Fundraising Archives - Page 8 of 27 - East Cheshire Hospice

Memory Tree launches at East Cheshire Hospice

A beautiful Memory Tree will be unveiled shortly at East Cheshire Hospice to honour lost loved ones.

Supporters are invited to dedicate a leaf engraved with a short message to someone special.

The metal sculpture will be easily accessible in a discreet location within gardens at the back of the Hospice on Millbank Drive.

The subscription cost is £10 a month, or £120 for a year.

The tree also marks the 35th anniversary of the charity which cared for its first patient in February 1988.

Employees from AstraZeneca, which has supported the Hospice throughout its history, have gifted the new memorial.

Some 400 copper, silver and bronze leaves are available and subscribers do not need a link to the Hospice.

Typical leaves for the Memory Tree.

Individual Giving Fundraiser Beth England said: “The Memory Tree is a wonderful way to leave a lasting tribute to the lives of those we wish to celebrate and remember.

“The tree can be reached without going through the main entrance. There is parking at the back of our building and visitors can come along at any time.

“There are benches and privacy, making it the perfect place to reflect and remember a loved one.

“The tree is there for family, friends and supporters and will raise vital donations to the Hospice. Each leaf can be inscribed with a short message if donors wish.

“Your leaf will remain on the tree for a year, at which point you can choose to either renew its place for a further year or we can return the leaf to you to treasure forever.”

Adult bereavement services manager Helen Wilkinson said: “The Memory Tree is a unique way of remembering lost loved ones.

From left, volunteer chaplain Chris Newton, chaplain Marion Tugwood, fundraisers Beth England and Amy Williams and adult bereavement services manager Helen Wilkinson at the Memory Tree launch at a soggy Starlight Walk.

“We all have our own way of looking back on the lives of those dear to us and the tree is a focal point in a lovely quiet setting. ”

Helen attended the Memory Tree launch at last month’s Starlight Walk, with chaplain Marion Tugwood and volunteer chaplain Chris Newton.

The walk attracted around 400 walkers, raising more than £27,000 for the charity.

* To sign up to the Memory Tree visit

For queries, contact or call 01625 665688.

Caring Carl Lamptey is the pride of Cheshire!

Caring Carl Lamptey is the pride of Cheshire!

Modest Carl will not admit it since he is too busy fundraising, but he deserves the accolade for amazing service to the community.

Carl Lamptey at the Local Hero awards at Cottons Hotel and Spa.

The Macclesfield dad is overwhelmed after scooping two awards recognising his dedication.

Carl won Cheshire’s Silk 106.9 Pride of Cheshire prize at the Local Hero 2023 Awards, days after receiving a civic award from Macclesfield mayor Cllr Fiona Wilson.

His Team Rainbow has raised more than £70,000 for East Cheshire Hospice where wife Sarah died of breast cancer in 2014, aged 36.

Carl Lamptey with his Silk 106.9 award. 

He supports many causes, including appeals by the radio station. He also helped a boy with a brain tumour get his wish for an Apple tablet.

Carl said: “It all began when Sarah started holding parties to raise funds and basically I’ve continued her legacy. I’ve not stopped fundraising because that’s what she wanted to do.

“I know the community are going to give, because they’re awesome. During lockdown I asked footballers to donate and they didn’t, so I turned to the community and the rest is history. They just nailed it.

“It’s nice to get recognition, but I don’t do it for awards. When Sarah passed I got so many messages from people I didn’t know and realised we’re in a good area with good people who care.

“I know we’ve got a good community, so that’s why I keep doing what I’m doing and the Hospice has been at the heart of my fundraising.”

What Women Want Bingo hit the jackpot

Disco fever swept Tytherington High School as a bingo night hit the jackpot for East Cheshire Hospice.

Organisers What Women Want raised a record £13,500 from the sell-out event which attracted more than 300 party goers.

It took the total raised by the five voluntary fundraisers to £393,000 since the group was set up 13 years ago.

Disco bingo has been a big hit since the fun nights began with players quite literally entering into the spirit of the occasion. No one went thirsty with the infamous barrows of donated booze raffled off.

The WWW group – Julie Barnes, Jo Millward, Jill Harding, Elaine Burgess and Jayne Carter – are prolific fundraisers with their balls, bingo nights and fashion shows.

Sarah Dale (centre) from the Hospice with What Women Want fundraisers (from left) Jo Millward, Julie Barnes, Jayne Carter and Elaine Burgess.

They have also undertaken individual challenges to raise funds. Jill is a health care assistant at the Hospice where her mum Mary was a patient.

Jayne, the group chair, said: “Our latest bingo didn’t disappoint. It was our biggest yet and the lucky ones who got tickets dug deep to help us raise a fantastic amount.

“We’re overwhelmed at the continued generosity from our supporters. They are truly amazing. We’d also like to thank the fabulous bar staff and volunteers who worked so hard to make the night a huge success.”

Funds raised are used to buy specific items to benefit Hospice patients. The two cars used by the Hospice @Home nurses were bought thanks to donations from the WWW women.

Chess ICT take on AJ Bell Great Manchester Run for East Cheshire Hospice

A 20-strong group from Chess ICT will be on the start line for the AJ Bell Great Manchester Run on Sunday, May 21.

Each runner is aiming to raise a minimum of £100, which would mean a donation of more than £4,000 for East Cheshire Hospice.

That is because Chess ICT, a technology services provider based in Alderley Edge, have promised to match fund up to £100 for each participant.

Runners include Grace Ingham, who is Head of People Support. Her mum Julie, from Tytherington, was the company’s first employee.

A team effort … Chess ICT staff with Hospice fundraisers. 

Julie, who died of cancer 10 years ago aged 51, was cared for by the Hospice.

Ever since Chess ICT has been a regular supporter of the Hospice, one of a dozen charities it supports.

The company will jointly sponsor t-shirts for the 10k run with Arighi Bianchi who have also entered a team.

Chess ICT CFO Mark Lightfoot and sales director Oliver Lofthouse are also taking part, along with Jessica Pollock, the chairman’s daughter.

Head of Culture Tim Wilkinson-Hall said: “We support the Hospice as much as possible because of how they supported Julie and her family. Julie was well known in our business and is remembered with great affection.

“We’re building up to the run by raising sponsorship. We donated Easter eggs and are holding quizzes and dress down days to raise funds and awareness.

“It’ll be a great day and now we’ve just got to make sure we’re all fit enough to get round the course.”

Anytime Fitness take on Tough Mudder for East Cheshire Hospice

Gym enthusiasts at Anytime Fitness are toning muscles for their biggest workout yet.

Seven members of the Duke Street gym are tackling a Tough Mudder obstacle course at Heaton Park on Sunday, July 16.

Manager Chavez Johnson and trainer Jamie Ormesher will join them for the 10k challenge in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

Chavez said: “Now we’ll see how fit we all are! It’s a daunting test, but worth it for such a wonderful cause.

“The Hospice is close to the hearts of so many of our 700 members.

“We’re aiming to raise £1,000. There’s a mix of ability, but we’re in it together as a team.

“The gym is thriving, especially during a cost of living crisis. We did have 900 members pre-Covid, but gyms suffered a big drop in numbers then and we’ve done well to recover.”

The team is Grace Henderson, Francesca O’Brien, Adam Cheadle, Yang Voon, Gavin Trevena, Andy Baker and Tom Bentham.

Tough Mudder challengers. Back row (from left), Adam Cheadle, Yang Voon, Grace Henderson, Francesca O’Brien, Tom Bentham and Gavin Trevena. Front,  Jamie Ormesher and Chavez Johnson.

Tom completed a canoe paddle across England last year with brother George in memory of their late father Mark, a Hospice patient.

Tom said: “It’s a pleasure to be part of this team while continuing to raise money for East Cheshire Hospice.

“It’s been lovely meeting more like-minded individuals who want to make a positive impact in the community, by rising to the Tough Mudder challenge!”

Tom is also doing a triathlon in Wales in September, assuming he gets a bike by then.

* To sponsor the Anytime Fitness team visit

Fliss, along with family, will attend Starlight Walk in memory of late Mum

They treated her like a queen! A daughter’s description of how East Cheshire Hospice looked after her late mum.

When Tanis Richards saw her daughter Fliss get married in Crete last August, there was no sign of the cancer that would take her life four months later, aged 68.

Fliss, along with sisters-in-law Amanda and Emma, are taking part in the Starlight Walk as a thank you to the Hospice.

The event will be at Capesthorne Hall on Thursday, April 27, at 6 pm, with the walk starting at 7 pm.

Fliss said: “She was an amazing mum and an amazing grandma. It all happened very quickly.

“Mum was fine at the wedding, got poorly in September and was told she had cancer the following month.

From left, Tanis Richards with daughter Fliss and daughters-in-law Emma and Amanda. 

“She died on December 1 and spent her last two and a half days at the Hospice. She wasn’t there long, but staff were wonderful with her and us. They treated her like a queen.

“The whole family were there at the end, telling stories and laughing and joking. Mum’s last day on earth was how she would have wanted and that was only possible thanks to the Hospice.

“We wouldn’t have been able to do it anywhere else. They made it feel like home and made a very awful situation bearable.

“We want to give something back so we’re doing the walk and we know how much it costs to run the Hospice.”

Dad Dennis, along with Fliss’ younger triplet brothers Gareth, Christopher and Anthony, will be there to wave them off at the walk.

So will daughter Bella who received a book from a nurse which she reads when feeling sad. Bella, one of six grandchildren, was also given a Grief Bear knitted by Hospice volunteers.

Fliss said: “It was the little touches which made things easier. As a family we’re lucky we’re very close and losing mum has made us make the most of life.”

* To sponsor the family visit

The dusk-time woodland walk, sponsored by Ford dealers Sidney Jackson, is over a 2.5km loop. The last set off time is 8.30 pm, with the event closing at 10 pm.

Entry only covers the event cost, so organisers are asking walkers to raise at least £50 in sponsorship, or make a £50 donation to the Hospice when registering.

To register visit the Hospice website.

Easter Humpties are back!

Volunteer knitters have put Easter Humpties back together again as part a new fundraising campaign.

The cute colourful characters are on sale for £2, with all proceeds going to East Cheshire Hospice.

Inside are mouth-watering creme eggs donated by businesses.

More than 1,300 humpties and chicks have been made, with more than half created by the handiwork of tireless volunteer Angela Roberts.

The Easter treats are available at King’s School, Upton Priory and Bollinbrook, the same primary schools which sold them last year.

They can also be bought from the Hospice reception (9 am to 7 pm); its shops in Poynton and Handforth, Prestbury Pharmacy and Quality Dry Cleaners in Tytherington.

Community fundraiser Claire Gorton with an Easter Humpty.

Community fundraiser Claire Gorton said: “Once again our fantastic knitters have risen to the challenge. Some knit for us all year round and attaching the sparkly hair can be a little tricky.”

Companies which have donated eggs are Anthony Collins Solicitors; BNI Silk; C3 Sales and Consulting; STD Transport; Surface Technology International and Thorneycroft Solicitors.

Claire said: “It makes a huge difference for the Hospice not to have to buy the creme eggs, meaning every penny from each Humpty sold goes directly towards providing vital end-of-life support for those in our community.

“Last year the humpties were so popular I was constantly popping back to schools with extra deliveries. The kids were desperate to see what different colour combinations they could find within each batch.”

Other handmade Easter decorations, priced from £2, are also available from the Hospice reception.

BNI Silk support East Cheshire Hospice through fundraising

A business network group has given a warm welcome to East Cheshire Hospice by stepping up its fundraising efforts.

Members of BNI Silk were already long-standing supporters of the charity.

Now they are getting even more involved, with some taking part in two events in the same week at Capesthorne Hall.

They will tackle a Born Survivor obstacle course on Saturday, April 22, and the charity’s Starlight Walk on Thursday, April 27.

The Hospice is one of the newest recruits to the breakfast group which meets every Thursday, from 6.30 am.

Meetings are held online, with face-to-face gatherings once a month at Hollin Hall Hotel, Bollington.

BNI Silk has more than 20 members, including an electrician, builder, solicitor, web designer, marketing specialist and videographer.

Members of BNI Silk. From left, Ian Ellis, Arman Kizir, Kevin Cook, Joe Etherington, Lee Shore and Lisa Ball.

Mortgage adviser Lian Findler, a new vice president, said: “We’re a strong, close team and committed to helping each other.

“It’s a friendly group and has existed for many years. It’s great to have the Hospice as part of our team. They do amazing work and are vital to the area. We’re always looking at ways to help them.”

BNI Silk have two teams in a quiz in aid of the Hospice at Marlborough Primary School on Friday (March 24).

Lian’s company Mortgage Advice Bureau raised funds for the Hospice at a networking evening last year marking the firm’s 15th birthday and an office move to Tytherington.

The firm has also held a race night and a music festival in Pott Shrigley.

Another member of BNI Silk is Macclesfield company Jenny’s Blinds, set up in 1996.

Owner Steve Forrest, fitter James Pearson and admin assistant Dannii Hodgkins are taking part in Born Survivor.

Steve said: “As a business, we’d like to get more involved with the Hospice. It’s a  wonderful cause and our network group is keen to support fellow members as much as we can.”

Fellow member Diana Stephenson, who runs Calvin Marketing, is also taking part in the Starlight Walk.

She said: ‘The Hospice is such an important part of Macclesfield and it’s fantastic to know it’s there for anyone who needs its services.”

* To find out more about BNI Silk email

For more details on Born Survivor and the Starlight Walk and other fundraising events visit

Arighi Bianchi Great Manchester Run

Staff at Arighi Bianchi are aiming to raise £10,000 as a thank you to East Cheshire Hospice for caring for lost loved ones.

Some 30 employees of the family-owned furniture business will take part in the AJ Bell Great Manchester Run on Sunday, May 21.

Among those running is accessory manager Cath Barlow, who met her late husband John working at Arighi Bianchi.

From left, Hospice fundraiser Bethan Wade, Arighi Bianchi’s Lucy Mather, Nick Bianchi and Cath Barlow and Hospice fundraiser Lisa Ball.

John, a van driver, died of bowel cancer a year ago and spent six weeks as a patient at the Hospice.

He was also landlord of the Ye Olde Kings Head, in the hamlet of Gurnett. One of the ales, Gurnett’s Glory, is named in his honour.

John completed the 10k in 70 minutes in 2015 and Cath’s goal is to match his time.

She said: “The Hospice were amazing looking after John and I can’t thank them enough.”

Cath is also remembering close friend Nicky Bradley, who died in 2021 and was also at the Hospice.

Accessory manager Cath Barlow who is taking part in the Great Manchester Run in memory of her husband John.  

Like Cath, Nicky was a long-serving employee at Arighi Bianchi, formerly managing the bed linen department.

Meanwhile, director Nick Bianchi will honour the memory of his uncle Tony, who was joint managing director of the landmark store for many years.

Tony died in 2017, aged 83, and was treated at the Hospice.

His grandad Antonio Bianchi, and his brother-in-law Antonio Arighi – both Italian immigrants – started the shop 169 years ago.

Arighi Bianchi will sponsor a Hospice stall in the charity village at the 10k run, with its team wearing yellow Hospice t-shirts.

Nick said: “We’ve been proud to support the Hospice since it opened its doors in 1988 and are delighted that it’s our official charity for the Run.

“The event is a wonderful way to foster a real sense of teamwork within our staff. We’ve got runners from various departments, from the cafe bar to the curtains, carpets, deliveries, marketing, sales consultants and administration.

“Arighi Bianchi and East Cheshire Hospice are two Macclesfield institutions. We’ve been here since 1854 and the Hospice has cared for family members and staff, including my uncle Tony. It’s also cared for our customers, so the Hospice is really personal to so many people.”

* To sponsor the Arighi Bianchi team visit

To enter the Run to raise funds for the Hospice visit

Tom Clare Calendar

Reality TV star Tom Clare has another starring role – as a pin-up in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

A special 2023 calendar has been produced of the Macclesfield FC footballer who is among the cast of Love Island, the hit ITV 2 show.

Spiral Colour, the print partner for the football club, made the calendars, with proceeds from sales donated to the Hospice.

General manager Jason Carpenter came up with the idea during a chat over dinner with partner Kerry Hough and friends Dave and Louise Timmis, who own, sponsors of Macclesfield FC.

Jourdan Phillips and Jason Carpenter from Spiral Colour with the Tom Clare calendar.

Both girls established the Tom Clare fan club on Facebook. Calendars are available from for £9.99, including delivery.

Jason said: “The calendar started off as a bit of a laugh, even before Tom was selected for Love Island.

“He loved the idea and signed copies. His sister Laura Clare, who is an influencer, and family have also helped us promote them.

“Tom appeals to women of a certain age – he’s tall, ripped and good looking. Each month, the calendar includes photographs of Tom taken by the club photographer.”

Spiral Colour are regular supporters of the Hospice. They provide printing services for the charity and sponsor the Christmas tree collection.

Jason said: “We help the Hospice as much as possible and buying calendars will support its wonderful work. Alongside the calendar, we’ve also now created a full-sized Tom Clare cardboard cut-out which is proving great for parties.”