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East Cheshire Hospice’s first cohort of Live Well Feel Well group

Live Well Feel Well – an appropriate name for the newest support group set up by East Cheshire Hospice.

Seven cancer patients attended the inaugural six-week course at the charity’s Sunflower Wellbeing Centre.

Among them was Anita Kidd, who was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer in March 2020.

Anita said: “We are all at different stages of our various types of cancer. We’ve also undergone various treatments from surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and research trials.

“The group on our course talked through difficult conversations, including planning for the future and how they want to plan funerals.

“This includes pre-booking them and leaving very clear instructions, to take the pressure off family members.

“We even talked about having a wake for friends and relatives to attend and enjoy while we are still alive and can be part of it.

The Live Well Feel Well group with staff from East Cheshire Hospice. From left, Sunflower Wellbeing Centre manager Helen Henshaw; staff nurse Joan-Marie Williams; John Mayer, Sue Horobin, Anita Kidd, Graham Crewe, Sunflower clinical co-ordinator Tracey Pearce and staff nurse Victoria Sayers.

“The course was about giving us strategies to cope. The weekly themes included exercise and how to look and feel good. We also talked about managing fatigue and perceptions of cancer.

“The course is also about building peer support, so those in similar situations can talk. We’ve now set up a WhatsApp group and will meet up again.

“The group was about safe spaces, support to live well with cancer and enjoying returning to work, hobbies and making memories.”

Anita’s cancer is adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea, which means she has limited options for treatment. Thanks to research she is undergoing targeted drug therapy.

She said: “The Sunflower Wellbeing Centre is so pro-active. It’s safe, supports you and can signpost you. They have amazing facilities, with complementary therapy services, including arts and counselling.

“These courses show the Hospice in a different light, bringing together groups of people to feel safe and valued.

“We had conversations we wouldn’t have with our partners. It is also about recognising that some days are just bad days and you’re not the only one having a bad day, but that’s also okay.”

“Part of our feedback to the Hospice is that it would be useful to have a space there for a drop-in session to catch up.”

The second six-week Live Well Feel Well course is under way for anyone with a life-limiting illness.

Participants can self-refer, or be referred by a health care professional. Sessions are between 1.30 and 4 pm on Thursdays.

Sunflower Centre Live Well Feel Well update

Staff and patients hailed the success of the first Live Well Feel Well course run by East Cheshire Hospice.

It took place at the Sunflower Wellbeing Centre, which is now back to normal after Covid restricted day care activities.

Clinical co-ordinator Tracey Pearce said: “It’s great to be fully up and running again with a full programme. We have something on every day.

“We still delivered our programmes via Zoom during Covid and kept in touch with our patients, but it’s just so nice to have people back in the building.”

Tracey said: “The first two Live Well Feel Well courses have predominantly been cancer patients, but they’re open to anyone with a life-limiting illness. The courses run back-to-back.

“The first course went brilliantly and couldn’t have gone any better. Participants formed an amazing bond. Sessions are partly about peer support and encouraging open conversations.

“Live Well Feel Well is a revamped format of our old Living Well programme, but these are shorter and more intense.

Sunflower Wellbeing Centre clinical co-ordinator Tracey Pearce.

“We think we’ve come up with a winning formula and the first group tend to agree.”

The Hospice linked up with Look Good Feel Better, a charity which ran a session on make-up and skin care.

Tracey said: “This part of the course wasn’t just for the women. We had a separate session for men about looking after skin, which can get sensitive during cancer treatments.”

* To find out more call the Sunflower Wellbeing Centre on 01625 665685.

Hospice @Home Nurses share their stories

Going into homes caring for dying patients can be tough.

But it is also highly rewarding, as Hospice @Home nurses at East Cheshire Hospice know so well.

As the service reaches its fifth anniversary, staff have spoken at their pride helping patients at the most precious moment of their life.

Hospice @Home staff (from left) Sally Heaven, Helen Singleton and Gill Tomlinson.

Rapid response nurse Helen Singleton has been visiting homes since the start.

She said: “On that first day five years ago we hit the floor running. We were asked to go to a village I’d never heard of. Within two visits, we had got the patient safe and comfortable and the daughter was relieved.

“Dying is not easy. There is discomfort and there may be pain.

“Carers can be physically and emotionally exhausted, even traumatised. They may feel lonely and isolated and the household becomes chaotic.

“These are the reasons Hospice @Home exists. We endeavour to address all these difficulties, alongside our NHS and social care provider colleagues.”

Helen and colleagues use one of three Hospice cars which have made more than 14,000 home visits, day and night.

She said: “At 3 am on my last shift just by listening, we enabled a couple to make a difficult decision at home. Within a few hours, their wishes had been acted upon and the patient opted to go into the Hospice.

“Like all endeavours we’ve had our ups and downs, but we’ve managed to overcome the downs and have built on the ups. From a small team, we’re now a large team of 25, providing a wonderful array of services round the clock.

“We’ve fostered respect and co-operation with other services and as a hub for East Cheshire we’re a major focus for palliative care provision.

“We couldn’t have done this without our supporters and the donation of the cars has been much appreciated.”

Helen’s comments are echoed by colleagues, some of whom have raised funds for a service they are all passionate about.

Health care assistant Elaine Taylor had her head shaved. She said: “The job is so rewarding. It’s a privilege caring for patients at end-of-life.

“We get lovely messages from families when relatives have passed away, saying they couldn’t have coped without us.”

The service has helped over 1,000 people to die in their preferred place of death, either at home, or in the Hospice. Initially covering weekends and nights, it was extended to 24 hours in 2020.

East Cheshire Hospice daily menu in our kitchen

A typical daily menu for patients at East Cheshire Hospice is:

Breakfast – Cereals, toast, eggs, mushrooms, fresh fruit, yoghurt, omelette, or a full English. 

Lunch – Soup of the day, or pate with toast; followed by Chinese pork stir fry with egg fried rice, or cheddar and red onion tart.

Tea Homemade beef burger on a brioche bun with caramelised onions, followed by chocolate pudding and custard, or jelly and ice cream.

All dietary requirements are catered for and the choice does not end there.

An ‘always available’ menu offers toasties, jacket potatoes, sandwiches, home baked cakes and desserts, hot and cold drinks, milk shakes and smoothies.

The menu changes daily on a three-week cycle. It is seasonal, so alters after three months.

Chef manager Mike Hyland and his caterers ask patients and families for special requests.

Chef manager Mike Hyland (centre) with catering colleagues Brian Woodward and Jade Slater.

Portion sizes are also important to suit individual diet plans. The emphasis is always on sustainability. Even vegetable oil is recycled, often to make biodiesel.

General services manager Michelle Walker-Brown said: “There is very little wastage. We offer a daily specials snack menu to our staff using some of the main ingredients from our homemade daily dishes.”

Free range eggs are used and fish is marine certified. Organic products are used where possible and Bollington butcher JJJ Heathcote provide fresh meat farmed safely.

The Hospice buys Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance products such as bananas, tea, coffee, herbs and spices.

Sustainability at East Cheshire Hospice

East Cheshire Hospice has launched a major campaign this year to become more sustainable.

Changes have been brought in across the charity’s operations as part of concerted eco-friendly initiatives.

Reducing food waste and energy use are among actions taken at its Millbank Drive site. Other measures to reduce the Hospice’s carbon footprint include:

* Ensuring most suppliers and contractors are local to the Hospice.

* Installing solar panels.

* Using reusable crockery, cutlery and drinking cups where possible. A new coffee bar in reception uses biodegradable cups.

* Growing herbs and vegetables in the Hospice grounds.

Catering and housekeeping activities have been a key focus in the environmental push.

The Hospice has managed to cut the amount of food deliveries, while at the same time increasing the choice of menus available for patients.

Cleaning products for sanitisers and floors are now more eco-friendly, while the Hospice has changed recycling contractors to ensure general waste is filtered.

More LED lighting has been installed, with greater awareness of the need to switch off computers and lights when not in use. The energy-saving measures also apply at the Hospice’s four shops.

Likewise, grills and ovens in the kitchen are used more economically, while a scrap metal dealer visits regularly to collect unwanted recyclable goods.

The Hospice even recycles empty ink cartridges, a revenue-generating scheme which is available for the wider community as well as staff.

General services manager Michelle Walker-Brown (left) and Jean Chaddock, head of housekeeping, with environmentally-friendly cleaning products at East Cheshire Hospice.

General services manager Michelle Walker-Brown said: “We try to use our food ingredients in a diverse way, across starters, main courses and desserts to save costs. We also use seasonal produce which lasts longer.

“We’ve trained staff on how to throw away less food safely and removed less popular or time-consuming dishes from our menus.

“We’ve tried to reduce having lots of different stock delivered. We don’t have a lot of storage space, so try to avoid having all fridges and freezers running where possible to save energy.”

The charity made an appeal to the public earlier this year to help fund solar panels.

The Hospice @Home team have introduced a hybrid car, with EV chargers also at the disposal of staff and visitors.

Michelle said: “Our aim is to be a sustainable healthcare system that respects and protects the environment, while continuing to improve the quality of life and care of our patients.”

New in-memory fundraising assistant at East Cheshire Hospice

Volunteering at East Cheshire Hospice gave Amy Williams an idea about a change of career.

The mother-of-three only joined the charity in March, helping day care patients every Tuesday in the Sunflower Centre.

Weeks later she saw that the Hospice were advertising for an in-memory fundraising assistant and decided to give up her teaching job.

Amy Williams, the new in-memory fundraising assistant at East Cheshire Hospice.

Amy, who taught English part-time at All Hallows Catholic College in Macclesfield, has just started her full-time role in the Hospice’s fundraising team.

Amy, from Bollington, said: “I fell in love with the Hospice and when the job came up here it felt like a really good opportunity to develop the relationships I’d built up in the Sunflower Centre.

“I taught for nearly 20 years and loved the job, but was ready for something different. Coming to the Sunflower Centre helped me understand I’ve got transferable skills and can adapt and change.

“I’m still working with people, helping support those who use the Hospice and making a difference for them. For me, helping people is a massive part of my career.”

Amy will continue holding her weekly Sunflower sessions, running activities such as baking, crafts, painting and sewing.

That will help develop relationships with patients and families, a fundamental aspect of her newly-created fundraising role.

Amy, who has sons Gethin (12), Evan (9) and a daughter Megan (7), will also attend meetings with ward colleagues, bringing her closer to inpatients and their relatives.

She said: “Hopefully, I’ll become a face families will recognise and know. If they value the experience and service they’ve had, they may want to give something back and do something in someone’s honour.

“For many, fundraising in memory of a loved one and celebrating that life is part of the grieving process. For some that may come two years later, or two months later.

“When that time comes people may want to get involved. It could be through a funeral donation, a fundraising challenge, holding an event, creating a tribute page, joining our lottery, or volunteering their time.

“The idea is that I meet those families on their journey, so we can tailor their relationship with us. Every family will be different and they might not know quite what to do, or how to approach it. I can give them that guidance.”

* To contact Amy email To set up a Sunflower Tribute visit


Do you count how many steps you walk each day?

East Cheshire Hospice is asking supporters to take one step a day for every £1 needed to run the Hospice.

The Steptember challenge – in September – involves 7,500 steps a day, reflecting the amount of money needed to keep the Hospice going daily.

To sign up visit the Hospice website where walkers can also set up a JustGiving page to help with fundraising.

Challenge Events Coordinator Bethan Wade said: “In the 30 days of September, we’re asking you to strap on your walking boots for this fun, fitness, fundraising challenge.

“Everyone who registers receives a pack including a t-shirt, wristband and a step totaliser to help you keep track of progress, plus other handy items.

“If 7,500 steps a day sounds too much, don’t worry. Taking part is the main thing and if you’d prefer to set a lower target that’s fine.

“We’re not asking people to raise £7,500 with their challenge because that’s an awful lot, but every penny helps.

“So we’d encourage participants to tell everyone what they’re doing and why, and ask them if they’ll sponsor them. Our web page has a quick guide on using a smartphone to track steps.”

* Visit

Step this way…Hospice @Home team members  (from left) Sue Milligan, Rachel Barker, Tess Cleaver and Denise Unwin join the Steptember challenge.

Elaine completes her head shave for East Cheshire Hospice

Elaine Taylor kept her promise to get her head shaved as a show of support for East Cheshire Hospice patients.

One patient in particular who had lost all her hair inspired Elaine, a health care assistant, to face the chop at the hairdressers.

Daughter Jade and daughter-in-law Lorri Taylor were there to witness the big moment.

Elaine, who is part of the Hospice @Home team, said: “I was nervous before and didn’t know what to expect. It was emotional because of why I was doing it and the meaning behind it.

Before…..Elaine Taylor preparing for her head shave.

“It felt liberating and was a bizarre feeling. I didn’t think I’d feel quite as good as I did when I came out.

“My partner Steve O’Neill was pleasantly surprised and said it really suited me. I went into the Hospice to show my colleagues and they were also blown away by it.

“Our dog Eva didn’t flinch when she saw my new look and just wagged her tail.

“I’ve had a lot of support from people at work who understand why I’ve done it because of the patients we care for.

After ….Elaine is congratulated by daughter Jade.

“One lady I’d cared for of similar age, with children and a dog like me, had quite an effect on me. Sadly, she didn’t have any choice whether she lost her hair.

“I love my job and can’t imagine doing anything else.”

Elaine has easily beaten her initial fundraising target, raising more than £1,700 so far.

*  To support Elaine visit

Alison takes to the skies for East Cheshire Hospice

The bravery shown by her patients will act as a spur for Alison Arnold when she faces her own fears.

Alison will join other daredevils in a wing walk in aid of East Cheshire Hospice where she is a health care assistant.

Alison joins two other Hospice @Home team colleagues inspired to get involved with fundraising activities by the courage shown by the patients they visit.

Jo Helm undertakes a Sahara trek later this year, while Elaine Taylor is having a sponsored head shave.

Seeing how patients and their families cope with the challenges at end-of-life, supported by the Hospice, motivated them.

Alison, who joined the Hospice in January, said: “I’d worked in the community a lot with vulnerable people in different kinds of roles, but never with those at end-of-life.

“I just instantly connected with patients, realising that not long into my second week.

“Until then I’d always been a little bit frightened about death and when my dad Peter passed away in 2017, I didn’t understand the different stages he was going through with his cancer.

“There was no-one there explaining it to me, so wasn’t able to make such a good connection with him towards the end of his life.

“When I started working at the Hospice I was absolutely blown away by the dignity and respect paid to people at end-of-life and how we support them to have a good death.

“I just feel really proud to be working for the Hospice. It’s a privilege and humbling.

“Working with such caring and compassionate people, I felt settled the minute I entered the Hospice so it was important to me to try to do something.”

Alison Arnold who is part of the Hospice @Home team which goes out to visit patients.

Friend John Mycoe will be there to see Alison sit on top of a 1940s Boeing Stearman biplane over a  Gloucestershire airfield on July 11.

Alison said: “I’ve a fear of heights, so the first challenge for me is getting up the ladder to climb on to the plane.

“I’ve seen frightened patients facing their fears head-on in the latter stages of life and can’t know what that’s like, but this is my way of connecting with fear and trying to overcome it.

“I’m very cautious – the most daring thing I’ve done is climb Mam Tor. Colleagues who’ve done the wing walk said it’s a wonderful experience and I won’t regret it.”

* To sponsor Alison visit

New to the team, Lindsey Rial

One of Lindsey Rial’s first engagements after joining East Cheshire Hospice was to attend a royal engagement with Prince Charles!

The Hospice’s new Senior HR Advisor joined her ex-boss Andrew Hodgson at a special VIP thank you function at St James’s Palace.

Wine and canapes were served to around 200 guests in recognition of their services to community pharmacy during the pandemic.

Lindsey Rial and Andrew Hodgson who were  royal guests as a thank you for their services to community pharmacy.

The inoculation programme at Andrews Pharmacy, on Kennedy Avenue, Macclesfield,  was one of the success stories of the mass vaccination roll-out.

It was one of the first three community pharmacies nationwide to start giving jabs 18 months ago  and has administered up to 200,000 doses since.

Up to 600 jabs a day were given initially as part of an operation involving more than 170 staff and volunteers. Nurses from the Hospice helped out at a time when their Sunflower Centre was closed.

Lindsey, who was then HR and business manager at Andrews, said: “It was a real thrill for Andrew and me to be invited. I was the only non-health care professional there – everyone else was a pharmacist or doctor.

“Working on the vaccination project was the highlight of my career and I don’t think I’ll ever top what we’ve done there, which had a great impact on the community.

“It is a massive achievement for everyone and not just the vaccination clinic. The pharmacy staff had to deal with 500 people a day walking through the door and at the beginning prescriptions were delivered to vulnerable patients told to stay at home. Our volunteers were a major part of that operation.”

Andrews still administers around 200 Covid jabs a day to the young and old. Lindsey is helping out there once a week initially before a full-time switch of jobs to the nearby Hospice.

“I felt I couldn’t go any further in that role and wanted to concentrate on my HR knowledge here at the Hospice.

“Working with the girls from the Sunflower Centre showed me what a lovely place this is and completely took away any stigma about Hospice care.

“It’s an opportunity I couldn’t miss and part of my role is looking at support for ward staff dealing with end-of-life care.

“That aspect can make recruitment difficult at times, but the nurses here will tell you it’s such a wonderful place to work. Our website lists vacancies and we’re always looking for bank staff.”