Runner Luke Hughes to take on London Marathon for East Cheshire Hospice - East Cheshire Hospice

Runner Luke Hughes to take on London Marathon for East Cheshire Hospice

Runner Luke Hughes was surprised to learn he is taking part in the London marathon.

Luke was among a record 840,000 applicants who entered the ballot for the run on Sunday, April 27.

Around 50,000 runners have places with Luke raising money for East Cheshire Hospice where he is a fundraiser.

Luke said: “I applied for the London marathon on a whim with a couple of mates and was the only one who got in.

Luke Hughes who is preparing for the London marathon.

“I was shocked to be honest. I suspect my pals are probably glad in the end that they weren’t successful.

“After last year’s event there was a big buzz on social media and that made me think of doing it. I didn’t expect to get a place. It can take years to be accepted.”

Luke only started running early last year and completed a 30k training run last month.

He said: “I almost caved in near the end but pushed myself as I’m going to have to run another 12k on top of that distance in the marathon.”

To sponsor Luke visit

Luke and Hospice colleagues are busy preparing for the charity’s Starlight Walk at Capesthorne Hall on Thursday, May 15.

The route is 2.5k with the option to cover multiple laps. The memory walk has lighting, lanterns, fire pits, points of reflection and other features.

Gates open at 6 pm with the walk from 7 pm. There will be live entertainment with food and drink stalls.

* To register visit

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