 each year over a three-year period.

Club Manager Jake McKie said: “East Cheshire Hospice was the charity chosen by our members to support last year. It’s a wonderful cause which we’re delighted to help and want to thank our members for their generous fundraising.”

The next challenge is to raise £1,000 from National Fitness Day on Wed, Sept 25, when the target is to get 100 members to join a one-hour circuit class.


If you would like to be part of our 500 Club, get in touch today or click here to find out more!

Training for Nepal!

Tackling Tegg’s Nose on a summer’s evening is one thing, but navigating Nepal in November is a completely different prospect.

But that is the challenge facing Sarah Dale and Louise Delany who must combine preparations for a Himalayan trek with jobs at East Cheshire Hospice as well as running families.

Both volunteered for the once-in-a-lifetime adventure which involves two days working on a hospice project in Kathmandu followed by an arduous five-day trek along the Ghorepani Poon Hill trail.

There they will enjoy stunning views of the Annapurna mountain range staying in tea-houses and lodges. Temperatures will range from 25C to -5 at night.

Sarah and Louise are part of a nine-strong group from East Cheshire Hospice, each pledging to raise at least £3,500 for the charity which undertook a Grand Canyon trek last year.

Sarah, who is Clinical Director at the Hospice, said: “I’m petrified and the more I think about it the worse it gets, but it’ll be an amazing challenge.

“I don’t really like flying, I’ll miss my kids and husband and I’m not good with bugs or getting cold. The chance to see how palliative care works in a different country motivated me initially and I’d happily spend all the time at the hospice out there, but that’s not the idea.

“I thought we’d be meandering through villages but each day there are tough walks with a 3,500 metre climb.”

Sarah and Louise are walking through Macclesfield Forest, or climbing Tegg’s Nose, four times a week as preparation.

Louise, the Hospice’s Commercial Manager, said: ” I don’t think I’ve done any challenge before so we’re both out of our comfort zone. We want to be fit enough so our experience is a good one and we don’t suffer.

“Working full time five days a week, plus family commitments and the practice walks is time-consuming and at the same time we’re trying to fundraise.

“Sarah is from the clinical side and I’m from admin and we’re glad we’re supporting each other. Our aim is to raise £7,500 which is how much it costs to run the Hospice for a day.”

The pair are grateful for the support of the Broken Cross Club which is hosting a bingo afternoon on Sunday, Sept 15, and a race night on Friday, Oct 4.

* To sponsor them go to and

Are you tough enough??

Tough Woofer is back for 2019 and promises to be bigger, better and muddier than before!

We are urging entrants to bring along their wellies for the 5k course at Capesthorne Hall on Sunday,  October 20.

More than 400 dogs and owners took part in last year’s first ever canine obstacle course event raising £30,000 for the Hospice!

The fun obstacle circuit is designed for four-legged friends and owners . The route has 15 obstacles, including water, mud and climbing challenges with the first wave leaving at 10 am.

Beth Candy, Events Assistant at the Hospice, said: “Last year’s event was extremely popular and we’re hoping even more dogs and owners will take part this time.

“Owners are telling us they want the course to be even muddier this time. It’s not a competition or a race, but simply about having a good time.

“People can enter with their dog, or by themselves or with family and friends if they don’t have a canine friend to bring along. It’ll be a fantastic family day out with live entertainment and stalls.”

People must be aged eight and over and dogs must be one year or over.

An early bird entrance fee of £30 for a dog/owner, and £20 for people only, applies until Aug 30.

The Hospice say entry fees only cover the cost of staging the event so participants are urged to raise at least £50 in sponsorship. A T-shirt, dog bandana and medals are provided.

To enter go to