Complaints - East Cheshire Hospice



Whilst we strive to provide the highest standard of care to all of our patients, there may be instances in which you feel unhappy with part of the service you have received and we would like to be able to learn from these occasions and improve our service accordingly.
All complaints will be taken seriously and investigated fully. If you wish to make a complaint, you can do so either verbally or in writing.

Verbal Complaints

If you would like to report a complaint verbally, please inform a member of staff who will make sure you have the opportunity
to speak to a staff member in charge.
They will then take all the details of your complaint and pass it on to management who will deal with the request and put the necessary steps in place to improve our services for the future.

Formal written complaints

If you prefer to put your complaint in writing please include as much detail
as possible in your letter and address it to the Hospice Director.
The Hospice Director, with the support of the Senior Management Team, will ensure your complaint is fully investigated and will write back to you addressing every issue you raise. In some cases you may be invited into
the Hospice to discuss the matter further. In either case you will receive an acknowledgment letter describing how your complaint is being looked into.

Who else can you contact with
comments, compliments or complaints?

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and adult social care services in England and, as such, regularly formally review the services we provide to ensure we are meeting essential standards of safety and quality. They are happy to receive any comments, compliments or complaints which help them to monitor the services provided.
With regard to complaints, they do not deal with them individually but will note your concerns.

NHS Complaints procedure

As East Cheshire Hospice receives some grant monies from the NHS you could make a complaint through the NHS Complaints procedure by contacting your local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Details of how you can do this can be found on the NHS Choices website at


If you are not satisfied with the findings or outcome of your complaint you have the right to refer the matter to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman at:

How to donate to East Cheshire Hospice

Thank you so much for choosing to support East Cheshire Hospice. You may never know how much your gift means, but we know that it will make the world of difference to our patients and their families.