Georgia Leah is on a mission to raise funds for East Cheshire Hospice - East Cheshire Hospice

Georgia Leah is on a mission to raise funds for East Cheshire Hospice

Georgia Leah is on a mission to raise funds for East Cheshire Hospice, inspired by her husband’s story and the cost of caring for patients.

Family and friends have helped the Macclesfield mum raise around £10,000 so far.

A Snowdon climb and sky dive have already been completed since Leon died in the Hospice in March 2023.

Georgia and daughter Ruby have also taken part in the Starlight Walk twice to honour his memory.

A family fundraiser … Ruby, mum Georgia with Hannah Middlebrook and Freya Eeles at the Starlight Walk in April.

Georgia said: “We want to give back in any way we can. It’s our way of saying thank you to the Hospice for looking after Ruby’s dad.

“She asks to see the nurses every week and we go in as often as we can.”

The Hospice are highlighting the Leah family story as part of an appeal to raise the £9,362 needed every day to keep its services running. Only 21 per cent of funding comes from government.

Georgia and Ruby Leah.   

The Hospice say…

£13 could go towards a week’s worth of tea and coffee for families, helping them feel at home in the Hospice.

£38 could go towards specialist medical training to effectively manage patients’ pain, enabling people like Leon to feel more like themselves at a time when every moment matters.

£740 could pay for one night’s stay on our ward, giving families like Georgia’s dignity and space to make special memories.

* Visit the Hospice website to donate.

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