Fundraising Archives - Page 3 of 27 - East Cheshire Hospice

Andrew Smith Funeral Services are the latest to sign up for the Starlight Walk

A team from Andrew Smith Funeral Services are the latest to sign up for the Starlight Walk at Capesthorne Hall on Thursday, April 18.

They could have one of the biggest representations at the East Cheshire Hospice event with around 16 walkers.

Funeral director Richard Morrey said: “Some members of our team, their partners, friends and even a few of our dogs are taking part.”

Richard raised funds for the charity at the Fire and Ice Walk last year in memory of his late father Eric, a patient of the Hospice in 2017.

Labradoodle Ted, aged eight, will join his owner Andrew Smith for the Starlight Walk.

Richard said: “Rather than running over broken glass and hot coals, it will be gentle exercise and a leisurely stroll this time.”

Owner Andrew Smith said: “We have enjoyed a long-standing relationship with East Cheshire Hospice and are pleased to help support them where we can.

“We’re all looking forward to taking part in the Starlight Walk this year. It’s the first time we’ve taken part and it should be a great team event.”

Starlight walkers from Andrew Smith Funeral Services. From left, Julie Kidd, Richard Morrey, Samantha Bridges, Andrew Smith, Julie Arrowsmith, Simon Goodwin and Angela Owen.

The company is part of the Hospice’s 500 Club.

Early bird entry to the Starlight Walk is £20 for adults and £15 for under 16s, with the standard entry of £22.50 and £17.50 applying from March 19.

Walkers cover a 2.5 Kilometre loop through the woodland as often as they wish.  For many it is a chance to remember lost loved ones.

Gates open at 6 pm with live entertainment and refreshments. The walk is from 7 pm.

* To enter visit

A focus on Kath Ibbotsons time as Musical Director of Claritas

It is time for Kath Ibbotson to finally hand over the baton after more than half a century teaching music.

She retires as Musical Director of Claritas, the East Cheshire Hospice Choir, with a musical coffee morning at the United Reformed Church on Saturday, March 23 (10-12).

Kath leaves after 12 memorable years volunteering with the choir which has raised more than £58,000 for the Hospice.

She said: “I’m ready to retire. In many ways I’m quite sad, but it was the right time for someone else to take over and continue the good work.”

The community choir are conducting interviews for her successor.

She said: “I’ve been teaching one way or another since I was 16. The choir raises money for a fantastic cause, but the role of Musical Director can be quite tying.

“I always need to be in Macclesfield on Mondays for rehearsals and there’s plenty of preparation.

“The choir can’t make progress unless the MD is available, so the buck stops with me. However, there is a full committee doing lots of other vital jobs.

“I want to thank Hilary Balsdon our accompanist, choir members and the public who’ve attended concerts for their support.

Kath Ibbotson, who has decided to retire as Musical Director of Claritas, the East Cheshire Hospice Choir.

“I’ll enjoy the freedom to travel, pursue other interests, and be more available for my family.”

Kath taught at Fallibroome Academy for 21 years before retiring in 2010, though she was involved for another six years.

After moving to Macclesfield in 1975, she taught music at Tytherington and Wilmslow High Schools.

Between 1983 and 2012, Kath became accompanist then a MD with Macclesfield Majestic Theatre Group.

Her Claritas highlights include the 2014 Fallibroome concert; the 2016 10th anniversary concert and two recent Christmas concerts at the United Reformed Church, all raising large sums.

Kath said: “Sponsorship and donations offset costs so everything we raise goes to the Hospice. Our members have been touched by the Hospice in some way and fundraising is a way of giving back.

“We have three big fundraising concerts each year and perform at clubs, societies, nursing and residential homes.

“I also introduced Singalongs because while people like to listen, they also love to join in.”

Kath will continue to play her piano. “After teaching music for so long, I do appreciate peace and quiet. I’m looking forward to attending concerts and in 12 months’ time might even visit Claritas to see how they’re doing.”

* Visit

Get your thinking caps on for the next quiz in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

(Please note that the quiz is now sold out).

Get your thinking caps on for the next quiz in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

Test your general knowledge and enjoy a laugh at the same time at Marlborough Primary School from 6.45 pm on Friday, March 22.

Co-hosts Paul Morrissey and Mark Watson will again be setting the brain teasers to find the top masterminds in Macclesfield.

Quiz hosts Paul Morrissey (left) and Mark Watson.

Paul said: “Our target is always to try to get every team to get more than 50 per cent of the questions right. If we achieve that we think we’ve done pretty well.

“Mark and I are both intimately involved in the Macclesfield quiz league, so we have quite a back catalogue of questions.

“I’ve also got quite a few quiz books and obviously it’s easy to find questions online so we try to make them accessible for people.

“The aim is for teams to have a good time, enjoy themselves and raise money for the Hospice.

“The questions are mostly general knowledge and we don’t tend to go for specialists rounds.”

The quizzes are a long-standing tradition, raising more than £60,000 for the Hospice, including £10,500 from virtual quizzes during Covid.

Paul said: “I’ve been involved for more than 20 years. We used to hold them on a Friday night in a marquee set up in the field behind the Hospice for the summer fete.”

Past quiz host Dave Robinson helps with music rounds, with Alison Brammer another long-standing organiser.

Nik Kalka runs the bar and helps with technology, while community fundraiser Carley Macey co-ordinates for the Hospice. Neil Drummond runs the stand-up bingo.

Paul is a vice president of the Hospice where he was a trustee for seven years. He worked for AstraZeneca for more than 30 years before retiring.

He is a member of the Nags Head B quiz team with Mark who runs Macclesfield Quiz League. Mark, a retired Police Inspector, co-ordinates the Cheshire Crimebeat charity and was awarded the MBE for services to community policing.

Paul said: “We’d encourage people to sign up as soon as possible. Teams are usually a minimum of four, though we aim for eight. If two people want to form their own team that’s fine, though we give them the option of joining another team.”

The quiz support group host three quizzes each year.

* Entry is £10 per head and to sign up visit

A special night in Macclesfield Mayor Cllr Chris Wilcock’s honour

Two charities close to the heart of Macclesfield Mayor Cllr Chris Wilcock will benefit from a special night in his honour.

The last few tickets are still available for a charity dinner and auction at Macclesfield Town Hall on Saturday, March 16.

A drinks reception at 7 pm is followed by a three-course meal (7.3o pm) before entertainment by live band Outer Limits.

Tickets priced £30 are available by emailing

Proceeds will be donated to East Cheshire Hospice, where Cllr Wilcock’s late mum Lesley was an outpatient, and East Cheshire Eye Society, his other chosen charity.

The group helps people with sight loss, including Lesley who was partially sighted and died of cancer in 2015, aged 59.

Macclesfield Mayor Cllr Chris Wilcock.

Auctioneer and TV personality Adam Partridge will conduct the auction with guests promised a surprise on the night.

Cllr Wilcock said: “It should be a fantastic night of dining and entertainment for two great causes.

“I’m thoroughly enjoying my year of office. It’s everything I expected and more and it’s been wonderful to see different community groups and what they do.

“It’s given me an insight into how Macclesfield ticks basically. Wearing the chain of office and being recognised as mayor has been quite humbling.”

Cllr Wilcock joined volunteers for last month’s Hospice Christmas tree collection which raised more than £152,000.

He said: “It was an exhausting but highly rewarding day and next year we’re hoping to expand councillors’ involvement in this terrific long-standing fundraising scheme.”

Grace Williams and her family grateful of East Cheshire Hospice’s support

East Cheshire Hospice came to the rescue not once but twice for Grace Williams and her family.

Her late husband Jon was supported in 2015 when he was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour.

Then four years later her uncle Paul Waddell (62) died in the Hospice from the same illness.

Grace is raising funds for the charity through a Born Survivor event at Capesthorne Hall on Saturday, April 27.

Grace and her late husband Jon both received support from East Cheshire Hospice.

Grace said: “We thought we had our whole lives ahead of us, with a one-year-old daughter Alana. But Jon was gone three months after diagnosis, aged 30. I was 27.

“When we first walked into the Hospice it was like getting a big hug. Everything from emotional support to physical equipment Jon so desperately needed was given to us once we arrived.

“I was stressed and not eating or sleeping. The Hospice provided respite and a safe place for us, including having meals together. I didn’t want to leave Jon as I knew I didn’t have long left with him.

“They introduced us to patients, carers and nurses who made him feel he wasn’t alone. That shared experience was so powerful.

“Rooms were like home from home. It didn’t smell clinical and wasn’t formal.

Grace’s uncle and auntie, Paul and Lindsay Wadde

“Jon felt comfortable there and received complementary therapies. I had counselling with Fay Mitchell and don’t think I’d be here without her.

“Fay helped me process the trauma of what had been going on.”

Grace was still receiving counselling when her uncle was admitted.

Grace, a graphic designer, said: “Incredibly, our family, including my auntie Lindsay, found ourselves back in the world of the Hospice. Paul passed away surrounded by the same amazing people who’d looked after Jon.

“I was there a lot with my uncle and everyone still remembered me. I could even see Paul’s room from Fay’s window.

“Staff kept us well informed and gave us plenty of hugs. They did everything. It sounds stupid but they would appear next to you with a brew.

“It was like they had a sixth sense of what will help. Working at the Hospice is definitely a calling in life.

“If I could afford to quit my job, I’d be there like a shot to volunteer. I feel I’ve got so much to give back to them which is why I’m doing this challenge.”

*To sponsor Grace visit

To enter Born Survivor visit

Gary Henshaw’s Tombola stall in Macclesfield makes over £10,000 for Hospice

He’s known as the Tombola Man and is a familiar face among stallholders and shoppers at Macclesfield market.

Gary Henshaw has been raising funds for East Cheshire Hospice for almost two years with his game of lucky dip.

Unfortunately, the retired businessman was forced to shelve his tombola stall due to health issues.

But he plans to return in the spring, adding to the £10,045 he has already raised for the Hospice.

Gary Henshaw who has raised more than £10,000 for East Cheshire Hospice from his tombola stall.

It costs £1 to enter the draw with a prize won on every spin of his tombola drum.

Winners take home prizes including jewellery, watches, make-up, pens, wine and ornaments.

Gary said: “It’s a bit of fun for a wonderful cause and every penny taken goes to the Hospice.

“We have 40 balls, half with numbers on and a star prize. Even the blank balls win a prize worth more than the £1 entry.

“Virtually all the prizes are new and have been donated. Companies give me end of line products for charity. One firm has just given me half a warehouse of stuff, including bags and pens.

“I love being out there with the public. I want to thank everyone for their support, including the market, and those who’ve donated items – I couldn’t do it without them.

“I’m always looking for more unwanted gifts to include in the tombola. I give my time for free, it’s purely voluntary.”

Gary, now 71, has been in hospital with high blood pressure after two heart attacks.

He said: “I had a stall at the last treacle market and people remembered me which is nice. It was good to be back and I’ll start a regular stall outside once the weather improves.”

Gary toured pubs and clubs with his Forge the Link trivia quiz, a game he said he dreamt up in his sleep.

He said: “That was going well until Covid hit and people stopped going to pubs. It was a way to donating money to various charities.

“The Hospice struck me as a charity that affects everyone in some way. It doesn’t matter what walk of life you come from; they look after everyone.

“I thought this is a worthwhile charity and decided it was the one I wanted to concentrate the tombola on.

“A friend of mine passed away last year and spent his last two weeks there.”

* To donate contact Gary on 07776 181028 or

Claritas Choir looking for new Musical Director

Could you take over as musical director of Claritas, the East Cheshire Hospice choir?

The search is on to find a replacement for Kath Ibbotson, who hangs up her baton after a musical coffee morning at United Reformed Church on Saturday, March 23 (10-12).

Anyone interested should email with the deadline for applications at the end of this month.

Committee member Marian Mackay said: “We’re looking for an enthusiastic and imaginative MD able to balance fun and professionalism to take the choir forward and continue Kath’s good work.

Kath Ibbotson who is preparing for her final concert.

“If you have a love of music, time to devote to the choir and a wish to support the work of Hospice we’d love to hear from you.

“It’s a specialist role. Not only does the MD have to be a musician, but they also need leadership skills, personality and a well-developed sense of humour.

“Claritas welcomes singers of mixed abilities with the aim of having fun and raising money. The choir has an accompanist and the new MD will need to conduct rehearsals and performances without the accompanist occasionally.”

A fee can be paid for weekly rehearsals and concerts.  The post starts in April.

Claritas choir which is looking for a new musical director.

Rehearsals are at the Silklife Centre on Monday evenings during term time, though this is flexible.

The choir ( has around 45 members and organises three big fundraising concerts a year, with two at Christmas. The group also sing at other community events. New members should contact the same email address.

Get to know our Memory Tree Sculptor

Making trees is a growing business for talented sculptor Christopher Townsend.

His artwork is proudly on display in the gardens at East Cheshire Hospice and around the country.

The Hospice commissioned him to make a metal Memory Tree as a focal point for families and friends to remember lost loved ones.

It is proving popular, with dozens of supporters buying leaves dedicated to someone special since the tree was unveiled in October.

Another 25 subscribers are now having leaves installed.

Christopher said: “I’ve made all different kinds of sculptures over the years, but the tree appears to be the thing that has really taken off, in particular memorial trees.

Sculptor Christopher Townsend who made the East Cheshire Hospice tree.

“I’ve delivered and installed trees to charities, hospitals, crematoriums, schools and other organisations.

“I’m pleased that the East Cheshire Hospice memorial is attracting so much interest. The design is based on a theme, but it’s a one-off because of its large size.

“It took a long time to make and all the branches were hand-bent cold and then assembled and welded together.

“I’m not a blacksmith, I’m an artist using metal as a medium. The ends of each branch had to be beaten and then drilled. There are between 400 and 500 branch ends and each required physical effort, rather than using a machine or heat treatment.

“No wonder my limbs are almost falling off at the age of 50 as I’ve been doing it for 15 years!”

The Memory Tree is in a discreet peaceful setting and easily accessible without entering the Hospice building.

The Hospice is hoping more supporters will join the scheme. A subscription is £10 a month, or £120 a year.

Hospice Family and Friends Fundraising Co-ordinator Amy Williams with the Memory Tree.

A total of 400 leaves are available with the name of a loved one engraved along with a message if desired. The tree was gifted by AstraZeneca employees.

Christopher, based in Oxfordshire, said: “Whenever I deliver a tree, people usually send me pictures six months, or a year down the line, telling me how many leaves are on it and how it’s been received.

“Sculpting started as a hobby, but it’s now my work and with a family, mortgage and responsibilities it has to be commercially viable.”

* To sign up to the Memory Tree visit

For queries, contact or call 01625 665688. To visit Christopher’s website go to

Sign up now to get the best discount for the popular Starlight Walk

Sign up now to get the best discount for the popular Starlight Walk at Capesthorne Hall on Thursday, April 18.

The cheapest ‘super early bird’ tickets priced £17.50 for adults and £12.50 for under 16s are available until February 18.

The price changes the following day to £20 and £15 respectively for the ‘early bird’ offer before the standard entry of £22.50 and £17.50 applies from March 19.

Almost 400 supporters took part last year and another bumper turn out is expected this time with walkers covering a 2.5k loop through beautiful woodland multiple times if they wish.

Starlight Walk Pic 1 – Walkers prepare to set off at last year’s Starlight Walk.

The walk, organised by East Cheshire Hospice, is an emotional journey for many, giving them a chance to remember lost loved ones.

The dusk walk will have lighting, lanterns, fire pits, points of reflection and other features to enjoy along the way.

Walkers are encouraged to raise funds for the Hospice to help fund the care of patients.

Starlight Walk Pic 2 – En route through the woods at Capesthorne Hall.

There will be live entertainment with food and drink stalls.

Community and Events Fundraiser Claire Gorton said: “The whole family is welcome to this moving and uplifting evening of remembrance.

Starlight Walk Pic 3 – A floodlit route awaits Starlight Walk entrants. 

“Our annual memory walk is an opportunity to come together and remember loved ones in a really special way.”

Well-behaved dogs are welcome and there will be no fireworks. The walking route is not accessible for wheelchairs or pushchairs.

* To register visit the Hospice website.

Will Month in October raised £11,373 for East Cheshire Hospice

Allowing a month to get a will written rather than a week provided a major fundraising boost for East Cheshire Hospice.

The Hospice’s Will Month in October raised £11,373, excluding Gift Aid which is expected to take the total to more than £13,000.

It is the highest total raised by the campaign in five years, beating the £9,424 generated in the Covid year of 2020.

Beth England, from East Cheshire Hospice, with Joe Etherington, from Moneybox Wills and Trusts.

Beth England, Individual Giving Manager at the Hospice, said: “The campaign running for a full month, instead of a week, was the main reason for the increase, and the average donation was higher than before.

“We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part and kindly donated, and the participating organisations who made it a success through their generous dedication of time and ongoing support of the Hospice.”

Stratford Solicitors, GPW Tax and Law and Moneybox Wills and Trusts completed 55 appointments. Moneybox, based in Tytherington, raised £5,896, excluding Gift Aid, from 24 clients.

Joe Etherington, the firm’s Head of Wills and Trusts, said: “Many of those who saw us had personal links with the Hospice one way or another. It was a fantastic result all-round and we’re delighted to have played a part in the campaign’s success.

“The fact it was Will Month made a massive difference – you can see a lot more people in four weeks than one.” *

* For more details on legacies email, or call 01625 433477.