How to donate to East Cheshire Hospice
Thank you so much for choosing to support East Cheshire Hospice. You may never know how much your gift means, but we know that it will make the world of difference to our patients and their families.
Fallibroome Academy has again earned top marks for its amazing support for East Cheshire Hospice.
The school raised £7,000 for the charity from its Jingle Jog before Christmas, bringing the total donated over the last eight years to an amazing £49,180.
The Fallibroome contribution helped raise £41,407 before Gift Aid from the Hospice’s latest Reindeer Rush in December. Some 29 schools were involved.
Under starter’s orders …students at Fallibroome Academy stage their Jingle Jog.
The Hospice has a special place in the hearts of everyone at Fallibroome after caring for one of the Academy’s late teachers.
Every pupil attending the last week of term defied bad weather to walk, run or jog round the athletics track at the nearby Everybody Macclesfield Leisure Centre.
PE teacher Lucy Bradley, one of four Academy community managers, said: “We hold several charitable initiatives in the year and the Hospice event is always our big one.
“We know of students’ parents and grandparents who’ve used the Hospice services, while students have also accessed its counselling services after relatives were treated there.
Head teacher Ross Martland in Santa outfit with Jennifer Dunn, assistant head of PE.
“The Hospice ask students to raise at least £3 to cover the cost of envelopes and reindeer ears and we were astonished how much was donated. The average donation was probably £30.
“We thank everyone for their generous support. Parents and students appreciate what the Hospice does and why we need it.
“We hold assemblies for every year group to explain the different ways people use the Hospice. It is described as ‘a place where people come to live’ and we explain why to students.”
Back to all newsThank you so much for choosing to support East Cheshire Hospice. You may never know how much your gift means, but we know that it will make the world of difference to our patients and their families.