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Former team-mates continue to honour the memory of football fanatic Col Smith.

Former team-mates continue to honour the memory of football fanatic Col Smith.

The Macclesfield Parish manager died of cancer in 2020, aged 52.

Col Smith

Ever since, two teams he played for – Parish and St Peter’s which are part of the same club – have staged an annual charity match as a tribute.

The latest encounter at St George’s Park, Windmill Street, raised £278 for East Cheshire Hospice where Col spent his final days.

A close game ended in a 2-1 victory for St Peter’s which meant they retained the Col Smith Memorial Trophy.

Players from Macclesfield Parish and St Peter’s at this year’s memorial game. 

Col, of Higher Hurdsfield, was ill for 10 years but stayed involved with club which plays in the South Manchester and Cheshire Christian Football League.

He combined a passion for football with his deep love of the Christian faith and was a member of Bollington Life Church.

Parish manager David Mayers said: “We continue to stage the match in honour of our friend and former player and manager. St Peter’s lead the series 2-1 after a draw the first year.

“We don’t have to push the players to take part. They want to be part of it because a lot of them have friends or relatives who’ve been cared for by the Hospice.

“It’s a big part of many people’s lives in Macclesfield and we’re delighted to raise funds for such a good cause.”

The Cinema Show performance is back for 2023

Revisit the 1980s during a night of nostalgia at MADS Theatre in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

The decade’s iconic moments feature in a unique live music and film show staged by The Cinema Show on Saturday, October 14, at 7.30 pm.

Stand by for tributes to Live Aid, MTV and the dawn of the mobile phone age during ‘Living in the 80s.’

Fashion, sport, video games and the end of the cold war also feature.

The electronic group blend sound and film archives – shown on an old-style cinema screen – with music to create an original twist on the decade.

The Cinema Show performing.

Founder Doug Skelton said: “The 80s were an eclectic mix of music and our aim is to appeal to all different tastes with something for everyone.

“We want to create a party atmosphere and acknowledge some of the more emotive songs from a fascinating decade.”

Doug plays guitar and keyboard, with uncle Dave Skelton on drums and Beth Moss on piano and synths. Doug’s older sister Jacqui handles live sound arrangements for the show.

The group will release an album of their latest work, entitled ‘Superpower Games’, to coincide with the performance.

A blast from the past … 80s style.

The event is sponsored by Intersafety, a local family-run business, to mark the company’s 21st anniversary.

The Macclesfield-based company distributes personal protective equipment, clothing and workplace safety products.

Doug, head of digital marketing, said: “We’re aiming to raise £5,000 for the Hospice which is a superb cause. Everyone knows about the charity and its wonderful work in the community.

“It’s an ambitious target, but with the support of the public and our customers and suppliers we’re hoping to turn it into one of Macclesfield’s biggest music events this year.

“We performed at MADS last year and this show has since been refreshed and updated with energy and colour.

Dave Skelton and Doug Skelton.

“It’ll be a nostalgic audio-visual trip down memory lane for many and will hopefully have widespread appeal to a certain generation.

“We mix historical samples and commentary with modern music to create our songs. Related film archives and footage form the stage backdrop.

“Our family have connections to the Hospice with two family members patients there.”

The Cinema Show raised more than £1,700 for the Hospice from last year’s show.

* To buy tickets priced £9 (£5 for under-15s)  visit ticketsource.co.uk/the-cinema-show

Will you take on Fire and Ice walk this November?

Are you brave enough to walk over fire and broken glass?

The challenge is issued by East Cheshire Hospice which has organised Fire and Ice Walk 2023.

The tea time event is on Thursday, November 9 at a location to be decided. Participants can do both challenges or just one.

The hot coals walk has been a fixture on the fundraising calendar, but now the glass element has been introduced.

Hot work … Jean Ham (left) and sister Denise Fraser-King at last year’s Firewalk.

Daredevils aged 16 and over can take part and experts will hold a full indoor safety briefing beforehand.

Hospice fundraiser Claire Gorton said: “Walking on burning embers has been a popular activity for Hospice fundraisers and now we’ve added the thrilling option to walk on glass.

“It’s the ultimate mind over matter challenge and for those scared by the prospect, this is the perfect chance to overcome nerves and defeat your fears.”

Participants will receive a t-shirt and certificate. The two walks are £50,  with a single entry £30.

Claire said: “The registration fee only covers the cost of the event so we urge supporters to raise additional sponsorship which will go directly towards caring for patients.

“It costs more than £7,500 to keep the Hospice running for one day, so every penny raised is important.

“You can be assured that the impact your support will have on local families who can benefit from Hospice services at one of the most difficult and emotional times will be huge and greatly appreciated.”

To sign up visit eastcheshirehospice.org.uk/events/fire-and-ice-walk/

East Cheshire Hospice nurse becomes a video star

One of the newest nurses at East Cheshire Hospice has become a video star.

Lucy Roberts features in a ‘Day in the Life’ film explaining what it’s like to work on the ward.

The five-minute story is being sent to businesses to promote the charity’s 500 Club in which members pledge to raise £500 a year.

The camera started rolling within weeks of Lucy starting her job in January, shortly after she qualified.

Nurse Lucy Roberts during filming for an East Cheshire Hospice video.

Lucy studied a two-year masters degree at Chester University after working in care homes and getting a degree in health care.

Lucy said: “I did a 12-week placement here and fell in love with the Hospice. I quickly realised I wanted to work here and nurses and health care assistants encouraged me to apply when a vacancy came up.

“I seemed to fit in, they knew me and I felt supported. Ward clerk Julia Wild then put my name forward when the video idea came up.

“I wasn’t sure I could do it at first but knew it’d be good experience and really enjoyed making the film away from my shifts.”

Lucy narrates the film, giving an insight into her job. She said: “If you ask a nurse what a typical working day is like they’d probably just laugh at you.

“No day is typical in the health care world. Every day is different.

Morning briefing… Lucy with one of the student nurses.

“Most people enter the nursing profession to help heal patients, but for me it’s an honour to care for patients with terminal illnesses so they can pass away comfortably surrounded by their family.

“My shift starts early at 7.30 am and can finish 14 hours later. Our building is light, airy, full of smiles with a feeling of being at home.

“It can be a really stressful time for families so when we welcome a new patient and their family to the hospice our aim is to take as much anxiety away as possible.

“A big part of my day is talking to patients and family members about the care we provide.”

* For more details on joining the 500 Club and to watch the video visit  eastcheshirehospice.org.uk/500-club

Email queries to lisa.ball@echospice.org.uk.

Dementia Companion John Gray shares his story

Volunteer John Gray is hoping others follow in his footsteps by becoming a dementia companion for East Cheshire Hospice.

The retired engineer spends two hours a week going for a walk and a coffee with a dementia patient.

The Hospice needs more volunteers and John has a simple message for anyone tempted to help.

East Cheshire Hospice volunteer John Gray.

He said: “Give it a go. I find it extremely rewarding and it’s nice to give something back.”

John only started six months ago once renovations on his new home in Macclesfield were finished. He and wife Susan moved from St Helens to Macclesfield to be closer to their daughter.

He said: “When we were finally settled in the house I thought it was time I did some volunteering and contacted the Hospice.

“The man I go out with has become a friend. His short-term memory isn’t good but we manage fine and he brings his dog along. We always fit a coffee stop into our route.

“The break gives his wife who cares for him valuable respite and an opportunity to do something else for a couple of hours.

“I’d recommend getting involved and I know the Hospice are keen to recruit more dementia companions.

“The support from the Hospice is fantastic. They help you every step of the way.” John is also a ward volunteer for the charity.

Angela O’Mahony, from the Hospice volunteering team, said: “We’re looking for friendly, caring people willing to give a few hours every week to offer companionship to someone experiencing dementia. Volunteers are given full training and support.

“Caring for someone can be a tough job and wearing no matter how much we love them. Both the carer and the person experiencing dementia will benefit from a change of scene once a week.

“Every case varies with different circumstances, but it’s about connecting with that person. Our volunteers love working with people, it’s interesting and rewarding.

“We rely heavily on our volunteers and without them the Hospice wouldn’t be here.”

* Contact Angela on 01625 610364, or email angela.omahony@echospice.org.uk

National Volunteers Week has been running in the first week of June. The Hospice has a team of 375 volunteers who do a range of roles working at the charity’s headquarters and in the community.

New security cameras fitted at Chestergate shop

A security company has stepped forward to foil thieves who stole from East Cheshire Hospice.

The firm has installed a three-camera system at the charity’s shop on Chestergate which opened almost a year ago.

The company has asked to remain anonymous.

Volunteers Judith Bayley (left) and Joan Nadin at the Chestergate shop which has had security cameras fitted.

They immediately answered an appeal for help from the Hospice which became frustrated by sneak thieves who pinched goods during shop opening hours.

Designer menswear, cameras, perfume and candles were among items taken.

The Hospice now has CCTV installed thanks to the kind-hearted company who acted swiftly once they heard about the charity’s plight.

Hospice commercial manager Louise Delany said: “It was extremely generous of the company to come forward to offer this help.

“We now have a sophisticated camera security system in place which includes an intruder alarm and that should deter would-be thieves who will be caught on camera.

“The company insisted they didn’t want any recognition for their work. The owner just said ‘I think this is the right thing to do. I just want to help.’

“That’s unbelievably generous. They couldn’t do enough for us. The survey of the shop and installation was all done in the space of four or five days.

“I just don’t understand how people can steal items which our donors have so generously given to us. It baffles me to be honest.

“Thankfully, this story has a happy ending, showing the kinder side of human nature.”

Fliss, along with family, will attend Starlight Walk in memory of late Mum

They treated her like a queen! A daughter’s description of how East Cheshire Hospice looked after her late mum.

When Tanis Richards saw her daughter Fliss get married in Crete last August, there was no sign of the cancer that would take her life four months later, aged 68.

Fliss, along with sisters-in-law Amanda and Emma, are taking part in the Starlight Walk as a thank you to the Hospice.

The event will be at Capesthorne Hall on Thursday, April 27, at 6 pm, with the walk starting at 7 pm.

Fliss said: “She was an amazing mum and an amazing grandma. It all happened very quickly.

“Mum was fine at the wedding, got poorly in September and was told she had cancer the following month.

From left, Tanis Richards with daughter Fliss and daughters-in-law Emma and Amanda. 

“She died on December 1 and spent her last two and a half days at the Hospice. She wasn’t there long, but staff were wonderful with her and us. They treated her like a queen.

“The whole family were there at the end, telling stories and laughing and joking. Mum’s last day on earth was how she would have wanted and that was only possible thanks to the Hospice.

“We wouldn’t have been able to do it anywhere else. They made it feel like home and made a very awful situation bearable.

“We want to give something back so we’re doing the walk and we know how much it costs to run the Hospice.”

Dad Dennis, along with Fliss’ younger triplet brothers Gareth, Christopher and Anthony, will be there to wave them off at the walk.

So will daughter Bella who received a book from a nurse which she reads when feeling sad. Bella, one of six grandchildren, was also given a Grief Bear knitted by Hospice volunteers.

Fliss said: “It was the little touches which made things easier. As a family we’re lucky we’re very close and losing mum has made us make the most of life.”

* To sponsor the family visit www.justgiving.com/team/Teamrichardsgirls

The dusk-time woodland walk, sponsored by Ford dealers Sidney Jackson, is over a 2.5km loop. The last set off time is 8.30 pm, with the event closing at 10 pm.

Entry only covers the event cost, so organisers are asking walkers to raise at least £50 in sponsorship, or make a £50 donation to the Hospice when registering.

To register visit the Hospice website.

Camino Trail Tribute

Close friends of East Cheshire Hospice’s late chaplain Margaret Lillis will undertake a poignant walk in her memory.

Old school pal Bridget Fenwick will be joined daughters Clare and Yvonne and son-in-law Ori for a trek along the Camino Trail in northern Spain.

The family aim to raise £10,500 from the 115-kilometre walk from October 14-21, a trip organised by the Hospice.

Margaret Lillis with Bridget and her daughters (from left) Clare, Yvonne and Anne-Marie.

Margaret, who died last May, was godmother to Yvonne and taught her when she was deputy head at St Edward’s Catholic Primary School in Macclesfield.

Yvonne said: “Mum and Margaret were best friends at school in London. She was a fun teacher and loved the guitar and singing.

“She adored the Hospice and took our son George on days off to give biscuits to the nurses.

“She was cared for by the Hospice and they were just incredible. It’s a spiritual walk and Margaret was a spiritual person, so it’s appropriate this is in her memory.

George Costello with Margaret Lillis.

“The route looks beautiful, but we’re slightly scared because of the training we’ve got to do. We walk our dogs, but that’s about it.”

The family are holding a fundraising ceilidh at Mottram St Andrew village hall on April 15. Everyone welcome and for tickets visit bookceilidh.eventbrite.com.

Margaret Lillis and goddaughter Yvonne Costello.

Musicians who performed at Margaret’s 70th birthday party five years ago at the same venue are making a return appearance.

Silent auction prizes include a kit worth £1,000 to convert a cycle to an electric bike.

* To donate visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/thecamino4

Yvonne Costello and husband Ori Hellerstein who are walking the Camino Trail.

Singing Together’s new venue!

Singing and dancing is putting a spring in the step of dementia patients at East Cheshire Hospice.

Live monthly musical entertainment at Broken Cross Club is the perfect remedy for them.

Classes had to move from the Hospice’s Sunflower Wellbeing Centre due to their popularity.

Around 50 Singing Together members meet between 10.30 am and noon on the first Friday of each month.

From left, singer Tony Boyle with volunteers Ann Marriott, Tessa Hughes and Tracey O’Keefe and Hospice staff Debbie Callow and Paul Dale.

They enjoy a musical trip down memory lane, while entertained by singer and guitarist Tony Boyle.

The sessions are run by Admiral Nurse Debbie Callow and dementia nurse Paul Dale, a committee member at Broken Cross.

Debbie said: “We’d outgrown the Hospice premises and had reached the point where we were going to have to start turning people away. We didn’t want to do that so looked for an alternative venue.

“The club have been brilliant and we can’t thank the manager Linda Longden enough.

Enjoying the spotlight….dancers Richard and Rosemary Yorke.

“We have a proper dance floor. One wheelchair user couldn’t really join in before on the carpet at the Hospice and had difficulty moving around easily.

“Now her carer spins her round the dance floor and she’s joining in which is lovely to see.

“Patients don’t necessarily have to dance and the sessions definitely have a positive impact on people.

“Some might not communicate as much, but if the right song comes on it just triggers something and suddenly they’re up dancing.

“A lady came last month for the first time and her daughter had to plead with her to get out of the car to come in. She didn’t want to do it, but by the end had made lots of friends and told us how much she loved it and asked if she could return.

Strutting their stuff…the Singing Together group get into the groove. 

“Someone may be losing their ability to have a conversation and forget certain words, yet put a song on and they can remember all the words.

“The brain remembers anything with rhythm differently to everyday language. Singing helps trigger memories.”

Patients need a dementia diagnoses to attend. Contact 01625 666990 for more details from the Hospice.

Linda has worked at Broken Cross for more than 20 years, the last 14 as manager.

She said: “We’re delighted to hire out the room free of charge to the Hospice, as we do for all fundraising events held in aid of the charity. Our members are always keen to help such a wonderful local cause.”

Reverend Dr Marion Tugwood joins East Cheshire Hospice

The new chaplain at East Cheshire Hospice is no stranger to the charity.

Reverend Dr Marion Tugwood was a regular visitor to the Hospice in her role as minister at Macclesfield United Reformed Church.

Marion spent 10 years with the church and often provided pastoral care for patients at end-of-life and their loved ones.

Her first official duty in her new role was the Light Up a Life service at St Michael and All Angels Church in December.

She said: “The service took place two days after I started so I was thrown in at the deep end, but it went well and people seemed to value the time to reflect on the life of their loved one. The church was full for this moving occasion.

Reverend Dr Marion Tugwood, the new chaplain at East Cheshire Hospice.

“My brief is to look after the whole Hospice, so I’m here for volunteers, staff as well as obviously patients and their relatives.”

From 2018, Marion held a wider role assisting 12 churches, including Macclesfield, as part of a Missional Partnership for the United Reformed Church.

She said: “The role involved training and equipping churches to be more self-sufficient without relying on a single minister.

“It was about building skills and increasing people’s ability to evangelise and to work with their own communities.”

“My chaplaincy work is similar to what I did before as I’m using my worship leading skills. But in other ways it’s different as there is greater emphasis on pastoral care.

“I’m getting to know families, patient and staff and am delighted to be part of a charity which is so highly regarded in east Cheshire and beyond.”

“The atmosphere here is calm and peaceful. People aren’t rushed in the way they are in some other care settings.”

For the last seven years Marion has helped run 15th Macclesfield Sea Scouts Group.

She was a founder of the Street Angels project in Macclesfield, a church initiative set up 12 years ago.

She said: “The job of Street Angels is to bring calm. We’re out on Saturdays between 10.30 pm and 3 am and pick up people who’ve fallen over. We also give out flip flops and bottles of water to people who may be the worse for wear.

“We’re not the police and not the council and just hang out and interact with people enjoying themselves and having a good time.”

To find out more about chaplaincy and view upcoming services, events and news, please go to www.eastcheshirehospice.org.uk/spiritual-support.