Do you have items that you would like to donate to our shops?
In our four charity shops, we rely on your generous donations of good quality, pre-loved goods to help to raise money for the Hospice.
If you have specific questions for one of our shops, please feel free to follow and message them on Facebook. All Facebook page details can be found on our Shop Locations page.

Thornton Square
Open Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 4:30pm
Donations accepted daily.

ECHO Poynton
Open Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 4:30pm
Donations accepted daily.

Open Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 4:30pm
Donations accepted daily.

Open Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 4:30pm
Donations accepted daily.

Open Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 4:30pm
Donations accepted daily.
We really appreciate the amazing generosity of all who donate items to our charity shops. The money raised in our shops is a hugely important income stream for the Hospice, helping to keep our services available and free for those that need them.
However, please bear in mind that we are only able to sell items that are in good condition and not broken, dirty or smelly. Unfortunately, we often receive donations that are unsuitable, and this actually costs the Hospice money and time since staff and volunteers must sort them and we must pay to dispose these items responsibly.
Please note we can’t accept donations of the following:
- Furniture that does not comply with safety standards
- Children’s cots, pushchairs
- Crash helmets and other safety equipment
- Computer equipment
- Roller blades and skateboards
- Microwaves and white goods
Gift Aid it!
If you are a UK taxpayer we could claim an extra 25% in Gift Aid from HMRC on the value of the items you donate to our shops at no extra cost to you. This means for every £10 worth of Gift Aided goods sold we are able to claim an additional £2.50 from the taxman, making your donation go further.
Please ask about signing up to Gift Aid when dropping goods off at our shops
For furniture collection, please fill out the Furniture Collection Form or call 07917 942273.