Our beautiful Memory Tree is located in the garden to the side of the Hospice and is accessible without the need to go through the main entrance. There are benches and privacy, making it the perfect place to reflect and remember a loved one.
The Memory Tree is there for family, friends and supporters who wish to dedicate a leaf in memory of a loved one and raise vital donations to the Hospice. Each of its 400 leaves can be inscribed with a short message. It is a wonderful way to leave a lasting tribute to the lives of those we wish to celebrate and remember.
The Memory Tree also marks 35 years of the Hospice serving our local community: we are so grateful for the on-going support of others to allow us to provide care and compassion to families for so many years.
To dedicate a leaf to your loved one, we ask for a donation of £120, which can be made as a one-off payment or as monthly instalments of £10. To pay monthly or yearly please visit complete the online order form below.
There are quarterly deadlines for ordering leaves throughout the year. The leaves are then installed the following month. The deadlines for ordering your leaf throughout 2025 are:
- Friday 14th March
- Friday 13th June
- Friday 12th September
- Monday 8th December
Your leaf will remain on the tree for a year, at which point you can choose to either renew its place for another year or we can return the leaf to you for you to treasure at home.
For more information about our Memory Tree or if you have any questions, please contact Nicole on (01625) 708934 or email at nicole.hunt-lines@echospice.org.uk.
Gifted by Astra Zeneca Colleagues
AstraZeneca was one of our original supporters to help fund the Hospice. The Memory Tree marks the long-standing and special relationship AstraZeneca has with the Hospice: we thank them for their wonderful support over the years.
If you would like to pay for a full year by cheque, please send a one payable to ‘East Cheshire Hospice’ for £120 along with the downloadable order form below to East Cheshire Hospice, Millbank Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 3DR.