Fundraising Archives - Page 9 of 27 - East Cheshire Hospice

Camino Trail Tribute

Close friends of East Cheshire Hospice’s late chaplain Margaret Lillis will undertake a poignant walk in her memory.

Old school pal Bridget Fenwick will be joined daughters Clare and Yvonne and son-in-law Ori for a trek along the Camino Trail in northern Spain.

The family aim to raise £10,500 from the 115-kilometre walk from October 14-21, a trip organised by the Hospice.

Margaret Lillis with Bridget and her daughters (from left) Clare, Yvonne and Anne-Marie.

Margaret, who died last May, was godmother to Yvonne and taught her when she was deputy head at St Edward’s Catholic Primary School in Macclesfield.

Yvonne said: “Mum and Margaret were best friends at school in London. She was a fun teacher and loved the guitar and singing.

“She adored the Hospice and took our son George on days off to give biscuits to the nurses.

“She was cared for by the Hospice and they were just incredible. It’s a spiritual walk and Margaret was a spiritual person, so it’s appropriate this is in her memory.

George Costello with Margaret Lillis.

“The route looks beautiful, but we’re slightly scared because of the training we’ve got to do. We walk our dogs, but that’s about it.”

The family are holding a fundraising ceilidh at Mottram St Andrew village hall on April 15. Everyone welcome and for tickets visit

Margaret Lillis and goddaughter Yvonne Costello.

Musicians who performed at Margaret’s 70th birthday party five years ago at the same venue are making a return appearance.

Silent auction prizes include a kit worth £1,000 to convert a cycle to an electric bike.

* To donate visit

Yvonne Costello and husband Ori Hellerstein who are walking the Camino Trail.

AstraZeneca supports East Cheshire Hospice

Staff at AstraZeneca continue to go to extraordinary lengths to support East Cheshire Hospice.

More than 250 of their employees raised £19,000 last year for the charity, with £15,000 of the total match funded by the company.

AZ also gave £3,000 to support Art Fair Cheshire and contributed the same amount to cover the cost of petrol and vans for the Christmas tree collection.

 AstraZeneca and Hospice staff at Art Fair 2022. From left, Kirrie Todd, Sophie Simpson, Rachel Allcock, Guy Camm, Dave Ennis, Lisa Ball, Karyn Johnston and Paula Postlethwaite.

AZ and its staff have donated £40,174 to the Hospice over a 12-month period.

Further good news for the charity is that AZ employees will retain the Hospice as a nominated charity for the next two years.

Hospice corporate fundraiser Lisa Ball said: “Yet again AZ and its staff have shown unbelievable support for the Hospice and we thank them for their kind generosity.

“AZ was a founding funder of the Hospice and we still have an amazing relationship with the company.”

Paula Postlethwaite and chef Karl Griffiths, from AZ caterers Sodexo, delivered a tasty hot pot lunch to Christmas tree volunteers.

Sophie Simpson, from ClubAZ, has also helped staff fulfil personal challenges, including fundraising during STEPtember. AZ also held several markets.

Guy Camm,  AZ’s Macclesfield Campus FM Development Manager, said: “We’re proud of our long-standing partnership with the Hospice and, of course, our staff who rallied to the cause in fantastic style in 2022.

“I’m sure that dedication will continue in 2023 through our support for several local charities, including the Hospice”

AstraZeneca representatives (from left) Paula Postlethwaite, Sophie Simpson and Guy Camm with Hospice staff Lisa Ball, Karyn Johnston and Rachel Allcock.

Starlight Walk is back for 2023

Spring will soon be in the air which means the countdown is under way for the Starlight Walk.

The popular event, organised by East Cheshire Hospice, is back at Capesthorne Hall this year.

It will be staged on Thursday, April 27, at 6 pm in the picturesque grounds of the estate. The walk starts at 7 pm.

It is four years since Capesthorne last staged the walk in memory of loved ones. The event was at Adlington Hall last year after a Covid break.

Walkers at Adlington Hall in 2022.

An Early Bird offer of £17.50 for adults and £12.50 for children (up to 16) is available before February 23. Prices are then £20 and £15.

The dusk-time woodland walk, sponsored by Ford dealers Sidney Jackson, is over a 2.5km loop featuring atmospheric lighting and fire pits.

Walkers can complete the course multiple times. The last set off time is 8.30 pm, with the event closing at 10 pm.

The walk the last time it was held at Capesthorne Hall in 2019.

Entry only covers the event cost, so organisers are asking walkers to raise at least £50 in sponsorship, or make a £50 donation to the Hospice when registering.

Events Manager Beth Candy said: “Walkers are encouraged to raise funds for the Hospice to help fund the care of patients both now and in the future.

“We’ll have live entertainment, food and drink stalls including alcohol, and each walker receives a wooden medal. The whole family is welcome to this moving and uplifting evening of remembrance.”

Registration is now open via the Hospice website.

Bumper Challenge round up 2022

A trek through the Sahara Desert rounded off a memorable year of challenges undertaken by East Cheshire Hospice supporters.

A bumper £183,000 was raised during the year from the tireless efforts of hundreds of dedicated volunteers.

A 20-strong group went to Morocco to sleep under the stars and scale sand dunes in scorching temperatures.

Sahara trekkers (from left) Ellie Heaton, Rob Gorton, Jo Helm, Dave Helm, Alison Brammer, Loz Broome.

Among them was Hospice Challenge Events co-ordinator Bethan Wade. She said: “Our Challenge series had its best year yet in 2022.

“After coming out of Covid, we had such a good year with fundraisers undertaking all sorts of crazy challenges.

“We had wing walks, head shaves, fire walks, marathons and much more. We appreciate times are tough, so everyone’s continued support doesn’t go unnoticed.

“Every penny donated goes towards the vital care we provide at our Hospice and out in the community.”

A fire walk and ice walk is planned for 2023 and other fun events will be announced shortly. A skydive in May is already fully subscribed.

The deadline for a Camino Trail adventure in northern Spain in October has passed, but walkers wishing to go can contact Bethan to check any late availability. Email

Many individuals tackle challenges single-handedly like nine-year-old James Hurley who completed 50 circuits of White Nancy dressed as Star Wars character Kylo Ren, raising more than £300.

James Hurley during his White Nancy challenge.

Bethan said: “It’s amazing what people do to help us and if they want any advice on ideas for challenges please contact us on 01625 433477.”

A focus on Born Survivor 2023

HR and recruitment specialist Andrea Mason is ready to go through the pain barrier again for East Cheshire Hospice.

Andrea is tackling Born Survivor, a gruelling obstacle course at Capesthorne Hall on Saturday, April 22.

Work colleagues at Leap29 will also attempt the challenge, as will her partner Jason Lowe.

Jason is partner at Equilibrium Financial Planning, where staff are also gearing up to face the course designed by Royal Marine commandos.

Andrea Mason after last year’s Born Survivor.

Andrea, from Macclesfield, has personal as well as professional reasons for supporting the Hospice.

Her late grandfather Alfie Pimblott was a patient at the Hospice many years ago.

Her best friend from school, Yvonne Costello-Hellerstein, is the goddaughter of Margaret Lillis, the Hospice chaplain who died last year.

Andrea and Yvonne honoured Margaret’s memory at the Hospice’s Winter Ball in November.

Andrea is Head of HR and Talent at recruitment firm Leap 29, a Hospice corporate supporter, along with Equilibrium.

Andrea said: “We’re quite an active workforce and people in our business love this sort of challenge. It allows us to all work together as a team. It’s not just a fundraising event, it’s fantastic for team building and employee engagement.

“Our people love coming together to raise money for the hospice and Born Survivor is the perfect way to raise funds and have fun with your colleagues.

“A group of us did Born Survivor last year and it was tough. I only did the 5k course, whereas this time I want to challenge myself even further so have opted for the 10k circuit with 30 obstacles.

Andrea Mason and colleagues celebrate completing Born Survivor.

“By taking on a harder challenge this year, I hope to raise even more for the hospice and the incredible work they do.

“Staff decided to support the Hospice a few years ago. Leap 29 try to encourage charitable giving and everyone has a day off each year, either to volunteer or do an event like Born Survivor.

“We also have a dedicated culture team who think of new ideas for charitable events and how we can support the Hospice.”

Jason with wife Andrea and daughter Sacha.

Jason is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro next month to raise funds for the Hospice.

Meanwhile, Yvonne is undertaking the Camino Trail in northern Spain in October as part of a Hospice trip. The five-day trek covers 115  kilometres.

Entry to Born Survivor is £50 and to sign up visit the Hospice website There are 5k or 10 options and entrants must be at least 16.

* To support Andrea and her colleagues visit

Winter Ball Success

A glittering night had even more sparkle for a lucky guest who won a diamond pendant.

The star prize worth £15,000 went to an anonymous diner at a Winter Ball organised by the Hospice.

The black-tie event, held in a special marquee in the grounds of Macclesfield Rugby Club, raised more than £35,000 for the charity.

Guests at the Winter Ball, in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.  

The luxurious one-carat diamond was donated by Greeba, Michael and David Jones from PR Jones Jewellers, long-standing supporters of the Hospice.

The ball made a long-awaited return to the social calendar after a four-year absence.

Organiser Beth Candy, who is Events Manager at the Hospice, said: “We had a terrific night and want to say a special thank you to all those who attended and helped us raise such a wonderful amount for the Hospice.

“Thank you also to the Jones family for the generous donation of the diamond pendant, which was won by one of our loyal supporters.

“The venue was ideal and the rugby club were perfect hosts. We appreciate their support which meant we could stage the event virtually round the corner from the Hospice.”

Ventriloquist Jamie Leahey, runner-up on ITV show Britain’s Got Talent, entertained the audience with his cheeky chicken Chuck.

String Infusion, an all-female electric and acoustic string group, were also a hit. The event was sponsored by Superbowl UK and hosted by Mike Toolan.

Ventriloquist Jamie Leahey and Chuck with guests.

James Hurley Hospice fundraiser

The sight of Star Wars baddy Kylo Ren circling White Nancy must have frightened a few walkers enjoying a weekend stroll.

Alas there was nothing to fear from a different galaxy.

It was James Hurley dressed as the fictional character raising funds for East Cheshire Hospice where his mum Sharon works.

Fundraiser James Hurley enjoying the view from White Nancy.  

Star Wars fan James walked to the top carrying a collection bucket before completing 50 circuits of the monument.

The nine-year-old’s efforts raised £312, well above his initial £200 target.

Walkers donated, along with friends and family, including sister Emma (13).

Class mates and teachers at St Alban’s Catholic Primary School, where he is in year five, also supported his adventure.

Sharon is the sister at the Sunflower Wellbeing Centre.

She said: “It was James’ idea to walk round White Nancy. With me working at the Hospice, he just decided one day that he wanted to raise money for the Hospice.

May the force be with you…James as Star Wars character Kylo Ren.

“I’m really proud and quite touched that he wanted to do it.  I don’t talk too much about my work, but he knows I look after poorly people.

“Walkers were clapping James as he walked back down through Bollington village after completing his journey. He’s always loved Star Wars and has plenty of costumes.”

St Alban’s have also held cake sales as part of their support for the Hospice.

Unmasked….James sports his East Cheshire Hospice top.    

* Any supporters wishing to fundraise for the Hospice can email

Christmas Handmade Goods 2022

Volunteers at East Cheshire Hospice have been like Santa’s elves getting ready for Christmas.

More than 50 helpers use their creative skills designing handmade goods for East Cheshire Hospice.

It is not too late to grab a bargain, with a selection of festive items on sale at the Hospice reception.

The handiwork generates £18,000 during the year for the Hospice.

Volunteer Hilary Berkin with her handmade items.

Community fundraising assistant Claire Gorton said: “We’re so grateful volunteers choose to use their creative skills to support us.

“Some sell their handmade goods to family and friends and donate the proceeds, while others donate items for sale at our reception.

“We receive items such as crocheted teddies to knitted blankets, fabric tote bags, wooden toys and unique beautiful jewellery.

“We’ve a range of Christmas stockings, tree decorations, knitted scarves and hats, chocolate orange characters and stocking fillers.

Claire wants work or community groups willing to sell handmade goods, especially cards and seasonal items, to contact her.  Email

She said: “Grief Bears are made for our inpatient unit, while Pairs of Hearts are used within childhood bereavement and our Hospice @Home service.

“One heart is placed in the hand of the deceased, while the other is given to their loved one.”

Volunteer Hilary Berkin said: “I’m no runner or ace cake baker, so decided to put my love of quilting and sewing into making some items for the Hospice to sell to say thank you and to give something back.”

A yearly thank you event has been held for volunteers.

Christmas Tree Collection January 2023

The Christmas tree collection in aid of East Cheshire Hospice will be back to normal in January.

Registrations are now open, with organisers promoting the eco-friendly benefits of buying a real tree.

The event – over the weekend of January 14/15 – raised a record-equalling £150,000 for the Hospice last winter.

Unlike last year, Covid restrictions are not an issue for the 23rd year of the collection, which is believed to be the largest in the world!

More than £1.5m has been raised in that time, thanks to the generosity of donors and dozens of willing helpers.

Tree collectors in Broken Cross in 2022. James Chapman (left), brother Chris and Caitlin Howarth.

Volunteers will be collecting trees over East Cheshire and beyond. The post codes covered are CW12, SK9, SK10, SK11, SK12 and WA16.

The event is sponsored by local businesses, including main sponsors AstraZeneca, meaning all donations go straight to the Hospice. To register trees visit

Trees are recycled into mulch at the local Ansa Environmental Services plant before being industrially composted.

It is estimated that around 500 supporters have been donating Christmas trees regularly since the scheme began.

Organisers are hoping to mark that loyal dedication for the 25th anniversary of the project in 2025.

Co-founder Richard Raymond said: “It’s hard to believe that we’re about to reach our 23rd year of collecting Christmas trees for the Hospice.

“We wouldn’t have got this far without the generosity of owners of Christmas trees whose kind donations make such a difference to Hospice care.

“The funds raised are a significant contribution towards caring for patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families and carers.

“It’s good to be back to normal again after the upheaval of the last couple of years.

“There are persuasive reasons why real trees are more eco friendly than plastic trees, most of which are manufactured in the Far East. These use low-grade plastics such as PVC which are almost impossible to recycle.

“We recycle every tree we collect into a soil improver for the benefit of Cheshire farmland.”

Collection vans will leave from the Hospice in staggered starts like last year.

Potted trees will also be collected. Richard said: “We collected about 20 last time and have someone who will grow them on to be sold next year as Christmas trees in aid of the Hospice.”

Flashback to January and Christmas tree collectors (from left), Steve Bower, Gary Richards and son Criss.

Rick Pulvertaft swims the English Channel

The name of the Instagram page set up by Rick Pulvertaft reveals a clue about the demons he has faced most of his life.

Called the_sober_salmon_swims2france, it counts down to his Channel swim next July in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

Rick, from Macclesfield, gave up alcohol nine months ago, fearing the addiction would ruin his life like it did for close relatives.

His father Dr Tom Pulvertaft (59) died of liver cirrhosis in 1996, and he has also lost older sisters Kate (56) and Janthea (49) to alcoholism in the last five years.

Rick Pulvertaft who is swimming the Channel in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.  

His nephew Kavan died in 2019 after three years in a coma after he tried to take his own life.

Rick, a kitchen designer and salesman, lost both parents by the age of 23.

Mum Dee (61) was due to go to the Hospice in 2009, but died of skin cancer before getting there.

Rick said: “Mum’s death was the only one not directly linked to alcoholism. Alcohol has devastated my family. It’s been hard watching members of my family slowly kill themselves.

“The feeling of helplessness is even harder and I was slowly heading in the same direction. I’m 36 now and have probably been drinking since 13.

“I decided I was going to stop drinking last December. I had a choice to stand up and face my problems, or carry on covering my feelings of hurt and pain with whisky and Stella Artois.

“I chose to hang up my pint pot, face my emotions and even go a step further and challenge my mind to all-out war to be better for my family.

Rick Pulvertaft who has set himself a sporting challenge after giving up alcohol.

“I’m nine months sober. Emotions are difficult sometimes, but no-one died from an emotion. People always say ‘I’d die for my family.’ I’ll say ‘I’m going to live for mine.’

“I couldn’t have done it without my wife Sarah, who’s been so supportive and reminded me I’d always wanted to swim the Channel. That was the catalyst.

“Gym and swimming keep me out of the pub. I’m the salmon swimming upstream. I want to be there for my two daughters Isla (10) and Ginny (2).

“I’m supporting the Hospice who were there for us and ready to help. The work they do for the families of loved ones with life-limiting illnesses is a light in this world that needs our help to keep shining.”

* To sponsor Rick visit