Adult Therapy - East Cheshire Hospice

Adult Therapy

If you, or someone you know is eligible and would like to receive adult bereavement counselling from East Cheshire Hospice, please click here to download the referral form.

Coping with bereavement

Grief is a normal, multi-faceted human response to all forms of significant loss; leaving a job, moving house or ending an important relationship, for example. Often we associate grief directly with death – a subject that we usually avoid – and that may be why some people need extra support.

East Cheshire Hospice is here for our patients and their families should they need us, pre- and post-bereavement.

Helping you through

In the case of providing extra support through bereavement, our trained and empathic counsellors offer psychological support and a kind ear. You may feel more comfortable in a 1-to-1 meeting with a counsellor, or you may prefer to join the regular Bereavement Support Group, or our Forest Therapy Group.

Always facilitated by a qualified counsellor, the Bereavement Support Group covers common issues and situations for families post-bereavement.


Adult Counselling at East Cheshire Hospice is available to carers, family and close friends of people who have died in the three years preceding referral where loved ones accessed Hospice services in some way. For example:

• Inpatients
• Outpatients
• The Sunflower Well-being Centre
• Hospice @Home
• Community services

We are now also able to provide pre/anticipatory grief counselling to carers and family members who’s loved one is currently using the services of East Cheshire Hospice.

Adult counselling is available to those living within the East Cheshire Hospice geographical boundary.

If you, or someone you know is eligible and would like to receive adult bereavement counselling from East Cheshire Hospice, please download and return the East Cheshire Hospice Adult Bereavement Service Referral Form at the bottom of the page.

If you would like to find out more, are unsure of anything, or would like to speak with someone from the team, please fill in the online form via the link below.

How to donate to East Cheshire Hospice

Thank you so much for choosing to support East Cheshire Hospice. You may never know how much your gift means, but we know that it will make the world of difference to our patients and their families.