Leave a Gift in your Will - East Cheshire Hospice

Leave a Gift in your Will

Your legacy is our future

Gifts from wills, also known as legacies, are incredibly important to us. Since the Hospice was founded, legacy gifts have made up an essential portion of our voluntary income, helping to fund care for as many as 1 in 3 of our patients.

Every single legacy, no matter how big or small, is very much appreciated and makes a real difference. Even 1% of your estate – which is the term used for everything you leave behind – would help us to continue providing our very special, high quality services free of charge to local people in future years.

Why make a will?

Making a will and keeping it updated ensures that your assets go where you would want and that your wishes are fulfilled. If you die without a valid will (the legal term is ‘intestate’), it can make things very difficult for those you leave behind, and they may also end up with costly legal fees.

Gifts to UK registered charities, like East Cheshire Hospice, are free of Inheritance Tax. This means that the full amount you intend to leave to your chosen charity is received by the charity, rather than 40% going to the Government. More importantly for your family, leaving charitable gifts in your will can reduce the Inheritance Tax payable by your estate.

Should you decide to remember the Hospice in your will, please make sure to include our:

Full name: East Cheshire Hospice

Address: Millbank Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 3DR

Registered charity number: 515104

If you already have a will and would like to leave the Hospice a gift

A simple inexpensive document called a codicil can be added to your will.

If you do need to write, update a will or add a codicil, we recommend you speak to a solicitor for advice. Local solicitors can found through the Law Society or the internet.

If you would like to speak to someone personally about this, we would be delighted to speak to you. To contact us please telephone 01625 666991 or email legacy@echospice.org.uk, or complete the contact form below.

Will Week

East Cheshire Hospice holds an annual event each October, during which local solicitors kindly donate their time so that local people can write or amend their will in return for a donation to the Hospice. To find out more visit our Will Week page.

Legacy Contact Form


How to donate to East Cheshire Hospice

Thank you so much for choosing to support East Cheshire Hospice. You may never know how much your gift means, but we know that it will make the world of difference to our patients and their families.