How to donate to East Cheshire Hospice
Thank you so much for choosing to support East Cheshire Hospice. You may never know how much your gift means, but we know that it will make the world of difference to our patients and their families.
Raise spirits, possibly eyebrows and most importantly money by organising a karaoke competition! Go as big or as small as you like with this idea, from multiple age categories and styles to a more simple setup, you can make a song and dance about it as much a you like. Simply raise money by charging your singers a small fee to enter, and/or by charging an entry fee for your audience. You’ve got to admit, it’s an impressive pitch!
There’s some great ideas and advice here to plan a successful karaoke competition, but this is something that you can really make your own depending on what your capacity is to host it.
It costs £7,500 to keep the Hospice running for 1 day, so every penny that you can raise is important. You may never know exactly how your support will help but you can be assured that the impact your support will have on local families who can benefit from the Hospice services at one of the most difficult and emotional times will be huge and ever so appreciated.
Thank you so much for choosing to support East Cheshire Hospice. You may never know how much your gift means, but we know that it will make the world of difference to our patients and their families.