Volunteering Archives - Page 3 of 6 - East Cheshire Hospice

Befriending Service at East Cheshire Hospice

East Cheshire Hospice has launched a new befriending service for those in the last year of life who feel isolated and those who care for them.

Users do not need to be a Hospice patient to take part and they can ask their nurse, doctor or social worker to refer them.

The Hospice is also looking for more volunteers willing to befriend those in need.

The pilot project, funded by Cheshire East Council, is run by the Hospice Voluntary Services Co-ordinator Helena Smith.

Helena Smith who has set up a new befriending service at East Cheshire Hospice.

Helena said: “Isolation and loneliness, which have a real impact on health, are the key themes here. People might not use other Hospice services and might need only this from us and that’s fine.

“It’s for those with palliative care needs and is a really effective way to support their non-medical needs, which we increasingly recognise should have parity with physical health.

“The mental health benefits you get from social contact, and knowing someone cares, are really important.

“It is worth stressing that carers can also feel isolated and this project is also for them.”

Users need a referral from a health or social care professional, like a GP or district nurse.

Helena is looking not just at the medical network of palliative care teams and GP surgeries to find users.

She said: “In addition, I’m also contacting social prescribers, social workers, churches, community groups and food banks. I want to see who can benefit.”

In her spare time Helena is a befriender for Pure Insight, a charity supporting care leavers.

She said: “It gives me great pleasure watching the young person I see in an evening flourish. I know I’m making a difference and know befrienders will get that same feeling from this service. I know it can be done.”

Helena already has a dozen volunteers and wants more, hoping flexible arrangements at weekends and evening will not dissuade full-time workers.

She said: “Volunteers have different skills, whether it’s offering advice, setting up a computer or referring to other organisations, in addition to kindness and caring.

“Basically, it’s doing what you or I might do for someone we care about, but if people are isolated they don’t necessarily have someone to fight their corner like that.

“Volunteers need to be patient, kind and good listeners with a couple of hours a week to give.”

* Call the team on 01925 664984 or email volunteers@echospice.org.uk for more details.

Volunteering at Chestergate shop

Volunteering is how Sue Brumby is repaying East Cheshire Hospice for caring for her late husband Lawrence.

He died in 2017 and spent four nights at the Hospice, just three months after the Macclesfield couple had celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

The care for Lawrence (68), who worked for ICI, was so good that Sue wanted to stay within the Hospice family.

Hospice volunteer Sue Brumby at the Chestergate charity shop.

Sue said: “Lawrence had an inoperable liver tumour and nothing could be done for him.

“The Hospice went that extra mile and I was able to stay with him at the Hospice. I wanted to give something back since they were so kind to our family.”

Sue worked for Tesco for almost 25 years before retiring, retail skills which are now being put to good use at the charity’s shops at Thornton Square and Chestergate.

Sue said: “I volunteer one morning each week at both shops. The Chestergate shop has a completely new look and it’s great to welcome our customers back.”

Chestergate reopened last month after closing due to the pandemic.

Hospice commercial manager Louise Delaney said: “Sue’s an example of the support and dedication shown by the community towards the Hospice.

“We couldn’t do without our volunteers and if there’s anyone else out there who wants to give time please get in touch.

“The Chestergate store is also in need of donations of clothing and accessories. We’d also like electrical items, but no toys and books.”

Any interested volunteers can call 01625 511997.

Serenity Garden Follow Up

Volunteers of all ages turned out in force to help create the new Serenity Garden at East Cheshire Hospice.

Thanks to their efforts, almost 1,000 plants are now growing in a courtyard transformed into a floral haven for patients and visitors.

Tons of compost created from green bin collections had already been brought to the site as part of the charity’s eco-friendly initiative.

StairBox staff on a 20-mile walk through the Peak District. 

Bollington families then joined regular gardening volunteers and corporate helpers from StairBox to put in the shrubs, herbaceous perennials and grasses.

Garden designer and maker Ben Darlington, The Wild Gardener, who designed the garden and is supervising the project, said: “I want to say a big thank you to all involved in helping.

“The work would have taken a single gardener more than two weeks, so the volunteer effort represents a huge saving to the Hospice.

“The aim is to create a garden that looks good all-year round, so rather than a single grand explosion of colour, it’s more of a quietly beating backing track that patients and families can enjoy whatever the month.”

The finishing touches due in the autumn are six small trees, lots of bulbs for spring interest, and a bench for moments of reflection.

Macclesfield company Lawn Stripes and Hedges have also been heavily involved in the project, including raising funds.

Hospice Corporate Fundraiser Lisa Ball said: “It was a pleasure to have StairBox employees here for a  volunteering day. They certainly had a shock when they saw thousands of plants which needed planting!

StairBox staff on a 20-mile walk through the Peak District. 

“We couldn’t have done this project without them and can’t wait to see the garden flourish. Patients and their families will now be able to enjoy a beautiful garden.”

In addition, StairBox employees raised more than £2,000 for the Hospice from a 20-mile Ultimate Peak District Walking Challenge, a total the company will match-fund.

Meanwhile, as part of the charity’s environmental drive it is appealing for help to buy solar panels for its Millbank Drive site.

Each roof panel costs £562.50 and any surplus donations will be put towards the Hospice’s general running costs. To donate visit www.eastcheshirehospice.org.uk/solar-panel-campaign.

The requirement for Hospice services is also expected to increase in the next few years due to more complexity at end-of-life.

Installing solar panels will mean more future donations will go directly to patient care.

Become a volunteer van driver!

East Cheshire Hospice is appealing for volunteer van drivers to help move furniture.

The role involves collecting furniture from donors’ homes and delivering items to the charity’s shops in Macclesfield, Poynton and Handforth.

The stock then needs to be taken out to customers’ homes.

Commercial manager Louise Delany said: “We’d love people to join our retail van crew and shifts are usually from 9 am until early afternoon.

“Volunteers can commit to once a week, once a fortnight, or on an ad hoc basis, depending on availability.

Volunteer van drivers John Mellor (left) and Tim Hine.

“Our team love what they do. It’s friendly and rewarding and really helps raise vital funds for our Hospice.

“We can raise about £10,000 a month from furniture donations and that makes a big difference to us.  Helpers are also raising the profile of the Hospice.

“Every time our van goes out in the neighbourhood, it makes the Hospice that bit more visible, and our volunteers are representing us.

“No experience is required, but you must be fit enough to move furniture around with a colleague. You don’t necessarily have to drive – we also need people to help carry items.”

* To apply, contact mslack@echospice.org.uk or call 01625 408992.

Meanwhile, the Hospice raised around £30,000 from a rug sale. Some 1,400 surplus rugs were donated to the Hospice. Around 500 are left and are on sale at the charity shops.

Elspeth Retires from volunteering after 33 Years

One of our longest serving volunteers Elspeth Julian has retired after 33 years with the Hospice.

Elspeth, from Prestbury, has been an adult bereavement counsellor almost since the day the Hospice opened its doors in 1988.

A special afternoon tea marked Elspeth’s farewell and well-earned retirement.

It also gave colleagues the chance to thank her for her vital role helping countless families who have lost loved ones.

Reluctantly, Elspeth was absent from her part-time duties for more than a year because of the Covid-19 restrictions.

She said: “I’ll miss being part of such a worthwhile organisation with its welcoming atmosphere but all good things come to an end I suppose.

“When the Hospice was setting up bereavement services I was invited to join a small group of volunteers to visit the relations of patients who had died there.

“I’d been a social worker, and a Samaritan, and so had some experience of counselling skills. Back then, we went out into the community and saw people in their homes, so quite a lot of travelling was involved.

“After I left my job as a special needs teacher 18 years ago, I underwent formal training to become a counsellor.

“There’ve been lots of changes over the years and the bereavement service is far more structured now with children’s services as well as those for adults.”

Elspeth now has more time to spend with husband David, their three children and four grandchildren. She enjoys playing Bridge, visiting Dorset and is looking forward to travelling further afield again as soon as possible.

Elspeth Julian who is retiring after 33 years as a volunteer at East Cheshire Hospice.

Elspeth added: “I’m humbled that people have chosen to talk about their problems. The greatest joy has been feeling that I may have been of some help at such a difficult time.

“My message to anyone bereaved is that if you feel there’s something worrying you that you can’t happily talk to friends and family about, then consider speaking to a counsellor who will listen non-judgementally and not give advice but help you find your way through.”

Helena Smith, the Hospice’s Voluntary Services Co-ordinator, said: “The work Elspeth has done for the Hospice not only supports the people she directly counsels, but ripples out into their families as their resilience grows.

“These ripples, both big and small spreading out across the 30-plus years she’s volunteered for us, adds up to a remarkable contribution to our community.”

Wing Walking Grannies

Fictional fighter pilot Biggles is back in the skies for his next heroic adventure – this time as fearless flying grannies.

Age is no barrier for the five fundraisers who will climb on top of a classic 1940s Boeing Stearman biplane for a wing walk next month.

Health and safety requirements prevent them from wearing helmets, goggles, sheepskin jackets and scarves for their aerial stunt in aid of East Cheshire Hospice.

The outfits belong to Hospice volunteer Barbara Spivey who, at 74, is the oldest of the granny squadron.

She has run Spivey’s Web, a fancy dress shop on Chestergate which also sells unusual gifts, for 30 years with daughter Donna.

Donna has declined the challenge, unlike her brave mum who sported the outfits with fellow wing walkers to promote the flights.

Barbara said: “I’m an avid traveller and always fancied a wing walk. I went close to Everest base camp aged 64 and have visited places like Iran, Kazakhstan and South America. Travelling is the be all and end all for me and I’ve a friend who runs wildlife tours.”

Barbara has been a ward volunteer at the Hospice for 15 years but has been unable to help here for more than a year because of Covid restrictions.

Her late sister-in-law was cared for in a local hospice, persuading Barbara to become a volunteer.

Friend Jacky Macleod is also taking part in the wing walk at an airfield in Gloucestershire on Monday, June 21.

Jacky said: “I was a trolley dolly a long time ago and am trying not to think about being strapped to the top of a plane.”

Between them, the women have 18 grandchildren, eight of them for Hospice health care assistant Pam Webster.

Pam said: “I did a sky dive 15 years ago and it was brilliant. A wing walk has been on my ‘to do’ list and one of my grandchildren is convinced I’m going to fall. Another has said I’m mad, while my mum wonders what on earth I’m doing.”

Colleague Caroline Allen and complementary therapist Gill Black are the other grandmothers  sponsored for the challenge.

Gill said: “I like to do a challenge every year and have done a Firewalk before. I’m nervous, don’t like heights and am not too keen on flying. However, I’ll probably feel better on the outside of a plane rather than the inside.”

Four of the granny squadron. From left, Pam Webster, Gill Black, Jacky Macleod and Barbara Spivey.

Volunteers Begin Cautious Return

East Cheshire Hospice is bringing back volunteers slowly following the Covid crisis.

Volunteers on the ward and in the Sunflower Centre could be among the next roles to return.

The Hospice is proceeding with extreme caution to meet Covid safety guidelines.

Voluntary Services Co-ordinator Helena Smith said: “The clinical roles are the hardest to get back because of infection control, even though they’re very much needed.

“We’re trying to reduce footfall in the ward and clinical staff have been undertaking work usually done by volunteers who bring something extra.”

Drivers for day care patients and receptionist staff came back some time ago.

Helena said: “We’ll be in touch with people as and when roles become available. Not knowing what the future holds makes it difficult to plan ahead with confidence.

“If you’re not back yet and you want to come back, we want you back when the time’s right. Anyone who’s volunteered here before can come back if they wish.

“I must pay tribute to our fundraising volunteers who’ve adapted magnificently, selling masks, hand-made goods and cakes etc to friends and neighbours.

“They’ve been creative and generated a huge amount for us, as has everyone else. The community has offered to help as volunteers and it’s been hard turning them down.

“Volunteering is good for mental and physical health. It’s been hard knowing the people who work so hard for us aren’t able to do what they love.

“They want to contribute but can’t and have found that really difficult.”

Helena Smith, Voluntary Services Co-ordinator at East Cheshire Hospice.

Hospice Gardening Volunteers

Tending to plants and patients is all in a day’s work for Lindsay Taylor at East Cheshire Hospice.

There she is among a dedicated band of volunteers making the gardens at the Millbank Drive site look their best.

Other times the all-rounder swaps her gardening gloves for her nurse’s uniform caring for patients on the ward.

Lindsay, from Macclesfield, even managed to do both jobs in one day owing to her lifestyle.

She retired as full-time nurse 18 months ago, but stayed on as a member of the bank staff.

Lindsay now works an average of two shifts a week, freeing her up to help out in the gardens.

She said: “One day last week I was in the gardens in the morning and then worked as a nurse in the afternoon.

“I love it. I’ve been a nurse for almost 40 years, including the last six years at the Hospice before retiring, and can now pick and choose the days I work.

“On the ward I often thought I’d like to be out there doing some gardening and now I’ve got the best of both worlds.

“I’d say I’m more enthusiastic than able as a gardener, but I enjoy being out in the fresh air pulling up weeds.

“As a nurse I also know what it means to patients to see the gardens from either the Sunflower Centre, or the bays on the ward. Patients and families can also come out and enjoy the open space and flowers.

“It’s been a challenging period for everyone at the Hospice and the toughest period nurses have known.”

Other volunteer gardeners include Pat Dawson and Gail Robinson whose roles as flower arrangers had to be temporarily suspended because of Covid-19 restrictions.

Pat has been brightening up the ward with her floral arrangements for more than 20 years and also volunteers at fundraising events.

“I help out in all kinds of ways, including car parking, registration, open days and collection boxes. It’s nice to meet other volunteers as well and get to know their different interests.”

Gail’s husband Lawrence drives the Hospice’s furniture van and volunteers at the Christmas tree collection.

Gail said: “I enjoy gardening and look forward to flower arranging again once restrictions are eased and we’re allowed to get back in. We know friends who’ve benefitted from being in the Hospice and it’s such a lovely place.”

Some of the Hospice gardening team. From left, Mark Reddiough, Pat Dawson, Nev Wardle, Gail Robinson and Lindsay Taylor.

Better Late Than Never For Christmas Tree Collection

East Cheshire Hospice finally held its long-awaited Christmas tree collection last week, three months later than planned.

A reduced team of 25 volunteers collected around 1,100 trees after lockdown restrictions were eased.

Five vans shuttled across the region delivering trees to the Ansa recycling plant at West Park, Macclesfield.

More than 6,000 trees had been registered for collection, with most donors disposing trees themselves when the scheme was delayed because of Covid-19.

However, organisers promised to collect trees once rules changed and, true to their word, honoured that pledge.


From left, Tina and Richard Raymond with co-founder of the collection Pete Chapman and Hospice Community Fundraiser Carley Macey.    


Scheme co-founder Richard Raymond said: “We want to thank the people who kept their trees for their patience. We had great fun collecting them, even though our team was smaller in number.

“The postponement in January was a devastating decision we had to take and was a blow to all our plans.  But there we were, doing it again and this time with more daylight hours which meant we could collect for longer.

“It’s important to thank our amazing volunteers for their commitment to doing the job in this Covid crisis.

“They were really excited to be out there and felt cheated they couldn’t go out and pick up trees in January.

“There was no shortage of volunteers and some wondered why we were doing it during the week, preferring the collection to be at the weekend when they weren’t working.

“We realise it wasn’t the big happy band it normally is, but we’ll be back in business with a full scale operation as usual next year.”


Volunteers Sally and Pete Broughton collecting Christmas trees.


The collection, sponsored by AstraZeneca and adhering to Covid guidelines, saw two volunteers on each van with routes mapped out.

Organisers will announce soon the total raised this year, a sum increased by donations from those even without a tree for collection who contributed once they knew how much the Christmas tree scheme means financially to the Hospice.

Richard said: “The goodwill has been amazing and we also want to thank from the bottom of our hearts  those who made a donation and disposed of trees themselves.

“It’s made an enormous difference to the Hospice to have the Christmas tree collection money coming in, especially at the turn of the year when, in normal circumstances, there aren’t many fundraising events. That was the case even more last winter because of Covid.”

James Bunker – Christmas Tree Collection Volunteer

*Please note that the Christmas Tree Collection has now been postponed and some information in this article may be out of date. For more information click here.*


James Bunker was not even born when East Cheshire Hospice’s first Christmas tree collection took place in 2001.

But the teenager is now a key part of operations as the scheme celebrates its coming of age this weekend (Jan 9-10).

He was just 13 when he first volunteered for the collection with his dad Richard by joining the team on vans collecting trees for recycling.

James, who is 20 in March, is still out on the vans collecting trees each January, but is also increasingly involved in the planning and co-ordination process, assisting organisers Richard Raymond and Pete Chapman.

He was on the helpline before and after last year’s tree collection, spending the actual weekend on a round with his dad.

Richard and Pete began the pioneering collection which now collects around 7,500 trees and raises in excess of £100,000 for the Hospice each year.

James said: “Richard and Pete do an absolutely incredible job organising and co-ordinating the collection each year, spending more than three months on the event with all the planning.

“I’m still quite young, but I’m keen to do as much as I can to help them and pick up tips on how it works so that in future years I can help as much as is needed.

“The Hospice are keen to ensure the long-term sustainability of the collection to make sure it carries on for years to come as it’s such a vital part of their fundraising.”

James is a manager in Wilmslow for Mitchell’s and Butlers who operate pubs, bars and restaurants all over the UK. He also freelances as an event manager for large-scale public sporting events and  works on major Hospice fundraising events.

James Bunker and Richard Raymond, co-founder of the East Cheshire Hospice Christmas tree collection scheme.

Route planning company 121 Systems optimises journeys for the 40-strong fleet of vans, a service it provides voluntarily to more than 50 charities.

Managing director Chris Sisson said: “There are a number of reasons we help East Cheshire Hospice. The collection brings the community together, donations go directly towards caring for patients facing challenges at end-of-life and trees are recycled so there are also environmental benefits.”

The company is one of many providing support, including main sponsors AstraZeneca. Organisers are asking tree customers to be patient about collections of their tree due to Covid restrictions.

* For any queries email echtrees@echospice.org.uk or call the Customer Care Helpline 01625 708939.