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Memory Tree official opening

The first names have been engraved on leaves on a Memory Tree in the gardens of East Cheshire Hospice.

Each leaf is dedicated to the memory of someone special, even if they have no link to the charity.

The metal sculpture was unveiled at a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by families who have joined the scheme.

It was held beside the Memory Tree which is located in a discreet peaceful setting and easily accessible without entering the building.

The Hospice is hoping others will follow suit by dedicating leaves to lost loved ones. The subscription cost is £10 a month, or £120 a year.

A total of 400 leaves are available with the name of a loved one engraved along with a message if desired.

Representatives from AstraZeneca, whose employees gifted the new memorial, attended the unveiling.

Hospice Chief Executive Karyn Johnston said: “The Memory Tree is a personal triumph for me. I’ve been with the Hospice for 10 years and when I first came I thought it was something we should have.

AstraZeneca employee representative Katie Morelli cuts the ribbon to open the Memory Tree watched by colleague Guy Camm (left) and Hospice Chief Executive Karyn Johnston and Chair of the Trustee Board Will Spinks.

“I want to thank those who’ve bought inaugural leaves and hopefully their kind gesture will encourage others to do the same to raise vital funds for the Hospice.

“I want to thank the gardeners who’ve created such a special place. We found during Covid that people needed a space to come and enjoy the quiet.

“We couldn’t have a more supportive partner than AstraZeneca who’ve been synonymous with the Hospice since before we existed when we were just a plot of land.”

Guy Camm, AZ’s Macclesfield Campus FM Development Manager, said: “The Memory Tree represents a fantastic long-lasting way to remember those no longer here and we’re privileged to be involved in this project.

“Our relationship with the Hospice goes back many years and there’s a special bond between AZ employees and the charity.

“As charity partners, the Hospice work with integrity and they innovate – the level of care they provide to the local community is unbelievable and we thank you for everything that you do.”

Hospice Chaplain Marion Tugwood said: “Today we dedicate this tree to the memory of those we have loved and lost and we give thanks for those who have facilitated its place here. We rejoice in the memory that our loved ones are still with us.”

* To sign up to the Memory Tree visit

For queries, contact or call 01625 665688.

East Cheshire Hospice honoured team members at its long-service staff awards

East Cheshire Hospice honoured team members at its first long-service staff awards since Covid.

Lady Alexis Redmond MBE, Lord-Lieutenant of Cheshire, presented certificates to staff at the celebration event at The Tytherington Club.

Hospice Trustee Board members, including Chair Will Spinks, attended the ceremony, along with Chief Executive Karyn Johnston.

Lady Redmond congratulated staff on their commitment to palliative care, while Will recognised that collectively they had amassed 175 years of service to patients and families.

Sarah Mills, a nurse for more than 20 years and now part of the Hospice @Home bank team, was among recipients.

Sarah Mills (centre) receives her long service award from Lady Redmond MBE, Lord- Lieutenant of Cheshire, and Will Spinks, Chair of the Hospice Trustee Board.

Staff celebrate at the long service awards at Tytherington.

Sunflower Centre nurse Joan-Marie Williams and Loretta Eason, an assistant there after starting as a nurse on the inpatient unit, were recognised for 15 years of service.

Awards for 10 years went to Clinical Co-ordinator Gill Tomlinson; Finance Director Shelley Seabourne and Supporter Care and Lottery Manager Carol Frain.

Reaching five years’ service were:

* Helen Singleton, from the Hospice @Home Rapid Response Service.

* Helena Smith, Voluntary Services and Community Befriending Lead.

* Susan Robinson, Healthcare Assistant.

* Amanda Stell, Finance Officer.

* Hannah George, Hospice @Home Sister.

* Helen Wilkinson, Adult Bereavement Services Lead.

* Jackie Harding, Supporter Care Assistant, Income Generation.

* Caroline Allen, Skills Support HCA.

* Conor Stubbs, Head of IT.

* Lisa Powell, Clinical Co-ordinator.

* April Green, Key Relationships Manager.

* Sharon Hurley, Sunflower Centre development.

* Louise Gorton, Handforth Shop Manager.

Accordionist John Jones was also recognised for fundraising over more than 30 years.

Hospice Fundraising Assistant Nik Kalka

Nik Kalka admits he often struggled with answers at quizzes in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

He was too busy serving drinks from the bar, but he knew instantly what answer to give when offered a job as a fundraiser at the charity earlier this year.

His enthusiastic reply was an emphatic Yes to a cause which is close to his heart for so many reasons.

The best reason of all was remembering how well the Hospice cared for his close friend Sam Burt.

Sam Burt who was cared for by East Cheshire Hospice.

Sam, who grew up in Sutton, had been diagnosed with a brain tumour 10 years earlier. The IT technician at Fallibroome Academy died in 2017, aged 27.

Nik said: “Sam was involved with the quizzes for four years until he passed away in 2017 after helping raise more than £16,000 for the Hospice.

“Ironically, that was about the amount it costs to pay for the care for the three days and two nights he spent at the Hospice.

“He was determined to make the best out of life despite his diagnosis. The odd seizure slowed him down, but he still threw himself into everything.

“Sam had time for everyone and was a genuinely kind and friendly guy.

“He got lots of support accessing the Hospice services. It’s a special place, something I already knew before I came here.

“But once I joined and understood more about the Hospice, its different services, the staff and how they treat patients and each other, it’s even more special than I imagined.

“It’s quite unique and universally loved within our region.

“Once someone has experienced our services, they invariably become a lifelong supporter.”

The regular quiz nights at Marlborough Primary School were not Nik’s first introduction to East Cheshire Hospice.

Nik Kalka taking the strain during a fundraising event for East Cheshire Hospice by carrying fellow supporter Rob Gorton.

He said: “I knew the quiz answers, but they weren’t necessarily the right ones!

“I first came to the Hospice in 2003 as a teenager in the army cadets when I helped at fetes.

“Then I got involved with the quiz nights through Sam Baker, from Olympus Trophies, a long-standing supporter of the Hospice.

“A quiz support group run by Alison Brammer, Paul Morrissey and Mark Watson was set up in 2013 and these events are still hugely popular, raising vast sums for the Hospice.

“Marlborough Primary School have been incredibly helpful, as have Storm Brewing.

“It’s a privilege to work at the Hospice which means so much to me.”

East Cheshire Hospice and BNI networking group

Joining a business network group was an inspired move by corporate fundraiser Lisa Ball.

No sooner had she signed up to BNI Silk than the floodgates opened with offers of support for East Cheshire Hospice where she works.

So much so the kind-hearted business group has donated £22,662 to the charity from fundraising initiatives.

A bumper total considering Lisa only joined the Macclesfield-based organisation in January.

Lisa Ball (centre) and East Cheshire Hospice colleague Rachel Allcock (second right) with BNI Silk members (from left) Leanne Findler, Angela Highton, Kevin Cook, Lee Shore and Joe Etherington.

Fellow members of the 28-strong group were so impressed by what they heard about the Hospice from Lisa that they swung into action and participated in various activities.

Lisa said: “BNI Silk members have been amazing. They’ve listened to what the Hospice needs and done their utmost to support us.

“The business group meet every week which is lovely and it’s been great to see so many familiar faces from my BNI family turn up at fundraisers to do their bit.

“I joined the group to extend the hospice’s reach and gain new contacts – the fundraising support has been an added bonus!”

Seven BNI Silk members took part in Born Survivor at Capesthorne Hall, raising £1,285, while an email marketing campaign was gifted by Lee Shore of Macclesfield company Merrehill, a gesture which generated income of £11,500.

Members took part in the Starlight Walk, attended quiz nights and donated more than 1,000 Crème Eggs.

Nick Stratford, of Stratford Solicitors, in Poynton, donated £3,600 from unclaimed funds. There have been plenty of other activities by members as well.

Arman Kizir, of Luna Film, is donating a promotional video for the Hospice’s Fire and Ice Walk at Macclesfield Rugby on Thursday, November 9.

Others donated plants for the Hospice, while gel sachets for participants in the Great Manchester Run in May.

BNI Silk President Kevin Cook said: “Lisa’s passion for the hospice is infectious and inspired us all to do our bit for this amazing local facility which benefits so many people from across the area.

“I’m really delighted with everyone’s enthusiasm. Our business group is all about supporting each other to grow and develop our businesses, so I shouldn’t really be surprised at the effort everyone has made.”

BNI Silk meet at Macclesfield Golf Club on Thursdays from 6.45 am until 8.30 am.

To find out more about the group email

During the last 12 months members of Silk BNI have referred more than £3.74m worth of business to each other.

Kevin Sinfield OBE has backed East Cheshire Hospice’s latest venture

Prolific fundraiser Kevin Sinfield OBE has backed East Cheshire Hospice’s latest venture.

The former Rugby League star sent a goodwill video message to fundraisers at an inaugural event to raise awareness of motor neurone disease.

The special MND day at Macclesfield Rugby Club raised almost £4,000, with proceeds shared between the MND Association and the Hospice.

Walkers take part in a wheel challenge

Supporters completed laps of the car park on wheels, an idea inspired by carer Jan Gates and implemented by Hospice senior physiotherapist Natalie Nye who organised the pilot event along with colleague Jill Harding.

Jan, whose husband Mike has MND, attends popular monthly support meetings which have been at the Hospice since 2017 and are led by a team of health professionals from there.

Jill, a health care assistant, said: “Considering the progressive  nature of the disease, those who attend our MND Wellbeing Days are the most upbeat positive people you could ever wish to meet and they’ll usually find a reason to laugh about something during the session.

“They’re a unique group of people and I can’t pay them a big enough compliment.”

Patients and carers are invited to attend the monthly Wellbeing sessions where a topic is discussed each time.

Subjects range from managing fatigue, advice about sleep and relaxation, advanced care planning, aids to communication and travel help.

The inaugural motor neurone day was a huge success.

Carers access peer support in a separate room and both patients and their carer can enjoy a relaxing complementary therapy during the sessions which are supported by volunteers including trained visitors from the MND Association.

Jill said: “It was about raising awareness of MND in collaboration with the Hospice. We couldn’t hold it there because of ongoing refurbishment work at the Sunflower Wellbeing Centre and Jan had the idea of patients and relatives doing laps using wheels as a mode of transport.

“We had wheelchairs, wheelbarrows, scooters and bikes and everyone joined in the spirit of the occasion for two great causes. The rugby club were brilliant hosts and we plan to make it an even bigger event next year.”

Natalie and Jill dressed as sunflowers to represent the Hospice emblem and volunteered for an ice bucket challenge in lieu of a minimum £50 charity donation. Prizes were donated and cake sales boosted the fundraising total.

MND Day’s poignant and emotional moment

The sound of a drum provided a poignant and emotional moment at the MND Day at Macclesfield Rugby Club.

Proud Sophie Usher banged the drum nine times in memory of her father Richard, a much-loved Macclesfield GP who died from motor neurone disease 18 months ago.

The number of hits honoured the No 9 shirt worn by Richard, a player for the club.

Organisers Jill Harding (left ) and Natalie Nye with Joel Millett (left) and Allan Nicholles.

Sophie’s symbolic act replicated Kevin Sinfield who became known for ‘banging the drum’ about the need to research MND.

At fundraising events Sinfield hits the drum seven times, signifying the shirt number worn by his close friend and former Leeds Rhinos team-mate Rob Burrow MBE, whose story about dealing with the debilitating disease has touched the nation.

The late Doddie Weir, another ex-rugby player, raised awareness about the illness before Sinfield took up the cause, completing several ultra sporting challenges to raise millions of pounds for MND research.

Jill Harding shows 18-month old Henry the route.

Jill Harding, co-organiser of the Macclesfield event, said: “Kevin Sinfield said he would have come along but for his coaching commitments with England Rugby Union on the day of the event.

“Sophie helped with social media and was one of many volunteers who helped make it such a memorable day.”

There is still time to donate, with proceeds shared between the MND Association and East Cheshire Hospice.

The JustGiving page for the MND Association linked to the event is still open and can be found at

Sophie Usher drumming up support.   

New member in the Hospice @Home team

Mum Cheryl McDonald is one of the newest recruits at East Cheshire Hospice.

As a part-time health care assistant, she visits patients in their own homes as part of the Hospice @Home unit.

Cheryl has vast experience, having spent her entire career caring for people of all ages.

Yet she admits joining the Hospice in May was one of her best moves.

Cheryl said: “I’m still finding my feet, but already realise what a lovely place it is to work. I’d recommend it.

Health care assistant Cheryl McDonald with four-year-old son Nate.

“It’s a nice environment and as you walk down the corridors everyone is so friendly and everywhere so clean.”

Cheryl is still part of the bank team at Macclesfield and District General Hospital where she spent seven years, including spells in the same day emergency care unit and A and E.

She said: “I’m trained to take bloods so it keeps those skills. I work there a few hours each month. You have to do your bit to support the NHS don’t you?

“There are different pressures in a hospital where you can look after between 40 to 50 patients, whereas Hospice @Home means visiting one patient at a time.

“You concentrate on them and get to know the family and more about the patient.

“It’s so rewarding. You’re helping the person and their family and sometimes you’re the only person a patient may see in a day.

“You can signpost them to where they may need further help. It’s nice to know you can help those choosing to die at home.

“Not everyone wants to die in hospital, while the Hospice is also available if they choose to become an inpatient.”

Cheryl spent 10 years helping disabled children as Cheshire East co-ordinator at Carers Trust4all, having trained as a nursery nurse after leaving school.

Cheryl said: “Hospitals can be clinical and if someone passes away with a cardiac arrest you haven’t got to know that patient. Then it’s on to the next patient and that’s how it works.

“With Hospice @Home you’re able to build up a rapport, sitting with a patient and holding their hand and providing the comfort they need.

“There’s no pressure and you can sit with them for an hour if they wish. Nothing’s rushed.

“At hospital, we’ve sat with patients in their final hours too. They’re comfortable and no one is ever left alone.”

* To apply for a staff nurse vacancy visit

Hospice IPU Sister completes Skydive

Sky diver Pippa Williams hopes other nurses aim high like her by joining East Cheshire Hospice.

Macclesfield-born Pippa raised almost £900 when she leapt out of a plane over Shropshire in a tandem parachute jump.

Pippa about to take the plunge.

Pippa is ward sister at the charity which is on the lookout for qualified nurses and health care assistants/support workers.

Daredevil antics are optional, but Pippa’s plunge with 23 other Hospice staff and supporters who raised £14,000 shows the family atmosphere there.

“It’s a privilege and an honour to work at the Hospice. It’s a warm, friendly, calm environment and we can give time to patients in their final days or weeks and support their families.

A leap into the unknown … Pippa on a mission to raise funds for the Hospice.

“We have vacancies at the moment and I would recommend joining a nursing team brilliantly supported across all areas, with phenomenal backing from the community.

“I did a sky dive for the first time as I wanted to give something back to a Hospice hopefully there for years to come for all of us if necessary.

“A parachute jump was on my bucket list. It was a glorious day and the only time I got nervous was when the door opened.”

Pippa after her sky dive.

Pippa has worked at the Hospice for nine years, the last six in her current role.

Husband Adam, son Marcus (7) and daughter Anya (2) saw the jump, along with mum Helen, who works at the Hospice, and mother-in-law Joy.

* To apply for a vacancy at the Hospice visit

Lucy Roberts tells an emotional family story

Lucy Roberts tells an emotional family story in the promotional video.

East Cheshire Hospice hope the powerful personal account encourages businesses and other groups to join its 500 club.

Lucy said in the film: “Today a really lovely family has just lost their grandpa. Charlie had four lovely grandchildren who all came to visit.

Lucy checks a patient’s medication chart.

“They were so thankful and pleased he could spend his last few days at the Hospice. We gave the kids one of our special memory teddies and books to help with their grieving process.

“The teddies are handmade by our volunteers and Charlie had a matching one that will be buried with him.

“This didn’t just comfort the children but it also helped the parents who were nervous about bringing their children to visit their poorly grandpa.

“We care for families like Charlie’s daily and without the support from our local community we simply couldn’t do this.

Arriving for work… Lucy prepares to go on the ward.

“We help them make those special memories in a calm and peaceful environment, whether it’s a phone call to the concerned carer, a difficult question answered compassionately, or a final uninterrupted and peaceful conversation with a loved one.

“The Hospice know every single minute counts when facing an illness and we’re dedicated to enabling families to spend those precious moments together.

“Your donation of £500 could provide a weekend of care to families likes Charlie’s, making all the difference at a time when it matters the most.”

Spread the summer sun with our Sunflower Raffle

A Sunflower Raffle is hoping to spread summer sunshine for East Cheshire Hospice patients.

Tickets at £1 are on sale for the draw made on Friday, July 14. The first prize is a cash prize of £1,000, with £200 and £100 prizes also be won.

The raffle raised more than £30,000 for the Hospice when it was last held two years ago.

Individual Giving Manager Beth England said: “The raffle helped us provide care and support to countless people and we hope it will be bigger and better this year.

“The cost-of-living crisis has impacted so many people and the Hospice is no different.

“Drastically rising energy costs pose a real threat to our current and future services and taking part will help ease those costs and enable us to continue to care for local families.”

Prizes are sponsored by Thorneycroft Solicitors, a company which supports the charity in many different ways.

Hospice health care assistant Pam Webster advertises the Sunflower Raffle.

Tickets are available from Hospice reception and

Closing date is July 7 and players must be 18 or over. Winners will be contacted by phone or email.

* Gardens will be open to the public next month when green-fingered gurus show off their pride and joy.

David and Melita Turner open their garden at 18 Highfield Road, Bollington, on June 10 and 11, while Bill and Julie North invite visitors to 60 Kennedy Avenue, Macclesfield, on June 11.

Goostrey Open Gardens involving 15 different venues is on the same Sunday. Full details on the Hospice website.